Medical Superintendent

List of Clinical Specialties and/or Super Specialties

  1. ART Clinic Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 pm Saturday 8 am to 2pm
  2. Cardiac Clinic Wed. & Friday 8 am to 12 Noon
  3. Diabetic Clinic Tues & Thursday 8 am to 12 Noon
  4. Plastic Surgery OPD Monday 8 am to 2 pm
  5. Paediatric Surgery Monday 8 am to 2 pm
  6. PPTCT (Daily)
  7. Handicapped Board OPD Wed. Thurs and Friday 9 am to 1 pm
  8. Sickle Cell OPD Tuesday and Friday 8 am to 12 Noon

O.P.D. details including timings

Sr. No. Name of the O.P.D O.P.D. Timing
Morning Afternoon/Evening
01 Medicine OPD 8 am to 2 pm --
02 Surgery OPD 8 am to 2 pm --
03 Obst. & Gynae. OPD 8 am to 2 pm --
04 Psychiatry OPD 8 am to 2 pm --
05 Orthopedics OPD 8 am to 2 pm --
06 Pediatrics OPD 8 am to 2 pm --
07 E.N.T. OPD 8 am to 2 pm --
08 Ophthalmology OPD 8 am to 2 pm --
09 Physiotherapy 8 am to 2 pm --
10 Occupational Therapy 8 am to 2 pm --
11 ARV Clinic 8 am to 2 pm --
12 Immunization Clinic 8 am to 2 pm --
13 Sex & Marriage Counseling 8 am to 2 pm -
14 Skin OPD 8 am to 2 pm --
15 TB & Chest OPD 8 am to 2 pm --

Total Number of Hospital Beds- (Total) 1886

Sr. No. Name of Clinical Speciality Department Total number of beds
Teaching Beds
01 Medicine 395
02 Skin & VD 40
03 Chest & TB 60
04 Pediatric 100
05 Psychiatry 30
06 Surgery 260
07 Orthopedic 130
08 Ophthalmology 60
09 ENT 80
10 Obst. &Gynae 295
11 Radiotherapy 30
12 Plastic Surgery 80
Non-Teaching Beds
14 PICU 15
15 NICU 20
16 ICCU 108
17 Recovery 10
18 Medicine Casualty 20
19 Surgery Casualty 10
20 Paying Ward 20
Trauma (Sanctioned Beds) 90
( At Present Working Beds) (135)
Super Speciality Hospital 230 + 31 = 261

I.P.D. Details

Sr. No. Nameof the I.P.D. Block Number of Beds Available Area(Sq.M)
01. Hospital 1616 30620 Sq.,Mtr. Approx.
02. Trauma Centre 90
03. T.B. & Chest 70
04. Skin & VD 60
05. Infectious 50

Operation Theatre

Name of the Operation Theatre Block Available Area (Sq. Mtrs.)
01. O.T.- A ( Eye OT,& Plastic Surgery OT) 7640 Sq. Mtr.,Approx.
02. O.T.- C,(3 O.R.)
03. O.T.- D,( 3 O.R.)
04. O.T.- E,( 4 O.R.)
05. O.T.- F,( 4 O.R. )
06. O.T.- G ( 4 O.R.)
07. Minor O.T.-5 Nos. (2 Nos. in Surgical Casualty and 3 Nos.,in Medicine Casualty)
08. Trauma-O.T. ( 4 O.R.)

Physiotherapy Unit Total Area (Sq. Mtrs.) List of Equipments/Facilites

Sr. No. Name of the Equipment/Facility Available Area (Sq. Mtrs.)
01. Short wave diathermy 780 Sq. Mtr Area for P.T. Approx.
02. Diagnostic Electrical stimulator
03. Tens,4 channel
04 Diagnostic muscle stimulator
05 Ultrasonic therapy unit solid state
06. Ultrasound unit
07. Ultraviolet lamp portable floor model
08. Ultraviolet lamp on stand
09. Hand evaluation set
10. Electronic cervical and lumbar traction unit
11. Continuous passive motion unit
12. Continuous passive motion unit elbow, shoulder,knee
13. Nebulizer standard model
14. Paraffin wax bath apparatus
15. Cervical traction apparatus
16. Chest vibrator
17. Spinal mouse
18. Interferential therapy
19. Combination therapy
20. Multi exerciser
21. Ergo cycle
22. Ankle exerciser
23. Hand unit( Pegboard, griper, exercise ball)
24. Swiss ball, Swiss roll
25. Therabands,Theratubes,
26. Weight cuffs
27. Quadriceps exercise table
28. Walker (Pediatric, adults)
29. Wheelchair
30. Parallel bar unit
31. Patients seating benches for waiting room(5)
32. Tilt table
33. Bolster
34. Mat (for exercise)
35. Balance board
36. Short wave diathermy total 5 nos
37. Stimulator
38. Electrical stimulator total 4 nos
39. Tens total 2 nos
40. Microprocessor based major Tens
41. Tens dual channel
42. Tens 4 channel
43. Diagnostic muscle stimulator
44. Ultrasonic therapy unit solid state
45. Ultrasound unit total 2 nos
46. Ultraviolet lamp portable floor model
47. Ultraviolet model air-cooled mercury vapor lamp
48. Infrared ultraviolet lamp combined
49. Ultraviolet lamp on stand
50. Infrared lamp stand model total 2 nos
60. Infrared lamp
61. E.M.G.,biofeedback dual channel
62. Skin fold caliper
63. Hand evaluation set
64. Electronic cervical and lumbar traction unit total 3 nos
65. Electrical traction unit total 2 nos
66. Electric cervical traction
67. Electrical traction wall unit complete
68. Continuous passive motion unit total 3 nos
69. Continuous passive motion unit elbow
70. Contrast bath
71. Acupuncture unit
72. Automatic slide projector
73. Epidiascope
74. Hydro collator unit
75. Hydro collator pack unit
76. Nebulizer standard model total 2 nos
77. Overhead projector
78. Paraffin wax bath apparatus total 2 nos
79. Laser therapy unit
80. Cervical traction apparatus total 2 nos
81. Interferential therapy unit
82. Rmsemg biofeedback with pc
83. Spirometer with high resolution colour display and accessories
84. Pc oxygen consumption meter model vo2000 and accessories
85. Ecg upgrade for vo2 max
86. Telemetry system for pc based vo2ooo
87. Body e toner
88. Xerox machine
89. Body fat analyzer
90. Spinal mouse
100. Interferential therapy
101. Combination therapy
102. Multimedia projector
103. Gait analyzer
104. Phyaction machine

Diagnostic Imaging Facility/Facilities

Sr. No. Name of Diagnostic Imaging Facility
01. X-ray
02. Ultra Sonography
03. C.T. Scan
04. M.R.I
05. Colour Doppler.
06. Mamography
07. D.S.A.

Other Diagnostic Tools (ECG, EEG etc.)

Sr. No. Name of Diagnostic Imaging Facility
01. E.C.G
02. Audiometry
03. P.F.T.

Contact Details

Casualty Department with STD code :- 0712-2744673
Hospital Ambulance Service :- 0712-2701180
Blood Bank :- 0712-2744695
Drugs Alcohol, De-addiction Centre :- Available Psychiatry Ward & Ward 23 0712-2701570/0712-2701336
Health Insurance Facility :- Hospital is graded as A Category Hospital in Rajiv Gandhi JiveendayiArogyaYojna 0712-2701100