This is the first department of Plastic Surgery started in India on dated 15th December 1957, under Govt. of Bombay LSG & PHD G.R. No. MCN(N)-1057-Q, Dated 11/12/1957. Late Dr. C. Balakrishnan was instrumental in starting the department and was the first HOD till 1965. Thereafter Dr. L. K. Sharma headed the department till 1991. The department was upgraded by Govt. of India on 16/05/1958 Ministry of Health No. F-29-16/58-MI, dated 16/06/1958. The trainees in Plastic Surgery were admitted on 15th December 1958, vide Ref. No. 1/3/6, Department of Plastic & Maxillofacial Surgery, Medical College, Nagpur, dated 13th December 1958.
From 1991 onwards to July 2016 .Dr. Satish M Kale was the HOD till July 2016. From July 2016; the reins of the department have been entrusted in the hands of Dr. Surendrakumar B Patil who is ready to take this illustrious department to new highs. The last MCI inspection was conducted in the year 1993.
First time in India, PhD course will start very soon under the supervision of Dr. Surendrakumar B Patil in Department of Plastic, Reconstructive & Maxillofacial Surgery.
Presently, the department is recognised by MCI & MUHS approved PG teacher & MUHS approved PhD Guide and an annual intake capacity of 2 MCh students.
The Department has a dedicated "Dr. C. Balakrishnan Plastic Surgery Lecture Hall" with a capacity of 150 seats.
The Plastic surgery department has attached to it the following allied specialities.
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Department of Plastic, Reconstructive & Maxillofacial Surgery
GMCH, Nagpur
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Number of Publication |
1 |
Dr. Surendrakumar B. Patil |
Professor & Head |
48 |
2 |
Dr. Neha Gupta |
Assistant Professor |
8 |
Dr. SurendraKumar Bhagwatrao Patil
Professor & Head
1.Infected epidermal inclusion cyst mimicking Marjolin’s ulcer in a case of post burn contracture: Patil S B, Kale S M, Jain A, Khare N, Chitranshi A, Jaiswal S:Internet Journal of Plastic Surgery.2010vol7 no 1.
2.A novel technique of piercing ears: KaleS M, Patil S B, Jaiswal S, Khare N:Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery.2010Jan;43(2):230.
3.Schwannoma of upper eyelid-a rare differential diagnosis of eyelid swellings: Patil S B, Kale S M, Jaiswal S, Khare N:Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery.2010July;43(2):213-215.
4.Massive Asymmetrical Virginal Breast hypertrophy-a case report: Patil S B, Kale S M, Khare N, Jaiswal S, Math M:East and Central African Journal of Surgery.2010July-Dec;15(2):133-135.
5.Socioeconomic factors affecting presentations with post burn contractures of hand in an Indian population-a review of 196 cases: Patil S B, Kale S M, Chitranshi A, Khare N, Jain A, Jaiswal S:Nigerian Journal of Plastic Surgery.2010Sept;6(2):64-68.
6.Changing Patterns in Electrical Burns Injuries in a Developing Country-should prevention programmes focus on the rural population?: Patil S B, Khare N, Jaiswal S,Jaiswal A, Chitranshi A,Math M: Journal of Burn Care and Research.2010Nov-Dec;31(6):931-934
7.Congenital midline cervical cleft leading to contracture of neck: Patil S B, Kale S M, Math M, Khare N:Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery.2011;44(3):509-510.
8.Changing pattern of Demography of Cleft Lip-Cleft Palate deformities in a developing country: The Smile Train effect-What lies ahead :Patil S B, Kale S M, Khare N, Jaiswal S, Jain A:Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal.2011 Jan;127(1):322-327.
. 9.Anthropometry of the Eyelid and Palpebral Fissure in an Indian Population: Patil S B, Kale S M, Math M, Khare N, Jaiswal S:Aesthetic Surgery Journal.2011Mar;31(3):290-294.
10. Changing pattern of Demography of Cleft Lip-Cleft Palate deformities in a developing country: The Smile Train effect-What lies ahead-Reply : Kale S M, Patil S B, Khare N:Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal.2011Sept;128(3):810-811.
11. Aesthetic Surgery: Expanding Horizons: concepts, desires and fears of rural women in Central India: Patil S B, Kale S M, Khare N, Jaiswal S, Ingole S: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.2011Oct;35(5):717-723.
