
With the inauguration of government medical college, Nagpur in 1947 the department of pharmacology was established. Dr. N. K. Sinha was 1st Head of Department. Till then total 18 professors guided the department as a Head & at present, Dr. Avinash V. Turankar is the Head of Department since 1st August 2024. The department is situated on the second floor of college building which include the offices of main department, institutional ethics committee, adverse drug reaction monitoring centre, drug store, liquid chromatoghraphy mass spectophotometry machine ( LCMS only in central india) and the undergraduate teaching section which include museum, library, well equipped laboratories for experimental pharmacology, pharmacy & clinical pharmacology. The department has instituted innovation in teaching like introduction of computer added teaching methods, p drug concept and case based discussion etc. along with age old experimental pharmacology. Various clinical research activities in collaboration with psychiatry, skin, general medicine and nephrology departments are also going on in the department. The Department also organizes various workshops like Good clinical practice, ethics, research methodology and MET workshop (Medical education technology workshop). There are total 6 Post Graduation seats in the department.


Teachers monthly attendance March 2024.pdf
Teachers Monthly Attendance Feb 24.pdf
Teachers Monthly Attendance Dec 23.pdf
Teachers Monthly attendance Jan 24.pdf
Teachers monthly attendance Nov 2023.pdf
Teachers monthly attendance Oct 23.pdf final.pdf
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Teachers monthly attendance July 23.pdf
Teachers monthly attendance June 2023.pdf
Teachers monthly attendance May 2023.pdf
Teachers monthly attendance April 23.pdf
Teachers Monthly attendance March 23.pdf
Teacher Monthly attendance Feb 23.pdf
Teachers monthly executed TT Jan 23.pdf
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Teachers monthly attendance Sep 21.pdf
MBBS Monthly executed TT August 21.pdf
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Teachers monthly attendance April 2021.pdf
Monthly Attendance March 21-converted.pdf
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Monthly teachers attendance Nov 20.pdf
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attendance july.pdf
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Teachers Feb 20 Monthly attendance.pdf
Teachers attendance NOV 2019.pdf
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E gov. Monthly Attendance Oct - 2018.pdf
Teachers Jan 20 Monthly attendance.PDF
E gov. Monthly Jan 20 Attendance.pdf
E gov. Monthly Attendance - Aug 18.pdf
E gov. Monthly Attendance - dec 19.pdf
E gov. Monthly Attendance - Jan 20.pdf
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E gov. Monthly Attendance - oct 19.pdf
E gov. Monthly Attendance - september 19.pdf
E gov. Monthly Attendance -Aug 19.pdf
E gov. Monthly Attendance- Feb 20.pdf
E gov. Monthly Attendance - Sept 18.pdf
Teachers monthly attendanance March 20.pdf
Teachers monthly attendanance Jan 20.pdf
Teachers monthly attendance july 19.pdf
Teachers Monthly attendance june 2019.pdf
MBBS IV term, jan 2019.pdf
Time table MBBS, jan 2019.pdf
Tutorial Time table Dec 2018.pdf
New Doc 2019-01-25.pdf
Time table 2nd MBBS (Feb)pdf.pdf
IInd MBS Sep 2018.pdf
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IInd IIIrd MBBS AUG 18 1.pdf
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October 2018 Executed TT MBBS 3.pdf
MBBS first term exam time table jan 20.pdf
mbbs second term time table feb 2020.pdf
Tutorial time table IInd Ist batch.pdf
IInd IIIrd 2017 time table.pdf
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IInd term ending aug 20 exam TT.pdf
MBBS time table Feb 2021-.pdf
CBME MBBS TT from Aug 21.pdf
CBME MBBS Timetable from 8 Feb 21.pdf
CBME MBBS Timetable from 10 may 21.pdf
MBBS April 22 Academic TT.pdf
MBBS TT April 22 continue.pdf
MBBS TT Aug 22 onwards.pdf
IInd MBBS TT march23.pdf
IInd MBBS TT March 23.pdf
IInd MBBS Master TT 2021 Batch.pdf
MBBS IInd Term TT Aug 23.pdf
IInd MBBS IInd Term Aug 23.pdf
IInd MBBS Timetbale July to Nov 2023.pdf
IInd MBBS TT from w.e.f 17th Jan 2024.pdf
IInd MBBS Ist Term TT.pdf
MBBS April 2024 TT.pdf
MBBS April May 2024 TT.pdf
MBBS TT June to Aug 2024.pdf
MBBS DEC 24.pdf
IInd MBBS Oct 2024 (1).pdf
IInd MBBS Oct 2024 (2).pdf
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MBBS - Jan 2025.pdf
mbbs time table march 2025.pdf
mbbs time table april 2025.pdf
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Monthly executed MBBS November- 2024.pdf
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Monthly executed MBBS April- 2024 TT.pdf
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Monthly executed MBBS April 23 TT.pdf
Monthly executed MBBS March 23 TT.pdf
MBBS Oct 2022.pdf
MBBS Sept. 2022.pdf
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MBBS April 2021 Executed TT 1.pdf
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October 2018 Executed TT MBBS 3.pdf
September 2018 Executed TT MBBS 3.pdf
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MBBS Jan 2020 Executed TT.pdf
MBBS Feb 2020 Executed TT.pdf
MBBS March 2020 Executed TT.pdf
II IIIrd MBBS executed time table july 2019.pdf

