Because of rapid strides made in the science of Medical Microbiology, separate department of Microbiology was set up after the division of Pathology department in the year 1972. Dr. Usha Hardas was the first Head of the department. The Department of Microbiology caters to all clinical departments for diagnosis of emerging and reemerging infectious diseases, study of antimicrobial resistance and investigations of infectious disease outbreak.
The teaching faculty of the department comprises of 24 staff members and 30 non-teaching/technical staff and 56 residents. We have 25 sanctioned posts of residents who get registered for MD Microbiology every year. Our MD is recognized by MCI. At present the Prof. and Head is Dr. Sunanda Shrikhande.
Clinical role of microbiology laboratory
1 Implementation of appropriate and standardized laboratory diagnostic techniques for patient management
2 Quality control and Quality assurance systems for all the tests employed in our lab
3 Thorough investigations of outbreaks of various infectious diseases
4. Surveillance of hospital acquired infections
5. Antibiotic policy and stewardship
6. Education and sensitization of medical and paramedical staff for hospital infection control, HIV and STIs.
Facilities available
There are different sections in microbiology laboratory with different subspecialties.
I) Regional STI Training and Referral Laboratory (RSTRRL)
II) Hospital Infection Control program
Active contribution in Hospital Infection Control (HIC) program. Department undertakes
III) Integrated disease surveillance program (IDSP):
It is a State referral lab for confirmation of outbreaks of infectious diseases.
IV) HIV Diagnostic Laboratory (HDL)
It is a State reference laboratory for 65 centers of Nagpur division.
HDL comprises of
The CD4 laboratory participates in the regular EQUAS programme.
V) Sentinel surveillance for vector borne viral infections mainly Japanese encephalitis, Chikungunya & Dengue.
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List of Indexed Publications by faculty in the year 2020
1. Meshram RB, Gajbhiye SR, Raut SS. Biofilm Production by the Organisms Causing Osteomyelitis in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2020;6(1): MB06-MB09. [Indexed: Copernicus]
2. Bhise SM, Taiwade PD, Zodpey SS, Agarwal VA. Scrub typhus in rural areas & suburbs of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. The Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2020;151(1):104-106.[Indexed: Pubmed]
3. Agarwal V, Agrawal G, Bazare B, Zodpey S. Analysis of WHONET surveillance data of antimicrobial sensitivity of uropathogens in a tertiary care hospital: An indicator to empirical antimicrobial treatment for urinary tract infection. J Clin Diagno Res 2020;14(9): DC05-DC09.[Indexed: DOAJ, Embas, Web of Science]
4. Mohod S, Khadse R, Chavan S,Raut S. Study of Candida species isolated from different clinical specimens. Int J of Scientific Res. 2020;9(2)[Indexed: Indian citation index, PubMed]
5. Sharma P, Tore R, Naikwade S.Study of HSV-2 in genital ulcer disease. Int J of Scientific Res.2020;9(3). [Indexed: Indian citation index, Crossreference]
6. Chavan S, Raut S, Khadse R, Tore R. Microbiological profile and antimicrobial resistance pattern of blood culture isolates in a tertiary care teaching institute in Central India. Indian J of Medical Science & Innovative Res.2020;5(1):217-25.[Indexed: Pubmed, Copernicus]
7. Mishra M, Bajare B, Zodpey S. Retrospective Study of HIV-TB Co-infection among patients attending ICTC in Nagpur,Central India. GJRA. 2020;9(12):1–3.[Indexed: Indian citation index, Crossreference]
8. Wandre AS, Agrawal GN. Antibiogram of clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus from a tertiary care centre. International Journal of Research & Review 2020;7(2): 307-10.[Indexed: Copernicus]
9. Bhise S, Taiwade P, Agarwal V. Performance of an immunochromatographic assay for rapid diagnosis of Scrub Typhus in an outlying healthcare facility. Int J App Res. 2020;6(10):794–6.[Indexed: Indian citation index, Crossreference]
