Pathology is a para clinical department which carries Prime importance in Diagnosis of diseases and predicting Prognosis. The department runs two parallel OPDs, One is Clinical Pathology (CCL) and another is Cytology OPD. The Pathology department has laboratories like Haematology, Cytology, Histopathology and is providing the Blood banking services. The Hematology Laboratory is equipped with newer technologies like Flow cytometry which is helping needy cancer patients for the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, along with other routine hematological procedures. The Cytology Laboratory in GMC Nagpur is IAC Accredited and is counted as one of the oldest (Since Jan1983) and the best in the country which is also using newer technique like LBC preparation for Gynacological Cytology reporting. The Histopathology section runs a state of art laboratory in Surgical Pathology. The Blood Bank of GMC Nagpur is considered as Model Blood Bank with Blood Component and Plasmapheresis Facilities. In continuing with the patient care the Pathology department will soon have an Advanced PCR/Molecular Laboratory in near future for better care and managment of cancer patients.
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Dept of Pathology
Publications Listed in Pub med Indexed Journals in last 5 years |
Name of Author |
Title of Publication |
Name of Journal |
Volume/Issue/Page No. |
1 |
Dr. Vdita Bobade Dr. Sanjay Parate Dr. D.T.Kumbhalkar |
Seropevalence of viral transfusion transmitted infections among blood donors at govt. hospital blood bank in central India |
The Health Agenda |
Volume3, Issue 1 Page 15 to 19 Year Jan 2015 |
2 |
Dr. Rekha Patil Dr. V.D.Tote Dr.M.M.Kamal Dr.D.T.Kumbhalkar |
Fine Needle aspiration cytology of Osteoblastoma: A case report |
Journal of evidence based medicine |
Volume-2 issue 8 2015 |
3 |
Dr.Vedita Bobade Dr. M.A.Pangarkar Dr.D.T.Kumbhalkar |
Fine Needle Aspiration cytology of Maxicllary osteosarcome-A case Report |
Indian Journal of Pathology and oncology |
Dec.2015 Volume 2(4) 316:318 |
4 |
Dr. Vedia Bobade Dr.Sanjay Parate Dr.D.T.Kumbhalkar |
Seroprevalence of Viral transfusion transmitted in rections among blood donaors at a government hospital Blood bank in Central Inida |
The Health agenda |
January 2015, 3(1) 15:18 |
5 |
Dr. Vedia Bobade Dr.Sanjay Parate Dr.D.T.Kumbhalkar |
Analysis of discord of whole blood and blood components in Government hospital blood bank in central India |
Journal of evidence based medicine and healthcare |
March 2015; 12, 15-19 |
6 |
Dr. Tulsi S.Chhadi, |
A rare presentation of sporaodic malignant triton tumor |
The journal of DMIMS |
Vol 10 No. 1 2015 |
7 |
Dr.Tulsi Chhadi |
C-kit negative extra gastrointestinal stromal tumor with unusual heterologous elements; a rare case |
The journal of DMIMS |
Vol10 No.1 2015
8 |
Dr. J.R.Tijare |
1.,Indian Medial Gazette synovial cyst with fungal granuloma 2. prevalance of the beta (3) gene among schedule caste, scheduled tribe and other backward class groups in central India |
Vidarbh Journal of Interanl Medicine
Heamoglobin |
2015;18: 32-39
2014: 38(4); 230-5 |
9 |
Dr.W.K.Raut |
A case report :- Report of a case of primary breast lymphoma highlighting the importance of FNAC as an initial diagnostic tool |
Journal of Cytology |
April 2015/Vol-32/Issue-2
10 |
Dr.B.D.Kowe Dr.S.P.Nayak |
1.Primary splenic cyst
2. Adnoid cystic Carcinoma of cervix |
Journal of Medical Science of Health
Journal of Medical science of Health |
Volume 1, Issue 3 2015
Volume 1, Issue 1 2015 |
11 |
Dr.A.P.Gupta Dr.D.T.Kumbhalkar |
HIV sero positivity and neoplasm with plasma cell morphology plasma blastic lymphoma & Plasma cell myeloma |
Annals of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine |
Volume2, Issue 2 2015 |
12 |
Dr.A.P.Gupta Dr.A.R.Dikondawar |
Gelatinous transformation of bone marrow a rare cause of pancytopenia |
Annals of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine |
Volume2,Issue2 2015 |
13 |
Dr.D.M.Bhat Dr.S.N.Parate |
Colonic Bioplsy: What to look for |
Journal of Medical Sciences & health
Volume1,Issue3 2015
14 |
Dr.T.S.Chhadi |
Journal Name : The journal of Datta Meghe institute of medical sciences university |
52-54 ; vol ;10 :1 : 2015 1st author
15 |
Dr.T.S.Chhadi |
The journal of Datta Meghe institute of medical sciences university |
vol 10 : 1 : 2015 1st author
16 |
Dr.T.S.Chhadi |
A Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of the head of Pancreas: A rare case report diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology. |
Vol 10; issue 6, Jun 2016 1st author
17 |
Dr.V.A.Walke |
Cytodiagnosis of sebaceous carcinoma eyelid : , |
J of case report |
2013:3;110-13 1st Author
18 |
Dr.V.A.Walke |
Cytodiagnosis of gouty tophus.
