Occupational Therapy School & Centre, is the only Government College in Maharashtra was
established at Government Medical College, Nagpur In July 1958 awarding a diploma in Occupational
Therapy which was of two years duration including 4 months block field training program.
All the credit goes to Late Mrs. Kamla V. Nimbkar for her untiring efforts to lay the foundation of
Occupational Therapy services in India.
In 1963 Nagpur University Started 3 Years & 6 month’s graduate program.
Presently graduate program Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (B. O. Th) is of your years duration and six
months internship (Stipendiary) Masters in Occupational Therapy (M.O.Th) has also been instituted from
2007 affiliated to Maharashtra University of health Sciences Nasik (www.muhs.ac.in)
Occupational Therapy School & Centre, is recognized by world federation of
Occupational Therapy (www.wfot.org), All India Occupational Therapy association
(http://www.aiota.org)and Maharashtra State Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Council Mumbai
1) Vision of the Department of Occupational Therapy is to engage students and
faculty in an active learning community to meet the dynamic needs of a
diverse and global society in order to promote health well-being and
participation in life through Occupational engagement .
2) Taking leadership roles to influence best practice
3) Communicating and demonstrating their commitment to the value of
Occupational to support health participation and wellness.
4) Committing to lifelong learning and enhanced information literacy.
5) Supporting best practice through use of evidence based and technological
1) The mission of the Occupational Therapy Program is to prepare reflective creative skilled and
ethical Occupational therapists We meet this mission by
2) Emphasizing experiential learning evidence based practices and professional reasoning
3) Creating diverse and integrative learning experiences to develop breadth and depth of student
4) Fostering collaborative engagement in scholarship and service that extends beyond campus to
include local and global communities.
Ph : 0712-2701684
email :otsc_gmcnag@yahoo.com
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