12.Animal Bites-should primary reconstruction be the standard treatment?: Kale S M, Patil S B, Khare N, Jain A:EuropeanJournal of Plastic Surgery.2011Oct;34(5):367-373.
13. The average Indian female nose: Patil S B, Kale S M, Khare N, Jaiswal S:Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal.2011Dec;35(6):1036-1042.
14. Effect of ageing on the shape and position of the eyebrow in an Indian Population: Patil S B, Kale S M, Jaiswal S, Khare N, Math M:Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.2011Dec;35(6):1031-1035.
15. Clinicopathological analysis of eyelid malignancies-a review of 85cases: KaleS M, Patil S B, Khare N, Math M, Jain A, Jaiswal S:Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery.2012Jan;45(1):222-28.
16. A Novel Approach for management of Ear Keliods-results of excision combined with 5FU injection: Khare N, Patil S B: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.2012Nov;65(11):315-317.
17. Normal mouth opening in an adult Indian Population: Khare N, Patil S B, Kale S M, Jaiswal S, Ingole S, Bharadwaj S:Journal of Maxillofacial Oral Surgery.2012Sept;11(3):309-313.
18. A review of 48 patients of Bear Attacks in Central India-Demographics ,Management and Outcomes: Patil S B, Modi N, Kale S M, IngoleSD: Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery.2015;48(1):60-65
19. Congenital urethocutaneous fistula in an adolescent male: Kale S M, Modi N, Patil S B, Sadawarte Pranam: Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery.2015;48(2):204-207.
20. Antibiotic susceptibility of wound isolates in plastic surgery pts at tertiary care centre: Patil S B, Amit Paramne, Shree Harsh: Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery.2016May-Aug; 49(2):198-205.
21. A review of 3 cases of mobile blast-The new culprit of hand injury: Nikunj Mody, Patil S B, Kale S M: Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery.2016May-Aug; 49(2):261-264
22. Recurrent Kimura Disease in an Asian Male: A Rare Case Report and Review of Literature: Patil S B, Shree Harsh: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences.2016Nov; 15(11), Ver1:102-104.
23. Multidisciplanary Approach to the Management of Abdominal Blast Injury: Patil S B, Shree Harsh: Journal of Trauma and Treatment, Dec2016; 5(5), doi-10.4172/2167-1222.1000348
24. Submucus cleft palate with congenital oronasal fistula- report of a rare case: Patil S B, Shree Harsh, Rahul Nikam. International Journal of Current Research. Jan 2017; 9(1):44970-44971.
25. Post caesarean section wound gaping: discussing the problem and treatment options: Patil S B, Shree Harsh, Nikam R, V Manjunath L Venkateswaran, Surajsinh A. Chauhan, Rupesh G. Thakare. Journal of Medical and Dental Science Research.2016; 3(11):43-46.
26. Lipoma of Collumella with septal extension in Pai syndrome- report of a rare case: Patil S B, Shree Harsh. BioMedical Central. Ear, Nose and Throat disorders.2017; 17:2. DOI: 10.186/s12901-017-0035-y.
27. Antibiotic susceptibility of wound isolates in plastic surgery pts at tertiary care centre : Patil S B, Shree Harsh :In Shiffman MA, Low M(eds), Recent Clinical Tecniques, Results and Research in Wounds, Springer, Berlin. In publication.
28. Multiple Dermal Cylindroma, appropriate treatment and literature review: Patil S B, Shree Harsh: Rev.Bras.Cir.Plast.2017; 32(1):148-150. doi:10.5935/2177-1235.2017RBCP0000.Brazilian Journal of Plastic Surgery.
29. Facial Laser Surgery: Shree Harsh, Patil S B:Journal of Surgical Dermatology.2017;2(T1):
30. Cutaneous horn over volar aspect of little finger in a female- a case report: Kale S M, Patil S B, Harsh S, Nikam R, Parate R.C: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, Sept 2017, 16:9(94-7).
31. Editorial- Cusp of Plastic Surgery and Orthopaedics- the answer to post traumatic complex limb reconstruction: Patil S B, Harsh S: Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, 2017, 1(5):195-6.
