Ophthalmology is one of the core subjects in medicine. Ophthalmology department was established with the inception of Govt. Medical College, Nagpur in 1947. Dr. Premchandra was the First Head of the department. After that Dr. Keshavchari, Dr. Ishwarchandra, Dr. Padmawar, Dr. Tehra, Dr. Dhawan, Dr. Karandikar, Dr. Kamble, Dr. Ayachit, Dr. Patil, Dr. Dikkar, Dr. Madan, Dr. Shegaonkar, Dr. Joshi were the heads of the department.
Currently the department is headed by Dr. Nandakishor G. Raut. The department provides world class education in Ophthalmology to Undergraduate (MBBS) students, BPMT (Bachelor of paramedical technology) students and Postgraduate (MS) Students. As of today, total 250 MBBS seats and ten M.S. Ophthalmology NMC recognized seats are there in the department and they are admitted accordingly every year
Our MBBS students are excelling in various fields and are participating in intercollege debates, quiz, paper presentations, sports etc.
Hundreds of postgraduate students passed out from the department till date are spread all over world working as academicians i.e. HODs, Professors, lecturers and clinicians i.e. general ophthalmologists, oculoplasty surgeons, vitreoretinal surgeons, paediatric ophthalmologist, glaucoma specialists, cornea specialists etc.
BPMT Optometry now called B.Sc. Optometry started in department of Ophthalmology, GMCH, Nagpur in the year 2010. It is 3 years course with 1 year internship. Internship for this course started from the year 2017.
The department has a well established and functional eye bank since many years. The eyebank is registered under Transplantation of Human Organ and Tissues Act (THOTA) since 2002. Multiple optical and therapeutic keratoplasties are being performed every year providing visual rehabilitation to many corneal blind patients.
The department has state of art diagnostic modalities such as Slit lamp biomicroscope, Autorefractometer, Autometer perimeter, Nd YAG laser, A-Scan, Auto-keratometer, Corneal Topography, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), B-Scan, Fundus camera for the benefit of patients.
The department has wide range of surgical modalities available in the department such as Manual Small incision cataract surgery(SICS), Phacoemulsification surgery, advanced LASIK laser treatment, Green laser, Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), Pars plana vitrectomy, Fluid gas exchange, Scleral Buckling, Intravitreal injections of various anti VEGF’s(Vascular endothelial growth factor), antibiotics, squint surgeries, glaucoma surgeries, lacrimal sac surgeries, lid reconstruction and repositioning surgeries, orbital fractures and repair, cosmetic and aesthetic surgeries of eyes, ocular tumor surgeries, and other advanced oculoplasty surgeries.
Various Ophthalmic subspeciality clinics like trauma care, retina, cornea, glaucoma, oculoplasty, squint, contact lenses etc. are available in the department
The department has 2 wards- ward 13 A male and ward 13 female with capacity of 30 beds each. Approximately 15-20 patients are admitted daily in the ward.
The ophthalmic OT is situated in main building as OT-A. On daily basis 20-25 patients are getting operated. Every year 3,500 to 4,000 cataract surgeries are carried out and the number is increasing day by day.