10. Ukey U, Sharma S, Bhalavi S. Cross sectional study of awareness of nurses from Central India about Covid 19. GJRA. 2020;9(7):160–2.[Indexed: Indian citation index, Crossreference]
11. Meshram RB, Gajbhiye SR, Raut SS. Study of Organisms Causing Osteomyelitis in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2020;9(1):33-8.[Indexed: Copernicus]
List of Indexed Publications by faculty in the year 2021
1. Pandhare SN, Arjunwadkar VP, Gaikwad SK, Bhamare S. Clinicomycological study Of Candidemia inadult patients. Indian J of App Res. 2021;11(12):3–5[Indexed: Indian citation index, ]
2. Sheikh R, Chavan S, Khadse R, Raut S. Bacteriological profile and antibiotic susceptibility from cases of otitis media in tertiary care hospital. Indian J of Res. 2021;10(10):25–7.[Indexed: Indian citation index]
3. Thakare G, Chavan S, Raut S, Tore R. Comparative study of E-strip and VITEK-2 for vancomycin MIC for Staphylococcus aureus at tertiary care centre. Indian J of App Res.2021;11(11):8-10.[Indexed: Indian citation index]
4. Gajbhiye S, Channe N, Shrikhande S. Changing Trend of Dermatophyte Infections: A Five Year Study.Int. J. LifeSci., 2021;7(2): 2788-2793.[Indexed: Indian citation index]
List of Indexed Publications by faculty in the year 2022
1. Bajare B, Kalbhor P, Tankhiwale S, Shrikhande S. Spectrum of Fungal Isolates of Clinical Specimens from Tertiary Care Hospital. Int J of Scientific Develop and Res. 2022;7(8):83–7.[Indexed: DOAJ]
2. Channe N, Bhise S, Bawankar N, Gajbhiye S, Shrikhande S. Onychomycosis: Dermatophytes and yeasts to non-dermatophyticmoulds: A rising trend in Central India.Int J of Scientific Develop and Res.2022;7(12):71–6.[Indexed: DOAJ]
3. Pandhare S, Rahangdale V, Dwivedi S, Agarwal G, Zodpey S. Antibiotic resistance pattern of bacterial pathogens isolated from pus in a tertiary care hospital of Central India. Int J of Scientific Res. 2022; 11(9):74–6. [Indexed: Indian citation index]
4. Murhar R, Gajbhiye S, Shrikhande S. Use of GENEXPERT (CBNAAT) indiagnosis of SARS-COV-2.Int J of Scientific Develop and Res. 2022;7(8):713–6.[Indexed: DOAJ]
5. Sharma N, Channe N, Kalbhor P, Gajbhiye S, Patil A. Sunanda Shrikhande. Mycological profile of Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) samples in respiratory infections in a tertiary care centre. Int J of Scientific Develop and res.2022;7(8):494–8.[Indexed: DOAJ]
6. Patil D, Patil A. Shrikhande S. Isolation, speciation and antifungal drug suscepibility of Candida species isolated from various clinical specimens in a tertiary care hospital. Int J of Scientific Develop and res. 2022;7(11).[Indexed: DOAJ]
7. Gedam S, Mukhi J, Deogade K, Sharma M, Gosawi S, Agarwal V. Etiological profile of genital ulcer disease in patients attending a regional center for sexually transmitted infections in Central India- A 5 years analysis (2017-2021) Ind. J Appl Res.2022;8(5):274–7.[Indexed: Indian citation index]
8. Lalhmunsangi J, Bhise S, Katkar V, Surpam R, Roy S. Pattern of bacterial infections among children with Sickle cell disease in tertiary care hospital of Central India. J Clin Diagno Res 2022;16(8).[Indexed: DOAJ, Embas, Web of Science]
9. Chikte S, Raut S, Meshram P, Chavan S. The impact of short-term training program for nurses in operation theater regarding environmental surveillance in operation theater in a tertiary care hospital in Central India. Ind J of Scientific Res. 2022;11(08).[Indexed: Indian citation index]
10. Farooqui S, Raut S, Chavan S, Tore R, Khadse R. Study of multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter in Intensive care unit patients. Int J of Scientific Res. 2022;11(07). [Indexed: Indian citation index]
List of Indexed Publications by faculty in the year 2023
1. Bankar R, Quazi M, Bawankar N, Bajare B, Shrikhande S. Seroprevalence of Dengue in Rural Areas of Central India.Int. J of Scientific Res. 2023;12(1).[Indexed: Indian citation index]