32. Post operative palatal cleft with synechia of tonsillar pillar and uvula-Could vascular ischemia be the etiology? : Patil S.B., Harsh S. Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences, 2017.
33. A Novel technique to smoothen harvested rib cartilage for rhinoplasty. Patil SB, Harsh S, Deshbhratar TV. J Otolaryngol ENT Res. 2017;9(1): 00276. DOI: 10.15406/joentr.2017.09.00276
34. Sympathetic dysfunction dermatitis in a revascularised upper extremity after near-total amputation- A case report and review of literature: Amol Dhopte, Patil S B, Nitin Barde, Rupesh Thakre, Shree Harsh, Shailesh Nisal: Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery.2018 Sept-Dec; 51(3):327-330.
35. Fabrication of feeding plate in cleft patient: A Case Report: Tulsi Gajendra Lodhi, Surendrakumar Bhagwatrao Patil, Surendrakumar Kaluram Bahetwar, Aparna Balkrishna Sharma, Nupur Suresh Ninawe, Arti Rameshwar Dolas: Dental Journal of Advance Studies. 2019,1(1):1-3. (e-Journal).
36. Role of Prosthodontist in Mullerian Agenesis: A Case Report: Tulsi Gajendra Lodhi, Surendrakumar Bhagwatrao Patil, Surendrakumar Kaluram Bahetwar, Aparna Balkrishna Sharma, Ashish Mahadeorao Warhekar: International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR). 2019, March – April, 2(2): 182-186.
37. Non syndromic involvement of Cleft lip and palate with syndactyly: A Case Report.Tulsi Gajendra Lodhi, SurendrakumarBhagwatrao Patil, SurendrakumarKaluramBahetwar, Aparna Balkrishna Sharma, Ashish MahadeoraoWarhekar, Kalpak Peter. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR). 2019, July-August, 2(4): 21-25.
38. Challenges in setting up a skin bank at GMC Nagpur, Surendrakumar B. Patil. Indian Journal of Burns (IJburns). Official publication of National Academy of Burns, India. 2020, January-December, 27(1): 3-4.
39. Prosthetic rehabilitation of nasal deformity in Cleft lip and Palate patient-A Case report. Tulsi Gajendra Lodhi, Surendrakumar Bhagwatrao Patil, Surendrakumar Kaluram Bahetwar, Aparna Balkrishna Sharma, Ashish Mahadeorao Warhekar, Suryakant Deogade, Kalpak Peter. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR). 2020, March, 3(2): 259-263.
40. Congenital Arhinia. Siddharth Sunil Keswani, Surendra Bhagatrao Patil, Ashish M Warhekar, Shrikant Vilas Pingale. Journal of Case Reports 2020, January – March ;10(1):51-54.
41. Our Experience in this COVID-19 Pandemic – A unique perspective of Department of Plastic Surgery at a Government run Institution. Surendra Bhagwatrao Patil, Al-Iqyan Juzar Fidvi, Vivek G Supaha, Shrikant Vilas Pingale, Neha Gupta, Ashish Mahadeorao Warhekar. Innovative Journal of Medical and Health Science (I Jour Med Health Science). 2020;10(09): 1268−1277.
42. Self-harm and Suicide- A COVID-19 Pandemic fallout. Surendra Bhagwatrao Patil, Al-Iqyan Juzar Fidvi, Siddharth Sunil Keswani, Ashish Mahadeorao Warhekar, Khushboo Nilesh Kadakia, Neha Gupta. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research (IJSSHR) 2020, October - December;8(4):278-284.
43. The Influence of Parental Dental Anxiety On Oral Health Related Quality of Life of Their Children. Ashish M. Warhekar, Shilpa A. Warhekar, Surendrakumar B. Patil. European Journal of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research (EJPMR), 2021;8(1):478-483.
44. Management of fracture mandible by open occlusal acrylic splint in pediatric patients: A case series. Tulsi G Lodhi, Surendrakumanr B Patil, Surendrakumar K Bahetwar, Pranali V Nimonkar, Bhumika K Peter, Aparna B Sharma. International Journal of Clinical Pediatirc Dentistry (Int J Clin Pediatr Dent, IJCPD), 2021 (November-December);4(6):812-815.