Cytojournal |
.2013;10:11-13 1st Author
19 |
Dr.V.A.Walke |
1) Lhermitte-Duclos Disease in a young adult: rare entity.
Iranian journal of pathology |
.2013;8:194-198 1st Author
20 |
Dr.V.A.Walke |
J Health spec. |
2014;2:86-8 1st Author
21 |
Dr.V.A.Walke |
5.Clear cell meningioma intraoperative diagnosis by squash cytology case report and review of literature |
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 2015 |
Online 109 -13 |
22 |
Dr.M.M.Kamal |
Syncytial varient of nodular scierosis hodgkins disease a diagnostic pitfall in FNAC
J o Cytology 2014
MM Kamai 1st Author
23 |
Dr.M.M.Kamal |
Inter observer agreement in the reporting of cervical biopsy specimens obtained from women screened by VIA & hybrid capture DNA
InternationaI J Gynaecology Pathology |
Kamal MM 2013, 32: 509-515
24 |
Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare |
Volume 2, Issue33,August 17,, 2015; Page: 5069-5072.
25 |
Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology |
, October – December 2015;2(4);316-318
26 |
Dr S. M. Chawhan Original Article |
Dermatological manifestations in human immunodeficiency virus infected patients: Morphological spectrum with CD4 correlation. |
Indian J Sex Transm Dis |
27 |
Dr S. M. Chawhan Original Article |
Central nervous system hemangioblastomas: Epidemiology, pathology and clinical spectrum in a tertiary care centre. |
Astrocyte |
28 |
Dr S. M. Chawhan Case Report |
Metastases of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix to Duodenum: A Case Report. |
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. |
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. |
29 |
Dr A Gupta Dr Mahajan V Dr Kumbhalkar DT, Dr Raut WK Case Report |
Sebaceous carcinoma of lid- a great clinical mimic | Journal of Medical science and health | 2018;4(2):25-2 |
30 |
Dr A Gupta Dr G Hake Dr. D T Kumbhalkar Dr A H Madan |
Clinicopathological study of recipients Corneal tissue excised during penetrating Keratoplasty. Best out of waste. | IP Archives of Cytology and Histopathology research | 2018, Volume 3,issue 3 |
31 |
Dr Jha Kanika, Dr A Gupta |
FNAC of nodular lesions of liver | Annals of cyotlogy and histology research | 2018, Dec, vol3, issue 4 |
32 |
Dr Gupta A P Dr Gupta A Dr D T Kumbhalkar |
Histomorphological study of cystoscopicurinary bladder biopsies: A gold standard | Indian Juornal of pathology and oncology | 2019, 6(2), 174-181 |
33 |
Dr Gupta A P Dr Uday Suryawanshi Dr D T Kumbhalkar |
Histopathology of gastroesophageal lesions and its correlation with H pylori and mucin histochemisrty (Accepted and ahead of print) | Medical jurnal of DY Patil College Pune | 2020 |
34 |
Dr Patil R Dr Dani A Dr Raut U Dr Chaturkar A Dr Kumbhalkar DT |
Study of coronary atherosclerosis & myocardial infarction in medicolegal autopsies from central India | Journal of evidence based medicine & health care | 2020:7(36):1908-1912 |
35 |
Dr Patil Rekha Dr Poflee Sandhya Dr Raut Waman
A rare clinical presentation of urinary bladder carcinoma: A case report |
Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology, | January-March, 2018;5(1):354-356 |
36 |
Dr Pugalia Meenal Dr Poflee Sandhya et al |
Melanoma of uterine cervix in a young female-Report of a rare case. |
Archieves of Cytology and Histopathology Research |
April-June 2018:3(2);107-110 |
37 |
Dr Chavan Sanjay Dr Poflee Sandhya et al |
Folliculitiskelodalis nuchae – clinical mimic of malignancy: A case report | Journal of Medical Sciences and Health | May-Aug2018,vol 4,Issue1 |
38 |
Dr Sathwane P Dr Poflee Sandhya |
Conjuntival Malignant Melanoma-Report of a rare case | Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine- | |
39 |
Dr Malviya Neha Dr Poflee Sandhya |
Study of Predictive and Prognostic markers in Breast cancer with special reference to hormonal receptors. | IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. |
2018,17 (9)pp31-36 |
40 |
Dr Shroff Vrushali Dr Poflee Sandhya et al |
Biliary cystadenoma-A rare cystic neoplasm of liver. | Clinical sciences Research and Reports |
2018,vol1 (3):1-3 |
41 |
Dr Pawar Prajkta Dr Poflee Sandhya et al |
Primary yolk sac tumor of orbit:Report of a rare case | Indian Journal of cancer | 2019 |
42 |
Dr Poflee Sandhya Dr Baste Balaji Dr Munje Radha |
Intestinal Tuberculosis in Surgical Pathology | Chapter 8 in book current Trends in Disease and Health |
vol.1 pg87-94 |
43 |
Dr Illias Nadiya Dr Poflee Sandhya et al |
An unusual Case of Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis Masquerading as Pulmonary Tuberculosis | Asian Journal of Medical Research |
vol8,issue4,October-December 2019 |
44 |
Dr Poflee Sandhya Dr Patil Pekha Dr Raut Waman
Pathological study Maternal Death- Experience from a Tertiary Care Centre in Central India.Original Research. | International Journal Of Contemporary Medical Research |
Vol7,issue2 feb2020 |
