
Department of Dentistry is attached to the department of Plastic surgery since 1958.

The Dentistry department is working in collaboration with the Plastic surgery department ever since .At present the staff working in the dental department is of the cadre of gazetted officer.

There is one Associate professor and two Assistant Professors and in non-gazetted cadre comprised of one Dental Hygienist and one dental technician .One post each of professor &Associate professor are vacant.

Faculty Details:

1. Dr Devendra Mahore (Professor & HOD)
2. ⁠Dr Kanchan Patil (Professor )

Associate Professor
1. Dr Pranali Nimonkar ( Associate Professor)

Assistant Professor
1. Dr Swapnaja Gosavi (Assistant Professor)
2. ⁠Dr Shivani Deshmukh (Assistant Professor)