45.Patil SB, Gupta N, Kadakia K, et al. Post Cesarean Section Abdominal Wound Dehiscence: From Plastic Surgeon’s Perspective. J South Asian Feder Obst Gynae 2024;16(4):
46.Patil SB, Gupta N. Nagpur technique (triple wedge technique) for cleft lip repair in the first plastic surgery department of India: Principle and its evolution. J Cleft Lip Palate Craniofac Anomal 2024;11:7?15.
47.Patil SB,Gupta N et al.Kite string oranja cut injury -a new culprit.Indian J Plast Surg 2014;57;216-222.
48.Article entitle “Sequelae of post nasal septal hematoma evacuation and its management in COVID-19 pandemic - A Case report.” Surendra Bhagwatrao Patil, Neha Gupta, Khushboo Nilesh Kadakia provisionally accepted in Clinical Rhinology - An international journal 2020
Dr Neha Gupta
Assistant professor in department of plastic surgery. Publications: 1. Acute suppurative thyroiditis-a case series in world journal of endocrine surgery,January-april 2018;10(1):50-95.
2. Psychological correlation of common urinary problems in female in a tertiary care center in central India in International journal of surgery sciences.
3. Patil SB, Gupta N, Kadakia K, et al. Post Cesarean Section Abdominal Wound Dehiscence: From Plastic Surgeon’s Perspective. J South Asian Feder Obst Gynae 2024;16(4):
4. Patil SB, Gupta N. Nagpur technique (triple wedge technique) for cleft lip repair in the first plastic surgery department of India: Principle and its evolution. J Cleft Lip Palate Craniofac Anomal 2024;11:7?15.
5.Patil SB,Gupta N et al.Kite string oranja cut injury -a new culprit.Indian J Plast Surg 2014;57;216-222. 6. Article entitle “Sequelae of post nasal septal hematoma evacuation and its management in COVID-19 pandemic - A Case report.” Surendra Bhagwatrao Patil, Neha Gupta, Khushboo Nilesh Kadakia. Provisionally accepted in Clinical Rhinology - An international journal 2020.
7.Self-harm and Suicide- A COVID-19 Pandemic fallout. Surendra Bhagwatrao Patil, Al-Iqyan Juzar Fidvi, Siddharth Sunil Keswani, Ashish Mahadeorao Warhekar, Khushboo Nilesh Kadakia, Neha Gupta. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research (IJSSHR) 2020, October - December;8(4):278-284.
8.Our Experience in this COVID-19 Pandemic – A unique perspective of Department of Plastic Surgery at a Government run Institution. Surendra Bhagwatrao Patil, Al Iqyan Juzar Fidvi, Vivek G Supaha, Shrikant Vilas Pingale, Neha Gupta, Ashish Mahadeorao Warhekar. Innovative Journal of Medical and Health Science (I Jour Med Health Science). 2020;10(09): 1268−1277.
Research Undergoing in Department -
1.Research Topic “Comparative study of quantitative breast volume measurement by different methods aiding aesthetic outcome after surgical procedure in gynaecomastia patients” Conducting by Dr. Neha Gupta under supervision of Dr. Surendrakumar B. Patil.
2.Research Topic “Comparison of efficacy of Ionic Silver Dressing and Cadoxemer Iodine in the healing of infected wounds at a tertiary care hospital in central India” Conducting by Dr. Khushboo Kadatiya under supervision of Dr. Surendrakumar B. Patil. 3."Spectrum of soft tissue facial trauma in tertiary care center of central India " conducting by Dr Neha Gupta under supervision of Dr Surendrakumar. B. Patil. 4. Epidemiology, clinical profile and management ofcleft lip and palate in first plastic surgery department of India" conducting by Dr Neha Gupta under supervision of Dr Surendrakumar B.Patil. 5. Anthropometric analysis of Indian male nose" conducting by Dr Varsha Barai under supervision of Dr Surendrakumar B Patil. 6. Functional and aesthetic outcome in patients of post traumatic nasal deformity treated with closed reduction" conducting by Dr Sukhen Doshi under supervision of Dr Surendrakumar B.Patil. 7.autologousfat grafting:a new approach in treatment of keloid"conducting by Dr Sukhen Doshi under supervision of Dr Surendrakumar B.Patil. 8.An epidemiological study of hand and forearm injuries arriving at tertiary care hospital in central India"conducting by Dr Sukhen Doshi under supervision of Dr Surendrakumar B. Patil. 9. Analysis of effect of PRF on donor site healing in cases of STSG in tertiary care hospital in central India"conducting by Dr Anshoo Gandhi under supervision of Dr Surendrakumar B. Patil. 10. Clinicopathological profile and retrospective outcome analysis of buccal mucosal squamous cell carcinoma from a high volume tertiary hospital in central India" conducting by Dr Mayank Bhasin under supervision of Dr Surendrakumar b.patil. 11. Average penile length and circumference in Indian male population" conducting by Dr Prabhakar Rakhonde under supervision of Dr Surendrakumar B.Patil. 12. Anthropometric analysis of normal human ear:a study of adult female population." Conducting by Dr Sushil Machale under supervision of Dr Surendrakumar B. Patil.