45 |
Dr Poflee Snadhya Dr Khade Archana et al |
Blood Bank Scenario during Coid-19 Pandemic - Experience from Tertiary Care Hospital |
International Journal of Scientific Research | Vol9,issue 9 September2020 |
46 |
Dr Illias Nadiya Dr Poflee Sandhya |
Minimally Invasive Evaluation of Pleuro-Pulmonary nodules and Mass Lesions-Experience from Tertiary Care Hospital | International Journal of Scientific Research | 1st october 2020 issue |
47 | Dey B, Deshpande AH, Brar RK, Ray A | Chondromyxoid fibroma of the metatarsal bone: Cytologic diagnosis using fine needle aspiration biopsy | Journal of cytology |
2018;35:67-68 |
48 | Brar RK, Deshpande AH, Gargade CB, Singh A | Spontaneous expulsion of a large infarcted endometrial polyp. | Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol | 2018;7: 357 |
49 | Kathpalia SK, Mehrotra M, Jena P, Deshpande AH | Spindle cell sarcoma – a rare diagnosis | MOJ Womens Health | 2018:7(2); 60-62 |
50 | Dey B, Deshpande AH, Bhat SH, Singh A: | Tuberculosis cutis orificialis with underlying pulmonary tuberculosis in an immunocompetent man. | Journal of Laboratory Physicians | 2018:10(4); 457- 459 |
51 | Choudhary S, Deshpande AH, Gargade CB: | The Bethesda system for reporting thyroid FNAC: a cytohistological correlation in a newly established institute. | Ind Jour PatholOncol |
52 | Nair V, Dey B, Deshpande AH, Nigam JS | Cystic Schwannoma of the tongue masquerading as mucocele. | Journal of Cytology | 2018: 35; 125-126 |
53 | Deshpande AH, Bobde V, Shrikhande AV | Fine needle aspiration cytology of retroperitoneal masses under radiological guidance. | International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research | 2019;6(9):120-124 |
54 | Gargade CB, Deshpande AH, Kumar H | Osteoma of external auditory canal- a rare tumour at a rare site | Int Jour Otolaryngol& head & neck Surgery SUBMITTED | |
55 | Gargade CB Deshpande AH | A rare case of appendicular intessusception in an adult due to adenocarcinoma of the appendix. | Ind J PatholMicrobiol SUBMITTED | |
56 | Gargade CB Deshpande A | Non-neoplastic testicular and paratesticular lesions-study from a remote Indian island. | Ann Pathol Lab Med | 2020:7(4);186-193 |
57 | Gargade CB Deshpande AH | Ichthyosis uteri with dysplasia - a case report | Ind J PatholMicrobiol |
2020;63:637-9 |
58 | Gargade CB Deshpande AH | Leiomyoadenomatoidtumour of testicular tunica - A rare entity. | Ind J PatholOncol |
2020:7(2); 343-346
59 | Archana Laxman Khade, Manisha S Khare, Uma M Tendolkar, Felice Faizal | Fungal Rhinosinusitis: Clinicopathological Study of 10 Years | Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |
Vol. 5, Issue 5, May, 2018. ine |
60 | Kirti Jaiswal, HarshwardhanBahirat | Study of lymph node cytology in HIV Seropositive patients and its correlation with CD4 count. | Global Journal for Research Analysis | Vol. 9, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 4-7 |
61 | Patil RN, Dani AA, Raut UH, Chaturkar AR, Kumbhalkar DT. | Study of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Myocardial Infarction in Medico legal Autopsi | Central IndiaJournal of Evidence Based Med Health2020 |
2020; 7 (36), pp 1908-1912 |
62 | Tijare JR, Pohekar RK, Dani AA, Shrikhande AV. | Prevalence of Cholelithiasis In Sickle Cell Hemoglobinopathy, Central India Scenario : | International journal of Scientific and Research Publications Central India Scenario : A |
2020;10(1), pp269-271 a |
13Nottingham prognostic index :useful tool to assess outcome in patients of breast carcinoma ISSN:2581-5725 |
ACHR ISSN:2581-5725 | ACHR 2020;5(1):9-13 |
64 | Richa Sharma, Dr. Dharitri Bhat, Dr. Anupama Gupta, Dr. D.T. Kumbhalkar, | Histomorphological Spectrum of Basal Cell Carcinoma: Diagnostic Challenges and clinical Implications body> | International Journal Medical and Dental Sciences Research 2021 |
; vol 3, issue 2, 898-904 |
65 | Bajoriya R, Makde MM, Kamal MM | Immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Tissue Microarray (TMA) Technique to Demonstrate HPV Antigen & Cell Cycle Proteins in Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions and Cancer Cervix |
JSAFOG 2020. |
66 | : Makde MM, Kamal MM, Chadi TS, Sathawne | Thyroid Malignancy in Long Standing Goitre: A Case Series with Review of Literature: | . Annal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |
: vol 7(5) 2020. |
67 | Kamal,Bhat,Pophali,Manjiri Makde, Fatema kamal | Uterine cervix cancer and Bethesda system | Book | |
68 | V.Bobde,Kawathalkar, Kumbhalkar | Clinicopathological Spectrum of Ovarian neoplasm in pre and post menopausal women | IP arch Cytohistopathol Res | 2022;7(3);157-163 |
s. no. |
guide |
Pg student |
topic |
1 |
Dr. Anupama Gupta |
Dr. Anchal Lohiya |
Cytology of oral lesions. LBC vs conventional cytology using oral brush |
2 |
Dr. Sandhya Poflee |
Dr. Nadia Ilyas |