2. Gajbhiye SR, Channe NM, BajareBP, Shrikhande SS.Study of Mucormycosis in Covid and Post-Covid patients from a tertiary care hospital in Central India. Int J of Scientific Develop and res. 2023;8(1):964-9. [Indexed: Indian citation index]
3. Sabne S, Zodpey SS., Bajare BP.Study of fungal infections in HIV/AIDS patients in tertiary care hospital: A cross-sectional study. Intl J of Sci Res. 2023;12(1):57-60.[Indexed: Indian citation index]
4. Agrawal GN, Bawankar NS, Meher A, Agarwal V, Zopey SS. Minimizing error in susceptibility testing of ciprofloxacin by disc diffusion test using both pefloxacin and ciprofloxacin discs. International J Scientific Res 2023;12(2):1-3.[Indexed: Indian citation index]
5. Bajare B, Robinson P, Kokate S, Zodpey SS. Clinico-demographic profile and seroprevalence of dengue at a tertiary care hospital in Central India. Global J of Res. Analysis.2023;12(4). [Indexed: Indian citation index]
6. Datkar R, Agrawal GN, Gosavi SS, Deogade KS, Sharma MK, Agarwal VA. Recent trends in seroprevalence of syphilis in different patient groups attending a regional centre for sexually transmitted infections in Central India. Int J Res Med Sci.2023 Jun;11(6): 2202-5.[Indexed: PubMed]
7. Murhar R, Gajbhiye S, Zodpey S, & Lichade S. Evaluation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by conventional methods, GeneXpert and line probe assay in cases of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2023 Jun;11(6), 2082–2089. [Indexed: PubMed]
8. Majumder D, Gajbhiye SR, Channe NM, Bajare B. Schizophyllum spp. in Covid-19- A Series of Ten Cases from a Tertiary Care Hospital of Central India. IJMBS [Internet]. 2023 Dec 5 [cited 2023 Dec 19];7(11). Available from:
List of Indexed Publications by faculty in the year 2024
1. Kokate S, Da I Nesha B L, Sharma P, Thangjam R, Zodpey S S A Descriptive study on the incidence and bacteriological profile of device associated infections (Dai) in intensive care units (ICUS) At tertiary health care centre in central India.
2. Khetan S. Gajbhiye S. Shrikhande S. Karade K, Jichkar S. Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Tuberculosis testing and reporting.SSR Inst Int.J life Sei.,2024 Jan: 10(1); 3452 - 3456. [Indexed: PubMed]
3. Gupta T., Chavan S., Raut S. Nitrofurantoin susceptibility pattern in Uropathogens : A comparative analysis of antimicrobial resistance Int J of*
Scientific Res. 2024;13(1). [Indexed: Indian citation index]
4. Lyngdoh D, Channe N , Gajbhiye S , Ghatge D, Shrikhande S . Aspergillus terrus infection from a chronic oral ulcer of an immunocompromised patient: A Case Report. International Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Research , Volumne 6 , Issue 1 , Jan- Feb 2024, page 545-547
5. Bawankar NS, Agrawal GN, Zedney SS. Linezolid susceptibility in MRSA isolates: insights into resistance and concordance in phenotypic detection methods. Int J Res Med Sci. 2024 Feb; 12(2): 507-11.
6. Sharma R, Channe N, Pandhare S, Wanjare V, Sharma DrN, Shrikhande S. First reported case of Phoma multirostrata from central India. Microbiologia Medica 2024;39.
7. Khetan S, Gajbhiye S, Shrikhande S, Karale K, Jichkar S. Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Tuberculosis Testing and Reporting. SSR Institute of International Journal of Life Sciences 2024;10:3452–6.
8. Agarwal S. Emergence of Carbapenem Resistant Non-Fermenting Gram-Negative Bacilli Isolated in an ICu of a Tertiary Care Hospital. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH 2017.
9.Bajare B, Lonare R, Bhise S, Shrikhande S. Bacteriological Profile and Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern in Sterile Body Fluids from a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Cross Sectional Study. [2023].
10.Sharma N, Shrikhande S, Kalbhor P. Surgical Site Infections With Metallo Beta Lactamase Producing Enterobacteriaceae With Special Reference To NDM Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae.[2024].
