Year | Bodies received from Donation | Bodies received from Unclaimed Source | Total Number of Bodies |
2018 | 25 | 02 | 27 |
2019 | 35 | 01 | 36 |
2020 | 20 | 02 | 22 |
2021 | 08 | 02 | 10 |
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1. Dr. Hemlata Ambade, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. Ashita Kaore, Assistant Professor.
Study of incidence of ponticulus posterior in dry human atlas vertebra and its clinival significance (International Journal of Anatomy and Research, 2023, Vol. 11(1):8583-86)
2. Dr. Ashita Kaore, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur).
Study of depth of acetabular cavity of hip joint with articular cartilage in dissected cadavers in hydrabad region, (Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, Vol 14, Issue 01, 2023)
3. Dr. Hemlata Ambade, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. B. P. Thakre, Assistant Professor; Dr. Ashita Kaore, Assistant Professor.
Study of variation in the number of pulmonary vein and its drainage pattern, (European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, Volume 13 Issue: 1 - 2023)
4. Dr. K. P. Wankhede, Associate Professor (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur).
The scope of virtual dissection modalities in today's technological era over the conventional anatomical teaching, (Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University 2023).
1. Dr. M. Y. Dofe, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. S. D. Kashyap; Assistant Professor, Dr. N. Y. Kamdi; Professor
Evaluation of Length of Styloid Process of Temporal Bone to Find any Changes in its Length as the Age Advances. (Indian Journal of Research, Volume -11, Issue -3, March -2022.
2. Dr. F. N. Shaikh, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. S. D. Kashyap, Assistant Professor, Dr. N. Y. Kamdi, Professor.
Incidence of myocardial bridges over coronary arteries in human cadaveric heart, (Journal of Cardiovasular Disease Research, Vol. 13, Issue 4, 2022.)
3. Dr. Hemlata Ambade, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. Ashita Kaore, Assistant Professor; Dr. B. P. Thakre, Assistant Professor.
Study of disparity of opinion between anatomical examination of bones and police history in medicolegal cases, (Journal of Forensic Medicine and Law, 31 (2) (2022) 11-14)
1. Dr. H. V. Ambade, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. Kirti S. Nemade; Associate Professor, Dr. N. Y. Kamdi; Professor
Study of Students Feedback on the Skill Module in Foundation Course in First Year MBBS Curriculum (International Journal of Medical Sciences and Education Vol. 8 Issue: 2 (April-June 2021).)
2. Dr. Arun Kasote; Professor & Head (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. Soniya Parchake, Assistant Professor; Dr. Meena Meshram; Professor, Dr. Nilesh Tumram; Associate Professor.
Macroscopic Cranial Suture Closure in An Adult Population: Is It Reliable for Estimating Age? (Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences & Forensic Medicine 2021; Volume 3 Issue (1).
3. Dr. S. A. Talokar, Associate Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. A. M. Wahane, Associate Professor.
Scapular glenoid cavity in central indian population: a morphological study. (International Journal of Anatomy radiology and surgery. 2021 July, Vol. 10 (3): AO18-AO21)
1. Dr. Tarkeshwar Golghate, Associate Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Shruti Mamidwar; Associate Professor, Mansi Shrivastava; Tutor.
Dorsalis Pedis Artery and its Anatomical Variation in A Cadaveric Study (Indian Journal of Anatomy / Vol. 9 no. 2 / April - June 2020)
2. Dr. Madhuri M. Dofe, Assistant Professor, (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. K. S. Nemade, Associate Professor, Dr. N. Y. Kamdi, Professor.
Morphometric Study of Mastoid Process for Determination of Sex by using 3D CT Scan. (Indian Journal of Anatomy / Vol. 9 (1) / January - March 2020)
1. Dr. Ashita Kaore, Assistant Professor, (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. Ashish Kamdi, Assistant Professor, Dr. N. Y. Kamdi, Professor.
Anatomical Study of Remnant of Left Venous Valve in the Adult Heart. (Scholars International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology / Page no. 47-48 / Feb 2019 / 2019.)
2. Dr. A. M. Wahane Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, GMC Nagpur, Dr. R. A. Nandanwar, Department of Anatomy, GMC Chandrapur.
A Study of Palatal Indices and Foramina in the Hard Palate of Adult Human Skulls in Central India Region. (International Journal of Anatomy and Research / Vol. 7 (2.1) : 63 / 97-103 / 2019)
3. Dr. A. M. Wahane Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, GMC Nagpur, Dr. R. A. Nandanwar, Department of Anatomy, GMC Chandrapur.
Study of Styloid Process in Dry Human Skull: Identification of Sex from Interstyloid Distance in central india region. (Scholars International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology / Page no. 102-107 / March 2019 / 2019.)
4. Dr. Bharat Thakre, Assistant Professor, (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Vaishali Sarve, Assistant Professor GDC Nagpur.