Histopathological and immunohistochemical study of pleuropulmonary nodules and mass lesions |
3 |
Dr. Nitin Shende |
Dr. Haridas Munde |
Clinicopathological evaluation in case of pancytopenia |
4 |
Dr. Saroj Gaikwad |
Dr. Devika Kinkhede |
Histopathological spectrum of intracranial space occupying lesions |
5 |
Dr. Shailendra Jambhulkar |
Dr. Rajesh Dhage |
Study of multiparameter flow cytometry in diagnosis of mature lymphocytic neoplasms in peripheral blood and bone marrow |
6 |
Dr. Dharitri Bhat |
Dr. Richa Sharma |
Spectrum of pigmented skin lesions a clinicopathological study with special emphasis on premalignant lesions |
7 | Dr.D.T.Kumbhalkar | Dr Pranali Khobragade | Assessment of Minimal residual disease(MRD)in B-lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia by quantitative flow cytometry:An observational study at tertiary care health centre |
8 | Dr. Shirish Kawthalkar | Dr Prem Chand Dhruw | Study of fine needle aspiration of salivary gland according to the Milan Sysyem for reporting salivary gland cytopathology, A cross sectional and Observational study |
9 | Dr R N Patil | Dr Utkarsha Raut | Histopathological study of Bone lesions A Prospective observational study |
10 | Dr A G Gharpure | Dr Mayukh Pal | Study of histomorphological spectrum of paediatric surgical lesions from11 paediatric surgical subspeciality in tertiary care hospital:cross sectional ,observational study. |
11 | Dr A A Dani | Dr Akshada Chaturkar | Nuclear Morphometry in various thyroid lesions Is really a helping hand to histopathology eye? An observational study |
12 | Dr Purnima Kodate | Dr Sarika Khatade | DNA ploidy by flow cytometry in B cell acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia using FxCycle violet and its correlation with clinical prognostic factors |
13 | Dr S N Parate | Dr Shatabdi Das | Study of clinicopathological profile of various lesions of upper GIT-a prospective observational study in symptomatic patienbts of tertiary care hospital |
14 | Dr Jayashri Tijare | Dr Priyanka Sarnaik | Evaluation of DNA Ploidy in patients with mature lymphoid neoplasma using flow cytometry and with ki67 by IHC:A prospective observational study at tertiary care hospital in central India |
15 | Dr Satish Helwatkar | Dr Vinay Mirani | Histopathological study of tumors of skin and adnixa-a cross sectional study |
16 | Dr Suprita Nayak | Dr Supriya Ubale | Study of histopathology of glandular lesions of cervix with role of P16INK4A: A cross sectional observational study |
17 | Dr Vedita Bobde | Dr Swatu Nagre | Histopathological cross sectional study of thyroid neoplasms with emphasis on study of PDL1 IHC in follicular patterened neoplasms. |
Haematology - Morphology and Beyond with Slide viewing session and One day CME on Flow Cytometry
2-3 August 2019
Venue- Auditorium GMC Nagpur
Dr M.M. Kamal-Associate Professor Pathology-sucessfully conducted a workshop on Telecytopathology-"Slide less e-learning"-LBC Gynec Cytology -Workshop in 4th Annual conference of Cytology MACyCON 2021
28th August 2022-Hematology workshop in collaboration with VAPM nagpur.
A one-day CME was held on “Basic and Advanced Hematology” at Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Nagpur on the 28th of August 2022 under the aegis of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of GMC, Nagpur. This was a collaborative activity between Vidarbha Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists (VAPM) and Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) Nagpur. The event received an overwhelming response with delegates from all over Vidarbha and beyond, accounting for over 160 plus registrations and attendance. The inaugural was conducted at API Hall, GMCH, in the presence of Chief Guest Dr. Sudhir Gupta, Dean GMC, Nagpur, Dr. M. M. Kamal, Prof and Head, Pathology, Dr Purnima Kodate VAPM President, Dr Prajakta Gaddewar, Honorary Secretary VAPM and Guests of Honours, Dr. Anil Handoo and Dr. Reena Das
The invited speaker for the CME were:
Dr Tejinder Singh shared some Interesting hematology cases and the challenges faced in day-to-day reporting. The session was jointly chaired by pathologist Dr. Sandhya Poflee and Dr Anne Wilkinson.
The speakers for the day discussed interesting and important haematology topics. Dr. Aarti Dani, Dr. Jayashri Tijare, Dr. Balwant Kowe and Dr. Manisha Mishra, Dr. Nishad Dhakate and Dr. Manjit Rajput were Chairpersons for the sessions.
Dr. Anil Handoo presented the topic “Flow cytometry for Beginners.” This session was chaired by Dr. Kishor Deshpande and Dr. Purnima Kodate, both leading Flow Cytometrists of Nagpur.
Interesting haematology cases were presented by Dr. Purnima Kodate, Dr. Richa Arora, Dr. Komal Galani and Dr. Nitin Shende. Dr. Pushkar Admane led the Corporate Session with his talk- “Educational Opportunities in HORIBA.”