11. Mishra M, Wanjare V, Agarwal S, Qasi M, Shrikhande S, Kurhade A, et al. Declining Trend of HIV Seroprevalence in Pregnant Women: A Retrospective Observational Analysis of 12 Years’ Experience at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Central India. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. [2024].
12. Dr. Radha D, Waiker M, Gosavi SS, Sharma MK, Deogade KS, Agarwal VA. Wet mount vs culture: cost effectiveness for diagnosis of trichomonal vaginitis. Int J Appl Res. 2024;10(5):251-3.
13. Sharma, R., Agarwal, G., Rahangdale, H., & Shrikhande, S. (n.d.). To compare the detection of S. aureus carriage in Healthcare Workers of Pediatric Intensive Care Units using Robertson’s Cooked Meat medium with and without 10% NaCl. Microbiologica Medica, 39.
14. Rahangdale H, Olambe T, Klabhor P, Bhalavi S, Wanjare V, Shrikhande S. New insight into antibiotic resistance in urinary tract infections: Interplay between community and hospital acquired UTI. Medical Laboratory Journal. 2024;18(2):6. 15. Wandre A, Lokapure S, Shinde S, Agrawal G, Kotgire S, Singh J, Gangurde N. Simplified charts- for easy daily reporting of bacterial antibiotic sensitivity test. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2024; 16(7); 1112-24. 16. Bawankar Neha S, Agrawal Gopal N, Zodpey Sunanda S. Unmasking a looming crisis: Escalating MIC of last resort drugs against MRSA isolates from a tertiary care hospital in Central India. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2024; 51:100707 17. Bawankar Neha S, Agrawal Gopal N, Zodpey Sunanda S. Linezolid susceptibility in MRSA isolates: insights into resistance and concordance in phenotypic detection methods. International Journal of Research in Medical Sceinces. 2024; 12(2):507-511 18. Talib Sheeba, Gajbhiye Sunita, Zodpey Sunanda S. Study of urinary tract infections in patients on antiretroviral therapy. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2024; 6(2): 51-57 |
1) The centre for Regional sexually transmitted infection, teaching, training, research and reference laboratory (RSTRRL) project under maharastra state AIDS control society (MSACS), National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) AND Department of Microbiology organised a capacity building training programme for Microbiologists and Laboratory technicians from 29th January to 2nd February 2018.
2) Two Training sessions on Hospital Infection Control practices for residents was conducted in March 2018.
1) Trainning of medical officers, residents, nursing staff ,Class IV on sample collection, transportation, disinfection practices and biomedical waste management of SARS-CoV2 is conducted every month.
a) Nine training sessions on Hospital Infection Control practices was conducted in March 2020
b) Thirty training sessions on Hospital Infection Control practices was conducted in April 2020
c) Fifteen training sessions on Hospital Infection Control practices was conducted in May 2020
d) Five training sessions on Hospital Infection Control practices was conducted in June 2020
e) Five training sessions on Hospital Infection Control practices was conducted in December 2020
1) Training session on Hospital Infection Control practices for medical officers, residents, nursing staff ,Class IV was conducted online in June 2021
Link for the same -
2) Four training sessions on Hospital Infection Control practices for residents was conducted in August 2021.
3) Antimicrobial susceptibility testing training for Paramedical staff was conducted in the month of November 2021
1) The centre for Regional sexually transmitted infection, teaching, training, research and reference laboratory (RSTRRL) project under Maharashtra state AIDS control society (MSACS), National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and Department of Microbiology successfully completed a capacity building training programme for Microbiologists and Laboratory technicians from 14th March to 16th March 2022.
2) Post Graduate Quiz on Biomedical Waste Management was conducted on 25th August 2022.
3) Hospital Infection Control Week under the slogan of "Unite for safety, clean hands" was celebrated during 10th October to 15th October 2022
4) CME on Hospital infection control was organised on 15th October 2022.
5) Post Graduate quiz on the topic of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing was conducted on 30th November 2022.
6) National medical college network digital e classroom lecture was conducted by Dr Seema Agrawal and Dr Sunita Gajbhiye on 13th October 2022 on Impact of Covid 19 on HIV and TB.