Faculty Attendence

Monthly Executed BDS January 2025.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS December 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS November 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS November 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS Aug. 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS July 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS June 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS May 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS April 2024 TT.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS TT March 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed TT BDS Oct 23.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS September 2023.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS August 2023.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS July 2023.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS June2023.pdf
Monthly Executed BDS April.2023 (Regular & Repeater) TT (1).pdf
Monthly Executed BDS March.2023 (Regular & Repeater) TT.pdf
BDS Nov 2022.pdf
BDS Oct 2022.pdf
BDS Sept..2022.pdf
BDS August 2022 executed TT.pdf
BDS July 2022 Executed TT.pdf
BDS July 2022 Executed TT.pdf
BDS June 2022 Executed TT.pdf
BDS Nov 2021 Executed TT.pdf
BDS oct 2021 Executed TT.pdf
BDS Sept 2021 Executed TT.pdf
BDS April 2021 Executed TT.pdf
BDS March 2021 Executed TT.pdf
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BDS Dec 2020 Executed TT.pdf
BDS Oct 2020 Executed TT.pdf
BDS Sept 2020 Executed TT.pdf
BDS Aug 2020 Executed TT.pdf
BDS Mar.2019 Executed TT.pdf
BDS April.2019 Executed TT.pdf
BDS May.2019 Executed TT.pdf
BDS Feb.2019 Executed TT.pdf
BDS Mar.2019 Executed TT - Copy.pdf
BDS September 2019 Executed TT.pdf
BDS Oct 2019 Executed TT.pdf
BDS November 2019 Executed TT.pdf
BDS December 2019 Executed TT.pdf
BDS August.2019 Executed TT-converted.pdf
BDS Dec.2018 Executed TT.pdf
BDS Jan 2020 Executed TT.pdf
BDS Feb 2020 Executed TT.pdf
BDS March 2020 Executed TT.pdf
Monthly Executed OTPT January 2025.pdf
Monthly Executed OTPT January 2025.pdf
OTPT December. 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed OTPT Aug. 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed OTPT July 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed OTPT June 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed OTPT April. 2024 TT.pdf
Monthly Executed TT OTPT OCT 23.pdf
Monthly Executed OT-PT Sep 2023 TT.pdf
Monthly Executed OT-PT August 2023 TT.pdf
Monthly Executed OT-PT July 2023 TT.pdf
Monthly Executed OT-PT June 2023 TT.pdf
Monthly Executed OT-PT April 2023 TT.pdf
OTPT Oct 2022.pdf
OTPT Sept.. 2022.pdf
OTPT Aug 22 Monthly executed TT.pdf
OTPT July 2022 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT July 2022 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT June 2022 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT April 2021 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT March 2021 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Nov 2021 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Nov 2020 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Nov 2020 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Oct 2020 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Sept 2020 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Aug 2020 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT March 2020 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Feb 2020 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Jan 2020 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Dec 2019 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Oct 2019 Executed TT.pdf
OTPTSeptember. 2019 Executed TT - Copy.pdf
OTPT March 2020 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Dec 2019 Executed TT.pdf
OTPTSeptember. 2019 Executed TT - Copy.pdf
OTPT April. 2019 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT April. 2019 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Mar. 2019 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Feb. 2019 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Jan. 2019 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Dec. 2018 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Nov. 2018 Executed TT.pdf
OTPT Oct 2018 Executed TT.pdf
Monthly executed TT OTPT Aug 18 PDF.pdf
PG Monthly Executed time table Feb 2025.pdf
PG activity- January 2025.pdf
PG activity-December 2024.pdf
PG Activiity Aug 2024.pdf
09-PG Activiity Sept 2024.pdf
PG Activiity Aug 2024.pdf
08-PG Activiity Aug 2024.pdf
Executed PG activity TT July 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed PG TT June 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed PG TT April 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed PG March 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed PG Feb 24.pdf
Monthly Executed PG Activity TT Jan 2024.pdf
Monthly Executed PG December 2023.pdf
Monthly Executed PG TT Oct. 2023.pdf
Monthly Executed PG Sep2023.pdf
Monthly Executed PG August 2023.pdf
Monthly Executed PG July 2023.pdf
Monthly Executed PG June 2023 TT.pdf
Monthly Executed PG TT Dec 2022.pdf
PG Activity Nov. 2022.pdf
PG Activity Sept. 2022.pdf
Executed PG Activity Schedule - August 22.pdf
PG Activity july 2022 Executed TT.pdf
PG activity June 2022 Monthly executed TT.pdf
PG activity Nov 2021 Monthly executed TT 1.pdf
PG activity Nov 2021 Monthly executed TT 1.pdf
PG activity Oct 2021 Monthly executed TT 1.pdf
PG activity Sep 2021 Monthly executed TT 1.pdf
PG activity August 2021 Monthly executed TT 1.pdf
PG Activity July 2021 Executed TT.pdf
PG Activity April 2021 Executed TT.pdf
PG Activity March 2021 Executed TT.pdf
PG Activity Feb 2021 Executed TT.pdf
Executed PG Activity Schedule - Jan -21.pdf
PG Activity Dec 2020 TT 1.pdf
PG Activity Nov 2020 TT.pdf
PG Activity Oct 2020 TT.pdf
PG Activity Sep 2020 TT.pdf
Executed PG Activity Schedule - August 20.pdf
PG Activity Dec 2019 Executed TT.pdf
Executed PG Activity Schedule - August 18.pdf
Executed PG Activity Schedule - September 2019 - 1.pdf
PG Activity Oct 2019 Executed TT.pdf
Executed PG Activity Schedule - August 19.pdf
PG Activity Jan 2020 Executed TT.pdf
PG Activity Feb 2020 Executed TT.pdf