8th September, 2022: Dermatopathology CME at NMC Platform
A one day CME was held at e- learning platform of National Medical college network, west region on “Dermatopathology” at Government Medical College Nagpur on 8th September 2022 under the aegis of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of GMC, Nagpur.
The event received an overwhelming response by delegates of Department of Pathology and Skin and V.D. The inaugural was conducted at API Hall, GMCH. Dr. M M Kamal, Professor and head, Department of pathology gave a brief introduction of the topic to the gathering. The CME threw a light on the following topics –
The talks were delivered by experienced and eminent associate professors - Dr. Dhariti Bhat, Dr. Satish Helwatkar and Dr. Anand Gharpure respectively. Dr. Archana Deshpande and Dr. Shirish Kawthalkar chaired the CME.
27th September, 2022: Intercollegiate Undergraduate Pathology Quiz
The annual intercollegiate undergraduate pathology quiz Smt. Sharda Shrinivasan trophy (Path Shakti 2022) was organized on 27th September, 2022. The quiz was jointly organized by Department of Pathology, Government Medical College Nagpur & Vidarbha Association of Pathologists & Microbiologists (VAPM) under the aegis of Platinum jubilee celebration.
Eight teams were from Government Medical Colleges of Vidarbha participated in the quiz. The quiz was coordinated by Dr. Satish Helwatkar (Associate Professor, Pathology) & Dr. Purnima Kodate (Associate Professor Pathology and President VAPM). The Quiz masters were Dr. Jayshri Tijare (Associate Professor Pathology) & Dr. Shubahngi Belekar (Assistant Professor Pathology) from GMC Nagpur.
After screening round total 6 Teams were qualified for final quiz, the teams were.
1) Vasantrao Naik Govt Medical college (VNGMC) Yavatmal.
2) All India Institute of Medical Science Nagpur (AIIMS).
3) Indira Gandhi Govt Medical College Nagpur (IGGMC).
4) Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Siences (MGIMS Sevagram ).
5) Government Medical College Akola (GMC Akola)
6) Government Medical College Nagpur (GMC Nagpur ) .
The quiz had several interesting rounds and the participants as well as the audience were enthusiastic in the responses to the quiz questions. Auditorium was full of faculties, teacher in-charges of various teams, interns and undergraduate students.
Dhanshree Ambare and Sohmika Wadhava from GMC Nagpur won the trophy. Priyanka Kurmi, Madhav Somani from AIIMS, Nagpur were 1st runner up. Sahilkumar Khilwani and Jay Heda from GMC Akola were 2nd Runner up. Dr.Uday Narlawar Vice Dean GMC Nagpur handed over trophies to winners. Quiz observers were Dr. Arati Dani, Dr. Shirish Kawthalkar and Dr. Sandhya Poflee.
Dr. Archana Randale & Dr. Manjiri Makde were score keeper for the quiz. Dr.Shilpa Tatte , Dr.Archana were time keeper. Master of ceremony was Dr. Shubhangi Bawankule (Asst. Prof. Pathology) & Dr. Prakjakta Gaddewar, Secretary VAPM delivered the vote of thanks.
A one-day CME was held on “Clinico-Pathological Correlation in Reproductive Endocrinology & Preventive Oncology” at Government Medical College Nagpur on the 12th October 2022 under the aegis of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of GMC, Nagpur. This was a collaborative activity between Departments of Pathology and Obstetrics and Gynaecology, GMCH, Nagpur. The event received an overwhelming response by delegates from Pathology and Obstetrics & Gynaecology departments. The inaugural was conducted at API Hall, GMCH, in the presence of Chief Guest Dr. Raj Gajbhiye, Dean GMC, Dr. M. M. Kamal, Prof and Head, Pathology, and Dr. M. Waikar Prof & Head, OBGY.
The invited speaker for the CME was an alumnus of this institute and also ex staff member of the department of Pathology GMCH, Nagpur, Dr. Iqbal Musani, Executive Chairperson, Lab Medicine based in Saudi Arabia. He delivered a talk on Critical Hormonal Evaluation in Female Infertility. This was followed by Dr. Moushmi Tadas Parpillewar who delivered a talk on management of infertility in PCOS. The session was jointly chaired by endocrinologist Dr. S. Ambulkar and gynaecologists Dr. C. Shembekar and Dr. Kshama Kedar.
The speakers for the session on preventive oncology were Dr. M.M. Kamal Prof & Head, Pathology and Dr. Rujuta Fuke Associate Prof, Obs & Gyn, GMCH, Nagpur, who discussed interesting and important topics on cervical cancer. Dr. Manjushree Waikar Prof & Head, Obs & Gynaec, Dr. Anil Humne AP, Obs & Gyn, Dr. Archana Deshpande, Prof Pathology and Dr. Aarti Dani AP, Pathology GMCH, Nagpur were the chairpersons for the session.
9th January, 2023: Guest lecture on “Publishing in Current Era ‘Under Open Access Charter’- Personal Experience and Innovations”.
A guest lecture was organised by the Department of Pathology on the 9th of January 2023 under the aegis of Platinum Jubilee celebrations of Government Medical College Nagpur. A worthy alumnus of this institute Dr. Vinod Shidham, presently holding the designation of Professor& Director of Cytopathology Wayne State University Medical Center Detroit, was the invitee. The topic he chose to speak on was titled “Publishing in Current Era ‘Under Open Access Charter’- Personal Experience and Innovations”.