7) On the occasion of world AIDS Day, to spread the awareness about prevention of HIV/AIDS following events were conducted :
1) HIV/AIDS awareness rally
2) HIV/AIDS exhibition with distribution of pamphlet on street and role play by NGOs
3) Deliberation about HIV/AIDS awareness by staff of GMCH, Nagpur.
1) Workshop on Molecular Diagnosis of Human Viral Infectious Diseases organised by SVRDL department of Microbiology from 23rd January to 28th January 2023.
2) Syndicate seminar on Tuberculosis was organised on the occasion of World TB Day on 24th March 2023 .
3) Guest Lecture was organised for postgraduates on "Motivational Goal Setting" by Dr Kalpana Date, Associate Professor, NKPSIMS and LMH, Nagpur on 31st March 2023.
4) Guest Lecture was conducted on " Biomedical ethics" by Dr.Neena Nagdeo, Professor, NKPSIMS and LMH, Nagpur on 6th April 2023.
5) Guest Lecture was conducted on "Opportunities and challenges in Private Practice in Clinical Microbiology" by Dr.Yagnesh Thakar on 24th April 2023 .
6) Syndicate Seminar in association with VAMM was organised at Department of Microbiology, GMC Nagpur on 7th June 2023.
7) Department of Microbiology had organised various activities during the Infection Control Week from 16/10/23 to 21/10/23
16/10/23 : Rangoli, Poster and Slogan competition was conducted for nursing staff of hospital and faculty
17/10/23 : Continued Nursing Education (CNE) on topic - Universal precautions and Biohazard safety and Biomedical waste disposal was conducted to spread awareness among the nursing staff
18/10/23 : Debate competition was arranged for the post graduates of the Department of Microbiology on the topic "Challenges and Opportunities in infection control in government setup"
19/10/23 : HICC awareness session for post graduates on topic - Universal precautions and Biohazard safety and Biomedical waste disposal was conducted
20/10/23 : HICC awareness rally was conducted in the hospital to underline the importance of hand hygiene and proper segregation of biomedical waste at its source.
21/10/23 : Cleanliness drive was also conducted in the Department of Microbiology.
8) Guest Lecture: A guest lecture by Dr. C N Chaudhary, senior Microbiologist was organised on 19/10/23 on the topic "Scope and Future prospects of Clinical Microbiology" for post graduates.
9) Training On Molecular Detection of Human Viral Infectious Diseases was conducted by SVRDL, Department of Microbiology, GMC Nagpur for post graduate students of the Department from 6th to 8th of November 2023.
10) Antimicrobial awareness week was conducted from 18th to 24th November 2023 in Department of Microbiology, GMC Nagpur. Online quiz and slogan competition for post graduates of all departments was condutcted for awareness about rational use of antimicrobials. 'Go Blue' campaign was also organised during this week for underlining the importance of judicious use of antimicrobials among all medical professionals.
11) Guest lecture: A guest lecture by Ex. prof and head Dr Jalgoankar, was organised on 06/12/2023 on topic My department of microbiology GMC, Nagpur: “Nostalgia of indelible memoirs”
12) Guest Lecture: A guest lecture by Dr. Arvind Kurhade, senior international faculty was organised on 12/12/23 on the topic "Interactive, integrated and applied aspects of fungal infections" for post graduate students.
13) Guest Lecture: A guest lecture by Dr. Ashwini Tayade, Consultant Infectious Diseases and Dr. Sonal Naikwade, was organised on 14/12/23 on the topic "Clinical Expectations: Microbiologists responsibilities" for post graduate students.
14) Guest Lecture: A guest lecture by Dr. Shrikant Ambalkar, Honorary Associate Professor University of Nottingham and Consultant Microbiologist, Sherwood Forest Hospital NHS trust United Kingdom, was organised on 20/12/23 on the topic "Faecal Microbiota Transplant and Recent Advances in Microbiology Techniques" for post graduate students.
1) The centre for Regional sexually transmitted infection, teaching, training, research and reference laboratory (RSTRRL) project under Maharashtra state AIDS control society (MSACS), National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and Department of Microbiology successfully completed a capacity building training programme for Microbiologists and Laboratory technicians from 11th March to 15th March 2024.