Research publications Year 2022-23


Name of teachers

Title of research article



Dr. Sunil M. Mahakalkar

1) Comparative assessment of safety & efficacy of Vortioxetine with escitalopram in patients with major depressive disorder : A Randomized, Comparative, parallel group open label study. International journal of Pharmacological Research 2022;12(3): E5726.

Dr. Anshul Upadhyay, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr.Prashant Tiple



2) Dr. Bhagyashree Mohod, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr. Prashant Tiple, Dr. Nikhil Dhargave, and Dr. Anshul Upadhyay : Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy & safety of Lurasidone & Olanzapine in patients of Schzophrenia : A Randomized, parallel group clinical study International journal of Pharmacological Research 2022;12(5): E5727.

Dr. Bhagyashree Mohod, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr. Prashant Tiple, Dr. Nikhil Dhargave, and Dr. Anshul Upadhyay 

    3)  Relationship Between Day of Starting Steroid and Clinical Outcome in Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 79(2), March – April 2023; Article No. 31, Pages: 193-198 Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr. Akhil Giradkar*, Dr. Anshul Upadhyay, Dr. Rahul Gholse, Dr. Vinod Khandait
    4) Treatment of Anti-hypertensive drugs in monotherapy or combination on longterm blood pressure : Metanalysis of randomised clinical trials. International journal of research analysis.Vol 12, issue (04), April 2023. Dr. Girish Wankhede, Dr. Chetna Shamkuwar, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar
    5) Comparative assessment of effect on Psychomotor Performance Efficacy and Adherence of Levosulpiride and Olanzapine in patients with Schizophrenia: A parallel, open label, prospective observational study. Annals of Indian psychiatry.April -June 2023. Pramoda N, AV Turankar, Manish Thakre, Sudhir Mahajan, Aswita Shetty, Sanddep Sasi, Sunil Mahakalkar.