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Publication In Research Published In The Journal Till April 2018 |
||||||| |
Title Of Publication |
Year Of Publication |
Name Of Journal
Volume, Issue And Page No |
Impact Factor By SCI Thomson Reuters |
Citation As On April 30,2018 |
1 |
1.Clinical Study of intracranial space occupying lesion and its ophthalmic manifestation. |
2015 |
International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology |
ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109,volume 14,Issue 1,2015 |
4.15(2016) |
13 |
2.A rare case report of Lamellar Ichthyosis “Collodion baby “with severe cicatricialectropion in both eyes. |
July 2015 |
International Journal of Scientific Research |
ISSN2277-8179Volume 4,Issue 7,July 2015,pg64-66. |
4.759(2017) |
6 |
3.To compare the Intraoperative Efficiency Safety and Visual Outcomes Between Coaxial Conventional and Microincisional Phacoemulsification. |
2016 |
International Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences |
E-ISSN : 2320-3137 Volume 5,Issue 1 , 2016 P-39 |
0.654 |
6 |
4 Bilateral electric Cataract- A Rare Case Report |
March 2017 |
.Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Jan-march 2017 |
Jan-March 2017 3(1) ;115-116 |
3.224(2015) |
3 |
5.Trabeculectomy with ologen implant verses Trabeculectomy with mitomycin-c in primary open angle glaucoma: A-2 year study |
2017 |
World Journal of pharmaceutical sciences |
ISSN(PRINT):2321-3310 ISSN (ONLINE) :2321-3086 2017;5(12):139-145 Available online |
4.458(2015) |
N/A |
6. SuturlessTrabeculectomy As Substitute For Conventional Trabeculectomy In Management Of 1 Open Angle Glaucoma |
September -2017 |
International Journal Of Biomedical And Advance Research |
ISSN(E)-2239-3809 ISSN (P)2455-0558 VOLUME-8 PAGE 351-354 /September -7 |
N/A |
7. Primary Orbital Peripheral neuroectoedermal tumour- A rare Presentation |
Oct 2017 |
Indian Journal of Applied Research |
ISSN-2249-555x VOLUME-7 Issue 10 |
N/A |
N/A |
8.Panretinal Photocoagulation Vs. Panretinal Photocoagulation Plus IntravitrealRanibizumab In HighriskPriliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
2017 |
Journal Of Evidence Based Medicine And Healthcare |
1.Evid.Based.Healthc Pissn 2349-2562 E-ISSN 2349-2570,Volume 4 1 Issue 94, December-17 |
NA |
NA |
Dr.Nilesh Gaddewar |
1.Diabetic Macular Edema-a review |
2015 |
International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology |
ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109,volume 14,Issue 1,2015 |
4.15(2015) |
13 |
2.Clinical Study of intracranial space occupying lesion and its ophthalmic manifestation |
2015 |
International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology |
ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109,volume 14,Issue 1,2015 |
4.15(2015) |
13 |
3.Role of IntravitrealBevacizumab Treatment for Exudative Armd with Good Visual Acuity |
2015, |
International Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences |
ISSN 2320-3137,Vol-4,Issue 3, 2015, |
0.654 |
6 |
4.Development of clinical skills in ophthalmology: Significance of objective structured clinical examination |
Oct-2014 |
Astrocyte |
ISSN :2349-0977 Volume 1 Issue 3 Oct-2014 |
N/A |
N/A |
5.Evaluation of Peripapillary RNFL (Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer) in Sickle cell disease at a Tertiary Care Centre. |
May-2018 |
Journal of Medical Scenes and Clinical Research |
ISSN(e)-2347-176x ISSN(p)-2455-0450 Volume 06 Issue 05 May 2018 |
NA |
NA. |
3 |
6.Comparison Between Clinical and Ultrasound finding in patients with vitreous hemorrhage
July-2018 |
Journal of Medical Scenes and Clinical Research |
ISSN(e)-2347-176x ISSN(p)-2455-0450 Volume 06 Issue 07 |
NA |