2) The centre for Regional sexually transmitted infection, teaching, training, research and reference laboratory (RSTRRL) project under Maharashtra state AIDS control society (MSACS), National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and Department of Microbiology successfully completed a WHO organised EGASP training programme on Gonococci for Microbiologists and Laboratory technicians on 24th March and 25th September 2024.
3) Department of Microbiology had organised various activities during the Infection Control Week from 15/10/24 to 18/10/24
15/10/24 : Poster and Slogan competition was conducted for nursing staff of hospital and faculty
15/10/24 : Continued Education on topic - Biomedical waste management, Needle stick injury and Post Exposure Prophylaxis was conducted to spread awareness among the Microbiology Technical staff
16/10/24 : Continued Education on topic - Role of CSSD in Infection Prevention and Control was conducted to spread awareness among nursing staff and faculty
16/10/24 : Continued Medical Education(CME) on topic - Sensitization program on Hospital Infection Control was conducted to spread awareness among all intern doctors
17/10/24 : Debate competition was arranged for the post graduates of the Department of Microbiology on the topic "Established Practices Vs Innovative Solutions in Infection Prevention"
18/10/24 : UG 2024 batch Orientation Pragram was conducted
4) Antimicrobial awareness week was conducted from 18th to 24th November 2024 in Department of Microbiology, GMC Nagpur.
22/11/24 : Quiz and Lecture by Dr. Gopal Agrawal, Faculty, GMC Nagpur on Antimicrobial Resistance for post graduates of Indira Gandhi Government Medical College along with Government Medical College, Nagpur was conducted for awareness about rational use of antimicrobials. 'Go Blue' campaign was also organised during this week for underlining the importance of judicious use of antimicrobials among all medical professionals.
5) On the occasion of world AIDS Day, to spread the awareness about prevention of HIV/AIDS following events were conducted :
1) HIV/AIDS awareness rally
2) HIV/AIDS role play by staff of GMCH, Nagpur.
3) Deliberation about HIV/AIDS awareness by staff of GMCH, Nagpur.
6) Training under State Viral Research Disease Laboratory (SVRDL), GMC, NAGPUR for PG students on topic - Hands on Training Molecular Detection Of Human Viral Infectious Diseases conducted on 23-04-2024 to 25-04-2024
Since its inception, our department has been in the forefront of various academic and research activities.
1) We have organized three national level conferences, one state conference and various workshops on Gel technology, Sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS , Hospital Infection control practices
2) Also Trypanosoma evansi and Chandipura virus were discovered in our department for the first time.
3) Indian Council Of Medical Research sanctioned various short term research projects for undergraduates have been conducted in our department.
4) Vidarbha level winner of Microbiology undergraduate quiz for a decade.
5) Maharashtra State level winner of Microbiology undergraduate quiz for five years.
6) Dr. Divya Patil won the second prize in oral presentation in Maha-microcon 2018, the state chapter of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologist, at Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad from 28 September to 30 September 2018
7)State level Viral Research and Diagnostic Laboratory Department of Microbiology, Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur.
Participating in EQAS (External Quality Assurance Scheme) conducted by ICMR
1) On 3rd July 2022 VAMM Conducted Syndicate Seminar & Dr.Diptanu Majumdar (JR-2) received 1st prize in that event.
2) On 25th August 2022, the Department of Microbiology conducted PG Quiz on topic of Biomedical Waste Management & 1st Prize was secured by-Dr.Preeti Sharma, 2nd Prize - Dr. Neha Sharma & 3rd Prize- Dr.Da I Nesha Lyngdoh.
3) The Department of Microbiology arranged different activities during Hospital Infection Control Week under the slogan of Unite for safety, clean your hands from 10th to 15th October 2022. In this program Rangoli competition was organized in which1st Prize was secured by-Dr.Rasika Aloney , 2nd Prize was awarded to Dr.Rashmi Hadke. Also Poster competition was conducted in which 1st Prize was awarded to Dr.Preeti Sharma & 2nd Prize to Dr.Ravita Sharma(Junior residents 1)
4) Department of Microbiology conducted another PG Quiz on 30th November 2022 on " Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing" for post graduates students in which 1st Prize was secured by- Dr.Neha Bawankar, 2nd Prize- Dr.Radha Datkar & 3rd prize was shared by Dr.Shrikant Kulmethe, Dr.Diptanu Majumdar & Dr.Renuka Murhar.