Dr. Surendrakumar Patil, Professor & Head
Workshop Attended-
Participated in 1st International Hepato-Biliary Workshop from 24th September to 27th September 1997 Organized by Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
Participated in 11th workshop on SEPTORHINOPLASTY from 2/9/1998 to 4/9/1998 conducted by Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology & Plastic Surgery, G.T. Hospital. Bombay.
Participated in workshop on “Aesthetic Laser Surgery” conducted by APSICON-99, 34th Annual Conference of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India on 3rd September 1999 at P.D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai.
Participated in 1st National workshop on Rapid Free Flap Harvest on 14th June 2003 at Hyderabad which is conducted by Dept. of Plastic & Reconstructive Microsurgery, Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad.
Participated in 4th Live Workshop on Hypospadias on 24th & 25th March 2007 at Agra which is organized by Asopa Hospital and Research Centre, Agra.
Participated in Twin Workshop 2007 on Rapid Free Flap Harvest & Free Tissue and Six Sigma Cleft Surgery held on 15th & 16th June 2007 conducted by Dept. of Plastic & Reconstructive Microsurgery, Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad.
Participated in APSI-Ethicon, Instructional Course Skull Base & Craniofacial Surgery on 3rd & 4th December 2007 at Armed Forces Medical College.
Participated in workshop on Recent Advances In Craniofacial Surgery on 3rd-4th January 2009 at Nagpur which is conducted by Central India Institute of Medical Sciences, Silver Jubilee Celebrations and Silver Jubilee Functions of CIIMS.
Participated in Aesthetic CME series – Liposuction workshop held on 26th July 2009 which is organized by Dept. of Plastic Surgery, Seth G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. hospital, Mumbai.
Participated in An International Workshop on Hypospadias Surgery, HYPOCON-2009 on 3rd-4th October 2009 at Agra.
Conducting Hands-on and gives Table Demonstration on Suturing Techniques in Dentistry on 20th June 2010 at Nagpur, Workshop conducted and organized by Indian Dental Association, Nagpur Branch.
Participated in Flap Dissection Course 2011, Hand-on Cadaveric Workshop on Flap Dissection and Demonstrated Gastrocnemius Muscle Flap held on 17th – 18th 2011 conducted by Dept. of Plastic Surgery, T.N. Medical College and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai.
Participated in 3rd Asia Pacific Course on Super Microsurgery held on 11th & 12th February 2012 at Right Hospital Trust.
Participated in Live Operative Workshop on Ear Reconstruction conducted by Dept. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & RC & Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur on 9th August 2013 which is organized by Association of Plastic Surgeons of India.
Participated in Ethicon Sponsored, APSICON 2014, Pre-Conference Instructional Course on ‘Orthognathic Surgery & Distraction Osteogenesis’ organised by 49th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India held on 13th-14th October 2014 in PGIMER, Chandigarh.
Participated in First Live Operative Workshop on Brachial Plexus – Ver. 1, organized by Dept. of Plastic & Reconstructive Microsurgery, Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad on 20th January 2018.
Participated as Chairperson in Pre Conference CME Course at APSICON 2018, 53rd Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India held on 21st November 2018 in Lucknow.
Conference Attended-
Attended National Academy of Burns – India, NABICON-99 conference on 5th,6th & 7th February 1999 at Ahmadabad
Attended 35th National Conference of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, APSICON-2000 on 16th to 19th October 2000 at Agra.