Dr. Avinash V. Turankar

1. Comparative assessment of effect on Psychomotor Performance Efficacy and Adherence of Levosulpiride and Olanzapine in patients with Schizophrenia: A parallel, open label, prospective observational study. Annals of Indian psychiatry.April -June 2023.

Pramoda N, AV Turankar, Manish Thakre, Sudhir Mahajan, Aswita Shetty, Sanddep Sasi, Sunil Mahakalkar.


Dr Mrunalini Kalikar

1) Self-Medication Practices among Undergraduate Medical Students at Tertiary Health Care Institute in Nagpur District of Maharashtra – A Cross-sectional Study- International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review : Volume 05|Issue 06 (November-December)|2022 Page: 1030-1035.

M.Priyanka Kataria, Aditya Kataria, Sanved Pawar, Vrinda Ranjith, Dr Mrunalini Kalikar.

    2) Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of Favipiravir in adult Indian patients with mild- to- moderate Covid-19 in a real-World setting- International Journal of General Medicine : 2022:15 4551-4563. Pavan Kumar Reddy, Saiprasad Patil, Akash Khobragade, Akash Balki, Aneesh Raj,             Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar :

3) Comparative study of efficacy and safety of parenteral iron sucrose versus ferriccarboxymaltose in treatment of postpartum iron deficiency anemia – International journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology :January 2022 Volume11 Issue 1.

Ganesh N. Dakhale, Mrunalini Kalikar, Rujuta Fuke, Anisha S. Parmarthi, Mrunalini K. Chokhandare :


4) Effectiveness of Breathing Exercises on oxygen saturation in Post COVID patients ; a prospective study: IJMSCRR, Volume 05, Issue 05 September – October 2022  Page no 447 – 454. 

Reena Kaur Ruprai, Balbir Singh Ruprai, Mrunalini Kalikar, Mrunalini Chokhandre :
3 Dr. Chetna A. Shamkuwar

1) Treatment of Anti-hypertensive drugs in monotherapy or combination on longterm blood pressure : Metanalysis of randomised clinical trials. International journal of research analysis.Vol 12, issue (04), April 2023.

Dr. Girish Wankhede, Dr. Chetna Shamkuwar, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar.
4 Dr. Mohini Mahatme

Knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding informed consent among postgraduate and undergraduate medical students at a tertiary care teaching hospital in central India: International Journal of Medical Science and Advanced Clinical Research (IJMACR) Volume – 6, Issue – 3, May - 2023, Page No. : 225 – 232

Dr. Rahulkumar K. Kodape, Dr. Mohini S. Mahatme, Dr. Sachin Hiware,


Dr. Harshal N. Pise

1) Generalized Anxiety disorder & factors affecting it during the postnatal period : An observational Study, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research, Vol 15 issue 5,2022.  P.N. 90-93

Dr. Harshal Pise


Dr. Nilesh Katole

1) Critical Appraisal of Drug Promotional Literature in Accordance With WHO Guidelines. Cureus2022;14(8): e27644. DOI 10.7759/cureus.27644

Sonali B. Rode, Harsh V. Salankar, Nilesh T. Katole, Anuradha T. Deshkar, Amruta A. Dadmal, Shailesh V. Parate:  



2)  Evaluation of the Antinociceptive Action of Simvastatin in Mice; Cureus2022;14(7): e26910. DOI10.7759/cureus.26910

 Nilesh T. Katole, Jyoti S. Kale,Harsh V. Salankar :



3) Effect on Reaction Time in Primary Hypothyroid Patients Before and After Thyroxin Treatment.; Cureus. 2022; 14(6): e26074. doi:10.7759/cureus.26074

Jyoti S. Kale, Nilesh T. Katole, Sonali B. Rode and Shubhada A Gade: 



 4) Knowledge,Attitude and Practice Analysis of Antibiotics Use and Misuse in Tertiary Care Rural Hospital Patients. JPRI.2021;33(60B):2807-14.DOI:10.9734/JPRI/2021/v33i60B34945.

Katole NT, Kale JS, Bankar N.