1) On 25th & 26th February 2023 the postgraduate students from Department of Microbiology attended VAMMCON at Sewagram. In PG Quiz 1st Prize was secured by -Dr.Thenmozhi ,2nd Prize- Dr.Radha & 3rd prize - Dr.Neha Bawankar. Also in Oral paper presentation 1st Prize secured by - Dr.Swati Gedam & 3rd Prize was secured by Dr.Krishnalekha.
2) In VAMMCON 2023, Dr. Vandana Agarwal Mam (Professor, Dept. of Microbiology) earned the Best Case report presented award.
3) Syndicate Seminar was conducted by Department of Microbiology on 24th March 2023 on occasion of World Tuberculosis Day.1st Prize was secured by- Dr.Lisa Dan Joseph, 2nd Prize- Dr.Hema Daheriya & 3rd prize - Dr. Manoharan Vengadesh.
4) The postgraduate students from Department of Microbiology attended Syndicate Seminar conducted by VAMM in Department of Microbiology in GMC Nagpur on 7th June 2023 & 1st Prize was secured by -Dr.Sagnik Poddar & 3rd prize - Dr.Da I Nesha Lyngdoh.
5) The postgraduate students from Department of Microbiology attended MAHAMICROCON conducted on 9/9/2023 and 10/9/2023 in which Dr. Preeti Sharma, Junior Resident - 2 secured 1st prize in Post Graduate Quiz
6) Dr. Bhuvaneshwari JR 3, Department of Microbiology won first prize for oral paper presentation in National Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM) held on 25th, 26th of November at Lucknow
7) Dr. Preeti Sharma JR 3, Department of Microbiology won first prize in PG Quiz in National Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM) held on 25th, 26th of November at Lucknow
1) Dr. Pooja Shende, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology won first prize in Poster Presentation in Annual Conference of Vidarbha Associan of Medical Microbiology held on 30th, 31st of March at Nagpur.
2) Dr. Lisa Dan Joseph, JR 2, Department of Microbiology won first prize in PG Quiz in Annual Conference of Vidarbha Association of Medical Microbiology held on 29th, 30th, 31st of March at Nagpur.
3) Dr. Hema Daheriya, JR2, Department of Microbiology won second prize in PG Quiz in Annual Conference of Vidharbha Association of Medical Microbiology held on 29th, 30th, 31st of March at Nagpur.
4) Dr Asawari Godsay, JR2, Department of Microbiology won first prize in Syndicate Seminar organised by Vidharbha Association of Medical Microbiology held on 18th of April at IGGMC Nagpur.
5) Dr Lisa Dan Joseph, JR2 , Department of Microbiology won first prize in Syndicate Seminar organised by Vidharbha Association of Medical Microbiology held on 18th of April at IGGMC Nagpur
6) Dr Anibrata Das, JR2 , Department of Microbiology won first prize in PG Quiz State Conference held on 17th & 18th August 2024 at JMF'S ACPM Medical College, Dhule.
7) Dr Rajlakshmi Thangjam, JR2 , Department of Microbiology was awarded best paper in Paper Presentation in Molecular and Genomic Microbiology in State Conference held on 17th & 18th August 2024 at JMF'S ACPM Medical College, Dhule.
8) Dr Chinchu Elizabeth John, JR3 , Department of Microbiology was awarded best paper in Paper Presentation in Bacteriology in State Conference held on 17th & 18th August 2024 at JMF'S ACPM Medical College, Dhule.
9) The Department of Microbiology arranged different activities during Hospital Infection Control Week from 15th to 18th October 2024. In this program Slogan competition was organized in which1st Prize was secured by-Dr. Sheik Abdullah (JR1).
10) Department of Microbiology conducted PG Quiz on 22nd November 2024 on " Antimicrobial Resistance" for post graduates students of IGGMC and GMC Nagpur in which 1st Prize was secured by- Dr. Da I Nesha, JR3, 2nd Prize- Dr. Radha Datkar, JR3 & 3rd prize- Priti Shrama, JR3.
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