
Forensic Medicine department at GMC, Nagpur has to cater bulk of medico-legal work including postmortem and ante-mortem work. The cases of medico-legal work of two third of Nagpur jurisdiction area are brought to our department. The department has to provide medico-legal opinions in cases referred from adjoining districts of Maharashtra, Madhya-Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Department of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College is also involved in undergraduate teaching of second MBBS students and also postgraduate teaching.

Faculty Attendence

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  1. Fatal atypical missile injuries. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. July - Sept 201941(3):213-215
  2. Medico-legal study of hanging deaths. International journal of scientific research. April 2016, vol 5 issue 4. Pg no. 472-74
  3. Medico-legal study of drowning deaths.  Journal of research in forensic medicine and toxicology. Vol 2, issue 1, Jan-Jnne 2016. Pg 1-4
  4. Pattern of railway fatalities in western vidarbha region of India. Indian journal of forensic medicine and toxicology. July – Dec 2014. Vol 8, no. 2. Pg 77-80
  5. A study of correlation of time since death with vitreous potassium and sodium potassium ratio. Medico-legal update.
  6. Injuries over neck in hanging deaths and its relation with ligature material: Is it vital?  J Forensic and Leg Med., 2014; 22: 80-3.
  7. Histopathological examination in routine medicolegal autopsy: 3-years retrospective analysis. J IndAcadForensic Med., 2016; 38 (4):433-6.
  8. Fingerprint pattern in myocardial infarction: Does the fate of heart lie in fingertips? J. Forensic Med and Toxicol. 2014; 31(2): 45-9.
  9. Case-Based Learning: Study of an educational tool for active and meaningful learning in Forensic Medicine. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. April - June 2016, Vol. 38, No. 2.Pg no 221-224.
  10. Competency Based Postgraduate Medical Education inForensic Medicine: A Pilot Study. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. July - September 2016, Vol. 38, No. 3.Pg no. 295-298.
  11. Characteristic features of hanging: A study in rural district of Maharashtra, central India. J Forensic Sci. 2015; 60(5): 2016-23.
  12. Whiter before blossom: Fetal death – 5 year retrospective study J. Forensic Med and Toxicol., 2014; 31(1): 39-41.
  13. Estimation of age from rib by phase analysis- An autopsy study in population of central India, Dr. V.P. Bhalerao, Dr. Sandesh.H.Chaudhari, Dr. Rahul Omprakash Paliwal, Journal Of Forensic Medicne Science and Law, 31(1)(2022) 39-47.
  14. Mandibular Canine index- A tool for sexual Dimorphism. Dr. Nitin.S.Barmate, Dr.Vinod.P.Bhalerao, Dr.Sarah Al Hinawi, Dr.Prema Sahare,Journal Of Forensic Medicne Science and Law, 31(2)(2022) 23-27.
  15. Medicolegal evaluation on victims and accused of sexual offences- A cross sectional study, Dr.M.S.Gedam 2022.
  16. Prospective study of Medicolegal deaths due to sharp edged and sharp pointed weapons, Dr.Jayesh Dudhe, 2022
  17. Postmortem CSF Biochemical Analysis and its association with manner and time since death. Dr. Shrihari Siddhardhan 2022
  18. Autopsy approach in diagnosis of Mucormycosis, Dr.V.P.Meshram, Dr. D.Jadav, Dr.T.Kanchan, Dr.R.S.Shekhawat, Dr.H.K.Khartade, Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, January 2022-44(Suppli) 54-57.
  19. Estimation of stature from length of sternum in adult females of Northeast Madhya Pradesh. Dr.H.K.Kharthade, Dr.Y.K.Singh, Dr.P.K.Meshram, Dr.S.Shrivastava, Dr.J.Vashisht, Dr.S.P.Garg, ournal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, January 2022-44(1) 15-19.
  20. Ligature strangulation in a vehicular accident due to the entaglement of shirt: an autopsy case. Dr.V.P.Mehram, Dr.K.U.Zine, Dr.V.Rathod, Dr.H.K.Khartade, Dr.R.S.Shekhavat, Academic Forensic Pathology, October 2022, 12(4)174-179.
  21. Estimation of stature from sternum from segmental length vis a vis combined length. Dr.H.K.Khartade, Dr.V.Vaswani, Dr.V.K.Singh, Dr.V.P.Meshram, Dr.S.Shrivastava, Dr.S.P.Garg, Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, July-December 2022, 39(2)45-50.
  22. Knowledge, attitude and perception of second year medical students about medicolegal autopsy, Dr. S.V. Dhoble, Dr.B.W.Ramteke, Dr.S.G.Dhawane, Dr.M.K.Tumram, Journal Of Forensic Medicne Science and Law, 31(2)(2022) 50-55.
  23. Biocompatibility protocols for medical devices and materials- Dr.V.P.Bhalerao contributed two chapters. Publisher - Elsvier. April 2023.
  24. Autopsy study of Medicolegal and sociodemographic aspects of suicidal deaths in Central India. Dr.Shubam Mondhe, Dr. A.A.Mukherjee, Dr. Shrihari Siddhardhan,International Journal of Scietific Research, Vol 12, Issue 05, May 2023.
  25. Blast injuries from a diesel tank explosion-An autopsy case report. Dr.Nitin.J.L, Dr.Laldintluanga, International Journal of Scietific Research, Vol 12, Issue 06, June 2023.