1.Low visual aids , the boon for improving visual functions of the visually handicap students of Sarwashikshaabhiyan( education for all) of Nagpur district |
April 2014 |
International Journal of recent Trends in science and Technology |
1.ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109,volume 1,Issue IV, April 2014 |
4.15(2016) |
13 |
2. Long term efficacy and safety of transcanalicular laser DCR |
October-2014 |
International Journal of recent Trends in science and Technology
1.ISSN 2348-2516 E-ISSN 2348-1897,volume 1 Issue X, October-2014 |
4.15(2016) |
13 |
3. Predicting prognostic value o f ocular trauma score in an open globe injury in tertiary eye care hospital |
, October-2015 |
Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare |
1.ISSN 2349-2562 E-ISSN 2349-2570,volume 2 1 Issue 42, October-2015 |
N/A |
N/A |
4 |
Dr.MinalVyawahare |
1.Ocular Manifestation In Polytrauma Patients In Pediatic Age Group In Tertiary Care Center In Central India |
FEBRUARY -2018 |
Journal Of medical Science And clinical Research |
ISSN(E)-2347-176X ISSN (P)2455-0450 JMSCR/VOLUME-6/ ISSUE-2 PAGE 875-879/FEBRUARY -2018 |
5.84 |
N/A |
2. SuturlessTrabeculectomy As Substitute For Conventional Trabeculectomy In Management Of 1 Open Angle Glaucoma |
September -2017 |
International Journal Of Biomedical And Advance Research |
ISSN(E)-2239-3809 ISSN (P)2455-0558 VOLUME-8 PAGE 351-354 /September -7 |
N/A |
NA |
3.Panretinal Photocoagulation Vs. Panretinal Photocoagulation Plus IntravitrealRanibizumab In HighriskPriliferative Diabetic Retinopathy |
2017 |
Journal Of Evidence Based Medicine And Healthcare |
1.Evid.Based.Healthc Pissn 2349-2562 E-ISSN 2349-2570,Volume 4 1 Issue 94, December-17 |
NA |
NA |
5 |
Dr.VandanaIyer |
1.Role of HRCT Chest in Idintifying Tubercular itiology in patients diagnosed with Eales Disease |
2017 |
Journal Of Ophthalmic inflammation & infection |
Journal Of Ophthalmic inflammation & infection 2017 7,4 DOI 1186/ |
NA |
NA |
2Panretinal Photocoagulation Vs. Panretinal Photocoagulation Plus .IntravitrealRanibizumab In Highrisk Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy |
2017 |
Journal Of Evidence Based Medicine And Healthcare |
1.Evid.Based.Healthc Pissn 2349-2562 E-ISSN 2349-2570,Volume 4 1 Issue 94, December-17 |
NA |
NA |
Title Of Publication |
Year Of Publication |
Name Of Journal
Volume, Issue And Page No |
Impact Factor By SCI Thomson Reuters |
Citation As On April 30,2018 |
1.A rare case report of Lamellar Ichthyosis “Collodion baby “with severe cicatricialectropion in both eyes. |
July 2015 |
International Journal of Scientific Research |
ISSN2277-8179Volume 4,Issue 7,July 2015,pg64-66. |
4.759(2017) |
6 |
2.Clinical Study of intracranial space occupying lesion and its ophthalmic manifestation. |
2015 |
International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology |
ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109,volume 14,Issue 1,2015 |
4.15(2016) |
13 |
3.To compare the Intraoperative Efficiency Safety and Visual Outcomes Between Coaxial Conventional and Microincisional Phacoemulsification. |
2016 |
International Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences |
E-ISSN : 2320-3137 Volume 5,Issue 1 , 2016 P-39 |
0.654 |
6 |
4 Bilateral electric Cataract- A Rare Case Report |
March 2017 |
.Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Jan-march 2017 |
Jan-March 2017 3(1) ;115-116 |
3.224(2015) |
3 |
6. SuturlessTrabeculectomy As Substitute For Conventional Trabeculectomy In Management Of 1 Open Angle Glaucoma |
September -2017 |
International Journal Of Biomedical And Advance Research |
ISSN(E)-2239-3809 ISSN (P)2455-0558 VOLUME-8 PAGE 351-354 /September -7 |
N/A |
7. Primary Orbital Peripheral neuroectoedermal tumour- A rare Presentation |