A Study of the Shape, Height and Location of the Lingula in Dry Human Mandibles. (International Journal of Anatomy and Research / 2019 )
1. Dr. H. V. Ambade, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. A. P. Kasote, Professor; Dr. M. P. Fulpatil, Professor.
Medicolegal Cases for Bone Examination: 11 Year Retrospective Study (Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine / Volume 40 Number 1 / January - March 2018)
2. Dr. Pranjali Rathod, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. S. W. Shembekar, Assistant Professor.
Morphometric Study of Posterior Horn of Lateral Ventricle & its Correlation with Age & Side; a CT Study (International Journal of Anatomy and Research / Volume 6 Issue 2 : 4901 - 05)
3. Dr. S. D. Kashyap, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. A. P. Kasote, Professor.
Study of Variation in Origin of Profunda Femoris Artery & Internal Diameter of Femoral Artery in Human Cadavers (Indian Journal of Anatomy / Volume 7 Number 2 / March - April 2018)
4. Dr. Pranjali Rathod, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. S. W. Shembekar, Assistant Professor.
Histology of Coronary Arteries in Relation to the Coronary Sclerosis. (Journal of Human Anatomy / Vol 2(2) / 000129 / 2018)
1. Dr. K. S. Nemade, Associate Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. N. Y. Kamdi, Associate Professor; Dr. M. P. Fulpatil, Professor.
Assesment of Age of Epiphyseal Union Around Pelvis in Maharashtra (Indian Journal of Anatomy / Volume 6 Number 4 / Page no. 475 - 481)
2. Dr. H. V. Ambade, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. M. P. Fulpatil, Professor; Dr. A. P. Kasote, Professor.
Persistant Metopic Suture with Multiple Sutural Bones at Unusual Sites (International Journal of Anatomical Variation / Volume 10 Number 3 / September 2017)
3. Dr. S. D. Kashyap, Assistant Professor; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. T. D. Golghate, Associate Professor; Dr. A. P. Kasote, Professor.
Study of Variation in Origin of Medial Circumflex Femoral Artery in Human Cdavers (Indian Journal of Applied Research / Volume 7 Issue 12 / Page No. 280-284)
4. Dr. I. P. Jaiswal, Junior Resident - 3; (Department of Anatomy GMC Nagpur), Dr. M. Y. Dofe, Assistant Professor; Dr. A. P. Kasote, Professor ; Dr. M. P. Fulpatil, Professor.
Skull with Multiple Wormian Bones: Report of Two Cases (Indian Journal of Anatomy / Volume 6 Number 4 / October - December 2017)
Dr. A. M. Wahane, Associate Professor Department of Anatomy (2017-2020)
Dr. Deepali Jaiswal, Junior Resident 1 Department of Anatomy (2017-2020)
Morphometyric assesment of orbit and foramen magnumin dry skull and ct comparison.
Dr. A. P. Kasote, Professor Department of Anatomy (2015-2018)
Dr. Isha Jaiswal, Junior Resident 3 Department of Anatomy (2015-2018)
Study of Sex Chromatin in Primary Amenorrhea Patient's and Their First Degree Relatives.
1. 4 March 2023 - Hands on bone marrow aspiration & biopsy workshop jointly organized by department of Pathology & Anatomy.
2. 16 & 17 Sept. 2023 - Cadaveric Spine Workshop, organized by Board of Education, Neurological Society of India in Association with Nagpur Neuro Society.
3. 16 Dec. 2023 - Hands on bone marrow aspiration & biopsy workshop with cadaveric demonstration, jointly organized by department of Pathology & Anatomy.
International Seminar on Bioethics in the COVID Pandemic organized by D. Y. Patil Education Society, Institute Deemed to be University, Kolhapur, in Association with Department of Education International Program of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Haifa on 2nd October 2020.
Attended by following faculty :
Conference cum Workshop on "Demystifying Self Directed Learning" on 14th December 2019, Oeganized by Centre of Medical Education Technologies All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur.
Attended by following faculty :
67th National Conference of Anatomical Society of India, held at Department of Anatomy VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, on 18th to 20th November 2019.
Attended by following faculty :
"Genetics and Genomics in Human Health & Diseases" organised by Centre for Genetics & Genomics Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha on 7th & 8th December 2018.
Attended by following faculty :
18th Annual Conference of Neuro Spinal Surgeons Associations of India in association with Nagpur Neuro Society. Held on 28-30 September 2018.
Attended by following faculty :
7th National Conference of Society of Clinical Anatomists, held at All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal, on 3rd and 4th February 2018.
Attended by following faculty :
Reviced basic workshop in Medical Education & Technology (MET) on 23rd to 25th January 2018.
Attended by following faculty :
PEDICON 2018 Nagpur, 55th National Conference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics Organised by: Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Hosted by: Academy of Pediatrics, Nagpur, on 2nd and 3rd January 2018.
Attended by following faculty :
1. Body Donation form is available on News and Event Section.
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