The programme commenced with the Professor& Head of Pathology Dr. Archana Deshpande extending a floral welcome to the guest of honour Dr. Raj Gajbhiye Dean of GMC Nagpur, the invited guest speaker Dr. Vinod Shidham, and the President of GMC Nagpur Alumni Association Dr. Rawat. During her welcome address, Dr. Deshpande introduced Dr. Shidham as a family member of the GMC fraternity while describing his visit to his alma mater as homecoming. Dr. Deshpande further observed that Dr. Shidham’s tenet that ‘all knowledge be free and accessible to all’ was extremely relevant in the current circumstances and stressed that knowledge would grow only when it is passed on.
Dr. Shidham in his opening remarks aptly depicted today’s academic scenario as ‘Publish or Perish’. He discussed at length his early experiences of publishing while expressing his disapproval of transferring the copyright to the publisher. He then introduced the audience to the concept of open access where everything published is freely available and accessible to all while the author agrees to share while still retaining the copyright. He recollected the difficulties he faced as one of the pioneers of Open Access Publication. He elaborated on Cytojournal, CMAS i.e. Cytojournal Monograph and Atlas Series, and the importance of H index, and concluded his talk with a reference to ‘Shidham Foundation’ a non-profit organization dedicated to health care for the advancement of art and science of Cytopathology.
The hour long lecture was well-attended by the teaching staff and residents from various departments.
28th January, 2023: Update on Nephropathology
A postgraduate teaching program on ‘Update on Nephropathology’ was organized by Department of Pathology GMC Nagpur on the 28th of January 2023 under the aegis of Platinum Jubilee celebrations. This was the first of a series of lectures proposed under a Pathology PG teaching module initiated by Professor and Head of Department Dr. Archana Deshpande. The objective is to provide information ranging from fundamental to the latest developments on a particular topic within a stipulated time period.
Three young pathologists were invited as guest speakers and included Dr. Vrushali Deshpande (Consultant Renal & Transplant Pathologist at Alexis Hospital), Dr. Sachin Chaudhari (Assistant Professor AIIMS Nagpur) both having done PDCC in Renal Pathology and Dr. Archana Khade (Assistant Professor GMC Nagpur). The activity included an overview on kidney biopsy, basic prerequisites, pathogenesis and case -based approach to glomerular diseases.
Residents and faculty of GMC & SSH Nagpur, residents from IGGMC and JNMC Wardha attended the program. A feedback was sought from the audiences who expressed their eagerness for continuation of such sessions at regular intervals and expressed the need for teaching on specific focused topics.
14th February, 2023 : Blood Camp
A mega blood donation camp was organised on the 14th of February 2023 at Futala Lake. This camp was in keeping with the annual tradition of commemorating International Childhood Cancer Day that falls on 15th February. The blood camp was inaugurated by Dr. Raj Gajbhiye Dean Government Medical College Nagpur. Other prominent dignitaries present during the program included Dr. Archana Deshpande Professor and Head Department of Pathology, Prof Dr. Sanjay Parate, Dr. Avinash Gawande, Dr. Ashok Dewan, Dr. Urkude, Mr. Nitnaware, Dr. Vijay Mahobia, Dr. Prajakta Pawar, Dr. Pravin Meshram, Dr. Pragya Agrawal and Dr. Arun Singh.
A street play was organised by the MBBS students to stress on the importance of blood donation and encourage the bystanders to come forward for blood donation. It was highly appreciated by the youth and public at large. A total of 300 blood donors willingly and enthusiastically donated blood for the noble cause. Mr. Praveen Kamble, Mr. Kishore Dharmale, Mr. Pradip Padve, Mr. Amol Fate, Mr. Ameen Ali, Mr. Dinesh Khadatkar, Mr. Nitin Belsare, Mr. Santosh Tembhekar, Mr. Umesh Ukunde and others contributed towards the success of the program.
19th February, 2023 : Blood camps organised on Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti
As per directives from Hon. Minister Medical education and Drug Dept. Dr. Girish Mahajan, Hon. Secretary Medical education and Drug Dept. Dr. Ashwini Joshi and under the aegis of Platinum Jubilee celebrations GMCH Nagpur, two mega Blood donation camps were organised at Blood Bank Centre GMCH Nagpur (Indoor) and at Kamptee (outdoor) by Blood Bank Centre, GMCH Nagpur on Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti on 19th February 2023.
On this occasion honorable Dean GMCH Nagpur, Dr Raj Gajbiye encouraged students for blood donation. Other dignitaries present were Medical Superintendent Dr. Sharad Kuchewar, Dr. Archana Deshpande Prof and Head, Dept. of Pathology, Prof. Dept of Pathology Dr. Sanjay Parate, Incharge SCMC Dr. Avinash Gawande, who also motivated student for blood donation. Two street plays were organised by MBBS Students emphasising role of voluntary blood donation in saving life. Rajyageet and Shivagarjana Powada were sung by all. Entire Pathology department team worked hard for success of the event. Large number of volunteers attended the blood camp and more than 200 blood units were collected.
A one-day hands-on workshop on Bone marrow aspiration & Biopsy was organized at Government Medical College, Nagpur on 4th March, 2023 under the aegis of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of GMC, Nagpur. This was a collaborative activity between departments of Pathology and Anatomy, GMCH, Nagpur. The inaugural was conducted at API Hall A, GMCH, in the presence of Chief Guest Dr. Devendra Mahure, Vice Dean, PG cell, GMCH, Dr. Archana Deshpande, Prof & Head, Dept of Pathology, and Dr. N. Y. Kamdi, Prof & Head, Dept of Anatomy, GMCH.