Oct 2017 |
Indian Journal of Applied Research |
ISSN-2249-555x VOLUME-7 Issue 10 |
N/A |
N/A |
8.Panretinal Photocoagulation Vs. Panretinal Photocoagulation Plus IntravitrealRanibizumab In HighriskPriliferative Diabetic Retinopathy |
2017 |
Journal Of Evidence Based Medicine And Healthcare |
1.Evid.Based.Healthc Pissn 2349-2562 E-ISSN 2349-2570,Volume 4 1 Issue 94, December-17 |
NA |
NA |
9. Changes in Posterior Corneal Curvature, Asphericity and Longitudinal Spherical Aberrations Following Myopic Laser in Situ Keratomileusis |
November 2018 |
Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research |
ISSN(e)-2347-176x ISSN(p) 2455-0450 Volume 06 Issue 11 |
6.379 |
NA |
10.Surgical and functional outcone of lateral canthaltarsorrhaphy in unilateral paralytic lagophthalmos |
2014 |
International Journal Of recent trends in science and technology |
ISSN;2277-2812 E-I SSN-2249-8109 Volume 12,Issue3, 2014,pg 514-516 |
11. Comparing ganglion cell complex and retinal nerve fibre layer for the early diagnosis of glaucoma |
October 2018 |
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
ISSN(p) 2321-3310, ISSN(o) 2321-3086 |
NA |
NA |
12.Prospective Evaluation of Transconjunctival Muller’s Muscle Resection for Minimal Congenital Ptosis with Relation to Phenylephrine test at at Tertiary Care centre |
November 2018 |
Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research |
ISSN€-2347-176x ISSN(p) 2455-0450 |
6.379 |
NA |
Title Of Publication |
Year Of Publication |
Name Of Journal
Volume, Issue And Page No |
Impact Factor By SCI Thomson Reuters |
Citation As On April 30,2018 |
1.Low visual aids , the boon for improving visual functions of the visually handicap students of Sarwashikshaabhiyan( education for all) of Nagpur district |
April 2014 |
International Journal of recent Trends in science and Technology |
1.ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109,volume 1,Issue IV, April 2014 |
4.15(2016) |
13 |
2. Long term efficacy and safety of transcanalicular laser DCR |
October-2014 |
International Journal of recent Trends in science and Technology
1.ISSN 2348-2516 E-ISSN 2348-1897,volume 1 Issue X, October-2014 |
4.15(2016) |
13 |
3. Predicting prognostic value o f ocular trauma score in an open globe injury in tertiary eye care hospital
, October-2015 |
Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare |
1.ISSN 2349-2562 E-ISSN 2349-2570,volume 2 1 Issue 42, October-2015 |
N/A |
N/A |
4. Repeat Dacryocystorhinostomy with silicon international tube |
November 2018 |
Medplus International Journal of Ophthalmology
ISSN 22507575 Volume 8 Issue 2 November 2018 |
NA |
NA |
Title Of Publication |
Year Of Publication |
Name Of Journal
Volume, Issue And Page No |
Impact Factor By SCI Thomson Reuters |
Citation As On April 30,2018 |
1.Ocular Manifestation In Polytrauma Patients In Pediatic Age Group In Tertiary Care Center In Central India |
FEBRUARY -2018 |
Journal Of medical Science And clinical Research
ISSN(E)-2347-176X ISSN (P)2455-0450 JMSCR/VOLUME-6/ ISSUE-2 PAGE 875-879/FEBRUARY -2018 |
5.84 |
N/A |
2. SuturlessTrabeculectomy As Substitute For Conventional Trabeculectomy In Management Of 1 Open Angle Glaucoma |
September -2017 |
International Journal Of Biomedical And Advance Research |
ISSN(E)-2239-3809 ISSN (P)2455-0558 VOLUME-8 PAGE 351-354 /September -7
N/A |
NA |
3.Panretinal Photocoagulation Vs. Panretinal Photocoagulation Plus IntravitrealRanibizumab In HighriskPriliferative Diabetic Retinopathy |
2017 |
Journal Of Evidence Based Medicine And Healthcare |
1.Evid.Based.Healthc Pissn 2349-2562 E-ISSN 2349-2570,Volume 4 1 Issue 94, December-17 |
NA |
NA |
N/A |
NA |
NA |
Title Of Publication |
Year Of Publication |
Name Of Journal