Attended World Congress on Aesthetic & Restorative Surgery as part of VII International Multi-Faculty Medical Conference Along with HospiMedica, India 2001 on 10th-12th February 2001 at Mumbai which is organized by Federation of Restorative and Cosmetic Surgery.
Attended and provide services in Biennial Conference of Indian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery & International Symposium on Peripheral Nerve on 22nd-26th February 2002 at Bombay Hospital, Mumbai which is organised by Indian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, ISRM.CON.-2002.
Attended and participated in Symposium on Hand Trauma on 23rd November 2003 at Nagpur which is conducted by Vidarbha Orthopedic Society & Central India Association of Plastic Surgeons.
Attended and participated in 40th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, APSICON 2005 on 7th-10th November 2005 at New Delhi.
Attended 1st National JESS Conference, JESSCON 2007 on 8th,9th & 10thh June 2007 at Holy Spirit Hospital, Mumbai.
Attended Conference on Strengthening Team Approach in Cleft Care conducted by 6th Asian Pacific Cleft Lip & Palate Congress on 2nd-5th September 2007at Panaji, Goa.
Attended and Participated in conference “Managing Healthy Ageing” 3rd National Conference of Indian Andropause Society conducted by Indian Andropause Society on 28th-29th September 2007 at Nagpur.
Attended and Participated in 23rd National Conference of Sexology “Council of Sex Education & Parenthood (International)” on 28th to 30th September 2007 at Nagpur.
Attended and participated in 42nd Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, APSICON 2007 on 29th November – 3rd December 2007 at New Delhi.
Attended and participated in 44nd Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, APSICON 2009 on 5th & 9th August 2009 at Mahabalipuram, Chennai.
Attended 10th Biennial Conference of Indian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery held on 16th – 18th July 2010 at Hyderabad.
Attended ISAPS Symposium in conjunction with Annual Meeting of the Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons held on 1st April 2011 at Poovar, Kerala.
Attended MAPSICON 2011, Akola, The 6th Biennial Conference of Maharashtra State Chapter of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India held on 19th & 20th February 2011 at Akola.
Attended & Participated in APSICON-2012, 47th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India held on 4th to 8th November 2012 at Lucknow.
Attended INDOCLEFTCON 2013, 12th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Cleft Lip, Palate and Craniofacial Anomolies held on 17th – 19th January 2013 at Nagpur.
Attended & Participated at AESURG 2013, Annual conference of Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (IAAPS) on 22nd – 24th March 2013 at Chennai.
Attended course “Facial Plastic Surgery- Reconstructive Aspect” in APSICON 2005 & Ethicon PG Instructional Course conducted by Dept. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & RC & Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur on 10th & 11th July 2013 which is organized by Association of Plastic Surgeons of India & Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education, Chennai.
Attended and participated in 48th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, APSICON 2013 on 24th-27th November 2013 at Mumbai.
Attended & Participated at AESURG 2014, Annual conference of Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (IAAPS) on 21st – 23rd March 2014 at Nashik.
Attended CME on Clinico Microbiological Approach to Infections organized by Vidarbha Association of Medical Microbiologists on 29th June 2014 at Nagpur.
Attended & Participated in APSICON 2014, 49th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India held on 15th-19th October 2014 in PGIMER, Chandigarh.
Attended & Participated in MIDTERM CME MAPS 2014 organized by Maharashtra Association of Plastic Surgeons (MAPS) held on 14th December 2014 at Nagpur.
Attended & Participated in APSICON 2015, 50th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India with theme “Advocacy & Mass Education” held on 28th-31st December 2015 in Mumbai.
Attended ISAPS Course supported by Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons held on 25th to 28th February 2016.
Attended & Participated in APSICON 2016, 51st Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India held on 24th-27th November 2016 in New Delhi.
Attended & Participated in APSICON 2017, 52nd Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India held on 15th-19th November 2017 in Kochi.
Attended & Participated in 1st AIIMS Plastic Surgery Update-2018 conducted by Dept. of Plastic & Reconstructive & Burns Surgery, AIIMS, New Delhi held on 1st – 3rd September 2018.
Attended & Participated as Chairperson in APSICON 2018, 53rd Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India held on 21st-25th November 2018 in Lucknow.