Dr. Archana Deshpande welcomed the gathering and explained the significance and need of the workshop. Dr. Mahore, Vice Dean PG cell congratulated and motivated the faculties and delegates for the workshop. All the faculties were felicitated with mementos by the hands of Chief guest Dr. Mahore, Dr. A. Deshpande and Dr. N.Y. Kamdi.
The inaugural talk was given by Dr Purnima Kodate, Asso. Professor, Dept of Pathology, GMCH on “Bone marrow aspiration & Biopsy- Technical Perspective”. This was followed by an enlightening panel discussion with the panelists being Dr Rahul Arora, Consultant Haematologist, Alexis Hospital, Dr Jayashri Tijare, Asso. Professor, Dept of Pathology, GMCH and Dr Shailendra Jambhulkar, Asso. Professor, Dept of Pathology, GMC, Chandrapur. The panel discussion was moderated by Dr. Purnima Kodate and all the problems related to techniques were discussed with case based approach. The star attraction of the workshop was demonstration of bone marrow aspiration and biopsy on cadavers. All the delegates were divided into groups, demonstration started with surface marking for bone marrow examination which was done by Dr Hemlata Ambade (Assist. Professor, Dept of Anatomy, GMCH) and Dr Madhuri Dofe (Assist. Professor, Dept of Anatomy, GMCH).
The demonstration of bone marrow aspiration and biopsy procedure, smear and imprint preparation were undertaken by Dr Nitin Shende (Asso. Professor, Dept of Pathology, IGGMC Nagpur), Dr Shailendra Jambhulkar (Asso. Professor, Dept of Pathology, GMC, Chandrapur), Dr Mukesh Waghmare (Assist Professor, Dept of Pathology, GMCH) & Dr Pravin Meshram (Assist. Professor, Dept of Pathology, GMCH). The workshop received an overwhelming response of PG students from Dept of Medicine, Paediatrics and Pathology from GMC, IGGMC, GMC Chandrapur and GMC Gondia, accounting for over 70 plus registrations and attendance. All the PG students practiced and discussed the problems related to procedure. The large number of participants necessitated an extension of the time of the workshop. The participants gave very positive feedback and requested that such workshops be held every year so that all residents get trained properly in the techniques.
4 th december 2023-Beating the Burnout: Stress during Medical Residency"
The Department of Pathology under the aegis of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations successfully organized a groundbreaking mental health program, "Beating the Burnout: Stress during Medical Residency," on December 4, 2023 at Government Medical College, Nagpur.
The event aimed to raise awareness about mental health among residents and featured speakers Dr. Rajendra Agarkar, Dr. Sudhir Bhave, and Miss Anagha Bhave with Dean Dr. Raj Gajbhiye as the chief guest. Looking at the disturbing phenomenon of rising stress levels among the resident doctors, there was a heartfelt need to organise such a programme for which Department of Pathology took initiative and aided in smoothening out the turbulence in the life of the resident doctors.
The event, graced by heads of various departments, professors, and lecturers, received overwhelming responses. Around 150 resident doctors attended the event and were benefitted by it.
MaharashtraState Level Conference of Cytology MaCyCon 2024.
The seventh Annual Pathology Conference of Association of Cytologists of Maharashtra (ACM) was organized at Government Medical College, Nagpur by the Department of Pathology on 13th& 14th January 2024.
350 delegates from Maharashtra, and othe states such as Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnatakaattended the conference.
The competitive section for Paper and Poster presentations received an overwhelming response of more than 100 entries from all over Maharashtra and neighbouring states. Prizes were given to the winning entries.
The scientific program included didactic lectures, slide seminars, interesting case discussions, and slide viewing sessions. slide viewing session encompasses many cases from routine cytology practice to rare cares which were truly visual delight.
For the first time in a Cytology conference, a hands-on workshop was arranged for the technical staff on cell block preparation, thick and thin smear, special stains in cytology, ROSE, who form a vital part o fany Pathology set-up. All the sessions were well attended and highly appreciated by the delegates.
Dr.Shobha Grover Oration was delivered by renowned international faculty from PGIMER Chandigarh Professor Dr. Nalini Gupta. Eminent cytopathologists from all over India were invited as guest speakers for this two day conference namely Dr Bharat Rekhi professor Tata Memorial Hoaspital, Dr. Anshu from MGIMS Sevagram, Dr. Sneha Hingwe from DMIMS Wardha, Dr MM Kamal from Nagpur.
Dr. Raj Gajbhiye Dean GMC Nagpur was the patron and chief guest.Organizing chairperson was Dr. ArchanaDeshpande Professor and Head of Pathology.
Anupama Gupta and Dr. SupritaNayak Associate Professors in the Department of Pathology GMC Nagpur were the organizing secretaries. Dr. SatishHelwatkar was the treasurer.The senior and junior residents, faculty members, technical and other supporting staff of Pathology department GMC Nagpur worked hard for the success of this conference.