Volume, Issue And Page No |
Impact Factor By SCI Thomson Reuters |
Citation As On April 30,2018 |
1.Low visual aids , the boon for improving visual functions of the visually handicap students of Sarwashikshaabhiyan( education for all) of Nagpur district |
April 2014 |
International Journal of recent Trends in science and Technology |
1.ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109,volume 1,Issue IV, April 2014 |
4.15(2016) |
13 |
2. Repeat Dacryocystorhinostomy with silicon international tube |
November 2018 |
Medplus International Journal of Ophthalmology
ISSN 22507575 Volume 8 Issue 2 November 2018 |
NA |
NA |
Title Of Publication |
Year Of Publication |
Name Of Journal
Volume, Issue And Page No |
Impact Factor By SCI Thomson Reuters |
Citation As On April 30,2018 |
1.Low visual aids , the boon for improving visual functions of the visually handicap students of Sarwashikshaabhiyan( education for all) of Nagpur district |
April 2014 |
International Journal of recent Trends in science and Technology |
1.ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109,volume 1,Issue IV, April 2014 |
4.15(2016) |
13 |
2. Long term efficacy and safety of transcanalicular laser DCR |
October-2014 |
International Journal of recent Trends in science and Technology
1.ISSN 2348-2516 E-ISSN 2348-1897,volume 1 Issue X, October-2014 |
4.15(2016) |
13 |
3. Predicting prognostic value o f ocular trauma score in an open globe injury in tertiary eye care hospital
, October-2015 |
Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare |
1.ISSN 2349-2562 E-ISSN 2349-2570,volume 2 1 Issue 42, October-2015 |
N/A |
N/A |
Publication In Research Published In The Journal |
Sr No |
Name of author |
Title of publication |
Year of publication |
Name of journal |
Vol ,issue,& Page no |
Impact factor |
Citation |
DR.RAJESH JOSHI (Asso. Prof) |
1 |
Study of referral pattern to ophthalmology outpatient department from various departments in medical college |
2011 |
Indian medical association |
Feb ;109 (2) 79-81 |
2 |
Conventional dacrocystorhinostomy in a failed Trans-canlicular laser assisted dacrocystorhinostomy |
2011 |
Indian joural of ophthalmology |
Sep-oct 59 (5) 383-385 |
0.11 |
3 |
Primary posterior capsular opacification in Indian rural population undergoing cataract surgery for hypermature senile cataract |
2013 |
Clinical ophthalmology |
Aug ;7 1605-1608 |
4 |
A single drop of 0.5% proparacaine hydrochloride foruncomplicated clear corneal phacoemulcification |
2013 |
Middle east African journal of ophthalmology |
Jul-sept : 20(3) 221-224 |
0.36 |
NA |
5 |
Diffractive multifocal intraocular lens compared to pseudo accommodative intraocular lens implant for unilateral cataracts in pre-presbyopic patients |
2013 |
Middle east African journal of ophthalmology |
Jul-sept : 20(3) 207-211 |
0.36 |
6 |
Subconjunctival dislocation of posterior chamber intraocular lens :five years after manual, small-incision cataract surgery |
2014 |
Nepal J ophthalmology |
Jan ;6 (11) 91-104 |
0.51 |
7 |
0.5% proparacaine hydrochloride for clear corneal phacoemulcification in patient with co-morbid conditions |
2014 |
Indian journal of ophthalmology |
2014 nov 62(11) 1101 |
0.11 |
8 |
Proparacaine Hydrochloride Topical Drop And Intracameral 0.5% Lignocaine For Phacotrabeculectomy In Patient With Primary Open Angle Glaucoma |
2014 |
Middle east African journal of ophthalmology |
Vol 21(3) 210-215 |
0.36 |
NA |
9 |
Phacoemulsifocation Without Preoperative Mydriasis Associated With Type 2 Diabetes. |
International Journal Clinical ophthalmology |
2016;10 2427-2432 |
0.961 |
NA |
10 |
Phacoemulsifocation In Completely Vitrectomised Eyes Intraoperative Analysis Of Modified PhacoSleve. |
2016 |
Indian Journal of Applied Research |