Attended CME on “Asthma & COPD” held on 17th May 2011 at IMA, Nagpur which is organised Indian Medical Association.
Craniofacial Remolding and Recent advances, Nagpur on 30th August 2019
Bladder Incontinence – Role of Plastic surgeon, Thermal monitoring in patients of acute burns, Nagpur on 1st June 2019
Recent Advances in the management of Brachial Plexus injuries. 30th August 2019
Live Operative workshop on Rhinoplasty GT Hospital Mumbai
Orofacial Maxillofacial Surgery Workshop, Mumbai on 23-24th November 2019
Endocrine cancer updates, RST Cancer Hospital, Nagpur on 9-10th February 2019
Update On Oral Cancer, CME, Rst Cancer Hospital, Nagpur On 8/6/2019
First National conference on Skin Bank23-24November 2019
Mapscon 2019-Association of Plastic Surgeons of India,Mumbai.on 25-27th January 2019
NIDACON, NAGPUR, 26-27th January 2019.
Prosthocon conference on Maxillofacial Prosthesis: Building competencies to enhance outcome Conference on 16-17/2/2019. MAPSICON midterm cme conducted by CIAPS in December 2021. CME conducted by CIAPS on breast aesthetic in July 2022.
Paper Presented-
Presented Paper entitled “The Mesh Graft in Burns” in National Academy of Burns – India, NABICON-99 conference on 5th,6th & 7th February 1999 at Ahmadabad.
Presented Paper entitled “Latissimus Dorsi Functional Muscle Transfer” in 35th National Conference of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, APSICON-2000 on 16th to 19th October 2000 at Agra.
Presented paper in World Congress on Aesthetic & Restorative Surgery as part of VII International Multi-Faculty Medical Conference Along with HospiMedica, India 2001 on 10th-12th February 2001 at Mumbai which is organized by Federation of Restorative and Cosmetic Surgery.
Presented Paper entitled “Epispadias – Our Experience of 6 cases (Free Paper) in APSICON 2010, 45th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India held on 25th – 29th October 2010 in Goa.
Presented Paper entitled “Increasing Awareness of Aesthetic Procedures in Rural Women In India” in AESURG 2011, at Annual Meeting of the Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons held from 31st March to 3rd April 2011 at Poovar, Kerala.
Presented Paper entitled “Eyelid Malignancies Histopathology” in MAPSICON 2011, Akola, The 6th Biennial Conference of Maharashtra State Chapter of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India held on 19th & 20th February 2011 at Akola.
Participated as Guest Speaker in Clinico Microbiological Approach to Infections organized by Vidarbha Association of Medical Microbiologists on 29th June 2014 at Nagpur.
Delivered lecture on “Management of Duptuyren’s Contractures” in 1st AIIMS Plastic Surgery Update-2018 conducted by Dept. of Plastic & Reconstructive & Burns Surgery, AIIMS, New Delhi held on 1st – 3rd September 2018.
Teaching Faculty for micro Surgery Training course at Ethicon House, Mumbai on 15th June 2019.
Symposium on Hand at NKP Salve Medical College, Nagpur on 15th July 2019.
Complex wound Healing on 27th January 2019in Mapscon 2019
Update On Oral Cancer, Cme, Rst Cancer Hospital, Nagpur On 8thJune 2019
Participated in CAMPS-
Participated in Bhavya Aarogyya Gagruti Melava Aanni Bintakyachi Purush Nasbandi Shashtrakiya Shibir on 27th,28th & 29th June 2004 at Nagpur which is conducted by Aarogyya va kutumb Kalyan Mantralya, Bharat Sarkar and Aarogyya Vibhag, Maharashtra Shasan va Nagpur Jilha Prashasan.
Particepated in Atal Maha Aarogyya Shibir conducted by Government of Maharashtra November 2017, 28th October 2018 & December 2018.
Participated in Operative Plastic Surgical Camp in Ambejogai Medical College in March 2016 conducted by Government of Maharashtra.
Participated in leprosy reconstructive surgery camp in 2021 conducted in leprosy trust hospital, Gadchiroli.
Dr Surendrakumar B. Patil is MUHS recognised phd guide for PhD in plastic and reconstructive surgery.For the first time in India phd course in plastic and reconstructive surgery will be started under guidance of Dr Surendrakumar B.Patil.
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