  1. The study of pathological conditions in thoracic cavity in medico-legal autopsy cases
  2. Pattern of abdomino-pelvic injuries in central Indian population: An autopsy study
  3. Pattern of cranio-cerebral and thoracic injuries in central Indian population : An autopsy study
  4. Study of sudden cardiac death with special reference to histopathological findings and cardiac markers
  5. The study of pattern of unnatural death in females in central India
  6. Medicolegal study of skull fracture - an autopsy based study in central India region.
  7. Internal organ weights in autopsy bodies recieved in tertiary health care center in central India and its correlation to body weight and height.
  8. Sex determination by using canines in a tertiary health care center in central India.
  9. ABO blood group and atherosclerotic coronary artery disease- An autopsy based cross sectional study in tertiary care center in central India.
  10. An approach to brought dead cases at tertiary care hospital - An autopsy based cross sectional study.
  11. Analysis of custodial deaths in tertiary care center in central India - An autopsy based cross sectional study.
  12. Medicolegal profile of violent asphyxial deaths in tertiary care center in central India.
  13. Demographic profile and pattern of head injury in autopsied cases at tertiary care hospital- A cross sectional study.
  14. Estimation of stature by anthropometry measurement of head in autopsy bodies in tertiary care center - A cross sectional study.
  15. Atherosclerosis in coronary artery in central Indian population an autopsy based gross and microscopic study.



  • The faculties and residents from the department participated in the annual conference of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine held at Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad.
  • The faculties and residents from the department participated in the annual conference of medico-legal association of maharashtra held at Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni.
  • The department of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College, Nagpur had organised workshop for Medical officers in Vidarbha region in 2013 - " Medical Officers Training Programme in Medico-Legal Cases". In this workshop the medical officers were trained in conducting postmortems in various medico-legal cases and performing examination in various antemortem cases. They were also trained in forwarding various exhibits collected from the medico-legal cases to forensic laboratory. Additionally, the live demonstration of autopsy and dissection was also shown to them.
  • The faculties from the department of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College, Nagpur have participated in various state and national level conferences organised by various associations of Forensic Medicine faculties.

Awards & Achievements

1. Dr. Hrishikesh Pathak won second prize in paper presentatation in state conference organised by MLAM at Pravara, Loni, Maharashtra. 2019

2. Dr. Nishant Sheikh Gold Medalist in M.D Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Exam in May 2021.

3. Dr. Rahul Shende Silver Medalist M.D Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Exam in May 2021.

4. Dr. Laldintluanga Gold Medalist in M.D Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Exam in May 2022.

5. Awarded 'Best Department of the Year' by Honourable Dean, GMCH Nagpur for oustanding contribution in handling medicolegal cases and dead body management during COVID pandemic.2022

6. Dr. Nitin J.L won second prize in Forensic dissection demonstration of heart in National Conference organised by PAFMAT at AIIMS Bathinda, Punjab. 2022.

Exams & Results

Other notices/ Announcements

  • The students of fourth term second MBBS are hereby informed that the result of second internal exam is displayed on the departmental notice board. The students are required to sign the result sheet at the earliest. The copy of result sheet is available for students at the department office.

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