2016:64 (9) 659-662 |
0.961 |
NA |
11 |
In The Bag Decentration Of An Intraocular Lens In Patient With A Tendency To Hypertropic Scarring |
2016 |
International Journal Digital journal of ophthalmology |
2016, vol 22 |
0.11 |
NA |
12 |
Recurrent iridoclyclitis due to cotton fibre in anterior chamber |
2016 |
Nepal jornal of ophthalmology |
2016; 8(15 ) 87-90 |
0.51 |
NA |
13 |
Comnined 30 Degree Level Up Down Technique Against Zero Degree Phaco Tip For Phacoemulsifocation`Of Hard Catract |
2017 |
International Journal Clinical ophthalmology |
2017:11 1073-1079 |
0.961 |
NA |
14 |
Evaluation Of Topical Lignocaine Jelly 2% For Recurrent Pterygium Surgery With Glue Free Autogous conjunctival graft |
2017 |
Middle East African Journal Of Ophthalmology
2017 2(3) 126:130 |
0.961 |
NA |
15 |
Long Term Result Of TryphanBluedye Irrigation In The Capsular Bag To Prevent Posterior Capsular Opacification A. Randomized Trial |
2017 |
Indian Journal of ophthalmology |
2017:65 1440-1444 |
0.11 |
NA |
16 |
Success Rate Of Conventional Dacrocystorhinostromy In Post Dacrocystitis Compared To Endonasal, Dacrocystorhinostromyin Acute Dacrocystitis |
2017 |
Journal of ophthalmic ans vision research
2017:12 (3) 290-295 |
1.935 |
NA |
17 |
2017 |
Nepal journal of ophthalmology International Journal |
Jul 9 (18) 149-155 |
0.51 |
NA |
18 |
Postoperative posterior capsular striae and the posterior capsular opacificaton in patients implanted with two types of intraocular lens material |
2017 |
Indian journal of ophthalmogy |
Jun 65(6) 466-471 |
0.11 |
19 |
Causes of visual handicap among patients attending outpatient department of a medical college for handicap certification I central India |
2018 |
Journal of clinical ophthalmology and research |
Jan-aprvol 1 (1)
20 |
Frequency and surgical difficulties associated with pseudoexfoliation syndrome among Indian rural population scheduled for cataract surgery: Hospital based data |
2019 |
Indian journal of ophthalmology |
2019; feb 67 (2) 221-226 |
0.11 |
21 |
Evaluation of semi-preloaded intraocular lens delivery system |
2019 |
Romanian journal of ophthalmology |
63 issue 1;March 2019 56-60 |
22 |
Corneal Toxicity due to DaturaInoxia |
2019 |
Journal of ophthlmic and vision research |
14(3) July -septeber 2019 |
23 |
Rotation versus non-rotation of intraocular lens for prevention of posterior capsular opacification
2019 |
Indian journal of ophthalmology |
August 2019 |
14 ocular trauma in paediatric age group at a tertiary eye care centre in central Maharashtra,India 2020 March 2020 |
1)Prevalence And Risk Factors Of Dry Eye A Hospital Based Study
International Journal
Of recent trends in science and technology
ISSN;2277-2812 E-ISSN2249-8109.Volume 12,Issue 1,2014,pg190-192
2)Surgical And Functional Outcome Of Lateral Canthal Tarsorhaphy In Unilateral Paralytic Lagophthalmos
International Journal
Of recent trends in science and technology
E-I SSN-2249-8109 Volume 12,Issue3, 2014,pg 514-516
3)Rare case of large orbital sebaceous cyst with fistulous trap near lacrimal sac area
Unique journal of medical & dental sciences
ISSN- 2347 5579
VOLUME -: 3 (02) APRIL - JUNE 2015
PAGE NO 44-48
4)A rare case of lamellar ichthyosis
“Collodion baby ” with severe cicatricial ectropion in both eyes
International journal of scientific research
ISSN NO 2277-8179
Volume : IV , Issue :VII
JULY -2015
PAGE NO 149 -150
5)Trabeculectomy With Ologen Implant Versus Trabeculectomy With Mitomycin-C Primary Open Angle Glaucoma A-2year Study
World journal pharmaceutical science
International Journal
Of medical and applied science
Volume 4,Issue 7,July 2015,
6)Changes in posterior corneal curvature, asphericity and longitudinal spherical aberrations following myopic Laser in-situ keratomileusis.