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy Interpretation Workshop ( 65th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Hematology & Blood Transfusion)
1) Dr. Archana Deshpande -Associate Professor from Department of Pathology, GMC Nagpur has successfully completed deputation as Professor & Head, Department Of Pathology, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Institute of Medical Sciences, Port Blair, Andaman& Nicobar Islands from 10.12.2015 to 9.12.2020. (On deputation from the Govt. of Maharashtra- to set up the department in the new institute).During this tenuare she succesfully held many administrative posts.
2) Dr M.M.Kamal-recipient of Fellowship - ICMR Junior Research Fellow –for her work in Urine Cytology, and the IAC fellowship for Doctors under which she has been Trained in Cytology at AIIMS Delhi.
3) Dr M M Kamal-
Awards & Orations include :
2021- 1. Under National Medical College Network activity, talk by staff,Dr.Kamal,Dr.Gupta,Dr.Naik on Thyroid Cytology Bethesda System Reporting on 12/8/21
2.MAPCON 2021achievement-
Pg quize winner-Dr.Devika Kinkhede
Raichur Award winner-Dr.Shatabdi Das
3.Dr Suprita Nayak-second prize in art of cytopathology competition in cytocon,AIMS, Delhi
4.Dr. Suprita Nayak-Faculty in cervical cytopathology workshop in cytocon 2021
Mapcon-pg quiz winner Dr Teena
Dr. Varsha Singh JR3, Department of Pathology Recieved first prize for oral paper presentation in VAPCON ( annual conference of Vidarbha Association of Pathologists) held on 25 ,26/11/23 at IMA for the paper titled "Flow Cytometry and Effusions in the Lymphoproliferative Process -Conjunction of Knowledge and Technique"
1st prize in Poster Presentation
Dr. Jyoti Gorade
'Be aware of mimics..!!' - Two interesting cases of malignant phyllodes tumor with heterologous differentiation
3rd prize in Oral Paper Presentation
Dr. Varsha Singh
Assessment of Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio and Albuminuria in type II Diabetes Mellitus, a reliable predictive marker in a resource limited country : Observational Case Control Study
Mid year Conference of Maharashtra Chapter of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists "CORE" issues in Pathology
2nd prize in Poster Presentation
Dr. Varsha Singh
"A Needle to Look for in Haystack of Causes!" Pure Red Cell Aplasia in Chronic Refractory Anemia
44th Annual Conference of Maharashtra Chapter MAPCON Pune 'Pathology: Unraveling the mysteries of disease'
1st prize in Hematology Oral Paper Presentation
Dr. Varsha Singh
Flow cytometry and Effusions in the Lymphoproliferative Process - Conjunction of Knowledge and Technique
1st prize in Cytology Poster Presentation
Dr. Gaurav Bagde
Pleomorphic Adenoma... Thy Name is Diversity Cytologic Spectrum of a Common Tumor
7th Annual Conference VAPCON 2023
1st prize in Oral Paper Presentation
Dr. Varsha Singh
Flow cytometry and Effusions in the Lymphoproliferative Process - Conjunction of Knowledge and Technique
Papers and posters awards
1)Pragati Gakhre- Oral Paper- 1st
Tzanck smears study in vesiculobulous skin lesions
2)Tejashree Bhongade- Oral Paper- 1st
Cytology study of pleural effusions
3)Snehlata Tale - Poster- 1st
rare case report of alveolar proteinosis
4)Chetan Wanjari- Poster- 2nd
various types of giant cells in cytology
5)Arun Marmat- Poster- 2nd
rare cases of face lesions cytology
January 2025 - Vidharbha Association of Pathologist and Microbiologist Conference (VAPCON), Nagpur
February 2025 - AIPNA International Conference of Pathology 2025, Belgavi Karnataka
February 2025 - MACyCon 2025, Amravati
1) Guest lecture by Dr. Anand Loya from Denmark on Bladder tumours- case based discussions on 2/1/2020 seminar hall department of Pathology GMC Nagpur
2) guest lecture by Dr. Sanjay Deshpande on interpretations of kidney biopsy seminar hall 2:00 pm on 20 January 2020
MaharashtraState Level Conference of Cytology MaCyCon 2024.
The seventh Annual Pathology Conference of Association of Cytologists of Maharashtra (ACM) was organized at Government Medical College, Nagpur by the Department of Pathology on 13th& 14th January 2024.350 delegates from Maharashtra, and othe states such as Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnatakaattended the conference. The competitive section for Paper and Poster presentations received an overwhelming response of more than 100 entries from all over Maharashtra and neighbouring states. Prizes were given to the winning entries.
The scientific program included didactic lectures, slide seminars, interesting case discussions, and slide viewing sessions. For the first time in a Cytology conference, a hands-on workshop was arranged for the technical staff whoform a vital part ofany Pathology set-up. All the sessions were well attended and highly appreciated by the delegates. Dr.Shobha Grover Oration was delivered by renowned international faculty from PGIMER Chandigarh Professor Dr. Nalini Gupta. Eminentcytopathologistsfrom all over Indiawere invited as guest speakers for this two day conference.
Dr. Raj Gajbhiye Dean GMC Nagpur was the patron and chief guest.Organizing chairperson was Dr. ArchanaDeshpande Professor and Head of Pathology, Dr. Anupama Gupta and Dr. SupritaNayak Associate Professors in the Department of Pathology GMC Nagpur were the organizing secretaries. Dr. SatishHelwatkar was the treasurer.The senior and junior residents, faculty members, technical and other supporting staff of Pathology department GMC Nagpur worked hard for the success of this conference.
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