Journal of medical science and clinical research
JMSCR volume 06/ISSUE-11 page 642-647/NOVEMBER 201
7)Study of Epidemiology of Diabetic Retinopathy in Central India
Journal of medical science and clinical research
JMSCR volume 07/ISSUE-01 page 502-509/January 2019
Structure-function relationship and diagnostic value of macular ganglion cell complex measurement using fourier-domain OCT in glaucoma |
2023 |
Indian journal of ophthalmology |
Visual complications of surgeries for rhino-orbital mucormycosis in patients previously infected with COVID 19 in a tertiary eye care centre in central India – A case series |
2022 |
IOSR Journal of dental and medical sciences |
Vol.21 issue.3 ser.3 |
A Descriptive analysis of unique disability identification card (UDID)- Certified visually disabled patients at a tertiary eye care centre in central india |
2022 |
OPEN ACCESS CUREUS 14(11)e31106 |
DR. N. G. RAUT |
Critical evaluation of lens induced glaucoma |
2016 |
Medico research chronicles |
Vol.3 no.1 |
Cited by 2 |
DR. N. G. RAUT |
Corneal endothelial cell loss after small incision cataract surgery in diabetic versus non diabetic patients |
2016 |
Medico research chronicles |
Vol.3 no.1 |
Cited by 2 |
Preventable blindness amongst persons with certified visual impairement in tribal district of central India |
2023 |
International journal of academic medicine and pharmacy |
5(3);231-234 |
DR. N. G. RAUT |
Assessment of awareness about common pediatric eye disorders among primary school teachers and epidemiological factors associated with it |
European journal of molecular and clinical medicine |
Thesis topics
Completed thesis
2)Congenital NLDO: Clinical, microbiological and management outcome in urban and rural population at a tertiary health care center-Dr Madhura
3)Demography and ocular diseases in people living with HIV : Central India HIV associated ocular diseases study CIHAODS-Dr Smital
4)Study of epidemiology of Diabetic Retinopathy and macular edema in central India: A systemic review-Dr Avinash
5) To compare the efficacy and safety of combined injection of bevacizumab with triamcinolone acetonide versus intravitreal injection of bevacizumab alone in the treatment of DME. - Dr Preeti Wadekar
6)Indication and outcomes ofanterior Lamellar Keratoplasty in tertiary care centre-Dr Ujwala Weladi
7) Evaluation of wavefront aberrations in myopic patients in tertiary health care center.-Dr. Harpriya
8) To compare horizontal muscle plication with resection in commitant squint-Dr. Monika Shah
Ongoing thesis
1)A comparative study of risk factors for graft failure in post penetrating keratoplasty in tertiary care hospital - Dr Vidya P Hiremath
2)Study of Microbiological Profile and Visual outcomes of Endophthalmitis patients in tertiary care centre in central India -Dr.Sonali Tamboli
3) Comparative evaluation of posterior capsular opacification (PCO) and ND:YAG capsulotomy rate in patients implanted with hydrophilic IOL, with and without ocular viscoelastic device. - Dr Tanmay Surwade
4) longitudinal study of optical coherence tomography changes in primary open angle glaucoma. - Dr Namrata Bansode
5) Comparative evaluation of complication rate following Nd YAG laser posterior capsulotomy in patients associated with comorbid and non comorbid conditions for posterior capsular opacification - Dr Pallavi Doble
6) Evaluation of previous and post operative corneal topographical changes in wavefront standard optimised versus wavefront guided laser assisted in situ keratomileusis in patients with high myopia and myopic astigmatism - Dr Shital Deshmukh
7)Correlation between choroidal thickness and degree of myopia-Dr. Nehali Pant
8)Peripapillary retinal nerve fibre layer thickness in Iron deficiency anaemia-Dr.Rajesh Ingale
9) Evaluation of visual and refractive outcomes of wavefront optimised v/s wavefront guided laser assisted insitu keratomileusis in patients with myopia and myopic astigmatism-Dr. Aishwarya Wattamwar
10)Evaluation of the changes in Corneal Topography and Astigmatism following Small Incision Cataract surgery and Phacoemulsifiaction-Dr.Aishwarya Nayak
11.Retinal nerve fiber layer analysis in diabetic patients with and without diabetic retinopathy -Dr Bharat Bharvesh
Department of ophthalmology organise eye donation fortnight 'Pandharwada' from 25th August to 8th September.
During this period various camps were held at different places.
In 2019 Shri Shri Atal Aarogya camp was held.
In 2020 during Pandharwada Various school camp were held for children eye screening.
Total patients examined: 1200
Cataract: 100
Refractive error: 400
Dry eye: 15
Presbyopia: 34
Squint: 39
Others: 165
Locations of camps at various palces in Nagpur.
Saoner visit: A faculty visit is conducted on the last Tuesday of every months. Various diagnostic and surgical camps are conducted by department of Ophthalmology throught the year, salient features of few are as follows:
MNC camp : Camp was held in Nagpur on every 1st and 15 th of every month in 2019 where patients were screened for refractive errors and correction given. Patients requiring surgeries are referred to Govt. hospital Chief Minister camp: was held in the month of October 2018 and January 2019. Almost 10,000 patients screened •
• Kamptee camp:
was conducted by Hon. Shri Chandrashekharji Bawankule in Kamptee. Almost 500 surgeries conducted.
Shri Shri Camp:
conducted by Shri Sanket Bawankule with Shri Shri Foundation. Camps were held on Sundays in the months of June, July and August in the rural areas around Nagpur. Refractive errors were corrected and free spectacles were distributed by Shri Shri trust. Patients requiring surgeries were referred to government hospital
• • Eye Donation Fortnight Camps: camps are held every year during the eye donation fortnight in schools, old age homes, police stations. School students screening for refractive error done by GMCH Nagpur from 2 nd week of August till 3 rd week of September - Total Number of schools screened: 50 Total Number of students screened: 1428 Total Number of students called for refraction: 89
Departmental activity • • • •
Department has certified by DBCS consecutively since three years for completing the target more than 100 percentage. Netradan Pandharwada 25 September- 8 August Eye donation awareness fortnight also known as Netradan Pandarwada has been celebrated in our department since the last 35 years. Camps are held everyday during the fortnight. A rally is held which includes MBBS students, NCC candidates and nursing students to spread awareness regarding eye donation. Intercollegiate ophthalmology quiz held for MBBS students. In September 2010, 6 keratoplasties were done in a single day in GMCH Nagpur eye department by a team of 6 doctors led by Dr. Madan sir. It was the first time 6 cornea transplant surgeries were done in a single day at any GMC in the state.
• • • A CNE ( Continuing Nursing Education) was held in August 2017 to train nurses on basic ophthalmology. As per Hospital Infection Control Committee, a seminar on Biomedical Waste Management and OT Asepsis is conducted once in 6 months for postgraduates, Interns and Para Medical Ophthalmic Assistants. Our department has been recognised as a centre for enucleation training at the state level for Paraophthalmic Assisstants where they are being taught the procedure of enucleation ,counselling of patients towards the act of eye donation ,the indications and contraindications of enucleation and the various legal issues associated with it
On behalf of PLATINUM JUBILEE CELEBRATION OF GMC NAGPUR -Felicited Ex-HOD's of ophthalmology department of GMC Nagpur ,Organized an Scientific session on oculoplasty, Inaugurated by the hands of Dr.Vikas Mahatme in presence of our dean Dr .Raj Gajbhiye in guidance of our HOD Dr .N.G Raut .
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