5) Positive Huge Primary Malignant Extra Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (EGISTs) Arising From Jejunal Mesentery: A Rare Case Report. Cureus 14(12): e33168. DOI 10.7759/cureus.33168.December 31 2022, KIT (CD 117)

Sajjanar A B, Katole N T,Vagha S J 
































































 Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice on antibiotics use and its resistance among medical students in a tertiary care teaching hospitals of Maharashtra (NAPTICON2022 on 28th October 2022)


Evaluation of potential drug-drug interactions in prescription in outpatient department of tertiary care hospital ,(EBCCON Conference 02/03/23)


Study of prescription writing practices in a tertiary care hospital in vidharbha region, Maharashtra, India(NAPTICON2022 on 28th October 2022)


Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice on over the counter (OTC) drugs among medical and nursing students: a cross sectional study(SOPICON 2023,AIIMS RISHIKESH(online))


Drug utilization study in COVID retrospective observational study (IntpCon 8dec 2022)

6) Dr.RAHUL Gholse

Comparative study of the efficacy and safety of topical antifungal agents clotrimazole, luliconazole, sertaconazole in the treatment of tinea corporis / cruris: a randomized, comparative, parallel group, open-label study.(intpconsurat, 9  dec 2022)


Comparative assessment of quality of life, compliance and safety of Imipramine vs Escitalopram in patients of depression: A cross sectional study. (ISRPT 21 December 2021)


Evaluation of efficacy of fluoxetine in preventing relapse in moderate and severe alcohol use disorder: a prospective observational study. (NAPTICON-2022 held on 28/29th October 2022 at Mangaluru; Karnataka.)


Title -Evaluation of medication adherence among patients of essential hypertension : A comparative questionnaire - based study (ISRPT 11november2022)

10). Dr. Nikhil Mujbaile:

Title : Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Self medication among undergraduate Medical students in tertiary care teaching hospital (IntPCON Goa 23rd-24th September 2023)




Comparative study of complementary and alternative medicine use in final year and first-year MBBS students (INTPCON 9th December 2022)


Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards COVID-19 Vaccine Precaution Dose Among Health Care Professionals at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital(IntPCON online - 09/12/2022)


Knowledge and awareness regarding off-label use of drugs among doctors of tertiary care teaching: hospital: a questionnaire-based study (IsrptCon 27Nov2021)


 “comparative study of efficacy, safety and cost effectiveness of topical clindamycin 1 %-benzoyl peroxide 2.5 % combination therapy versus topical adapalene 0.1% - benzoyl peroxide 2.5% combination therapy in cases of mild to moderate facial acne vulgaris patients: a prospective, randomized, open label, parallel study”(napticon 28 oct 2022)


Effect of double distillation in the bioassay of acetylcholine using chicken ileum: An experimental study.(IntPCON 19 December 2022)


Assessment of factors associated with mortality in Covid-19 infection: A Retrospective observational study. (25- 27 Nov 2021 at 13th Annual Conference Indian society for Rational Therapeutics at Indore, MP)


1)Treatment efficacy of anti -hypertensive drugs in monotherapy  or combination on long term blood pressure : meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials (28 October2022 NAPTICON)

2)Evaluation of efficacy & safety of Amlodipine plus  Atenolol  versus  Amlodipine plus Enalapril  in patients of essential Hypertension:A prospective, comparative, observation study (IntPCON10 December 2022)

8) Dr. Divya Raj : 

Evaluating the rationality of Drug Promotional literature (DPL) in out patient department of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Maharashtra using WHO guidelines :A cross sectional, observational study. (IntPCON Goa 23rd-24th September 2023)

9). Dr. Kritika M Dongre :

 Steven Jhonson Syndrome And Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis from  Nitrofurantoin: A Case Report. (IntPCON Goa 23rd-24th September 2023)

10). Dr. Umesh Rathod :

 Comparative assessment of Nortriptyline & Venlafaxine on psychomotor performance in patients with tension type headache : a parallel, open label ,prospective,observational study. (IntPCON Goa 23rd-24th September 2023)

Publications Last Three Years (Year 2019-2020, Year 2020-2021, Year 2021-2022, Year 2022-2023)

1. Bajaj VA', Turankar AV", Thakre M', Tiple PG', V.M. Motghare :A comparative study of effect of sodium valproate & flunarizine on psychomotor performance in patients of common migraine: A randomized, parallel, open label, prospective observational study : Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, January March, 2019:6(1) pn 22-27.

2. Turankar AV, Thakre M, Ajmera Y, et al. Effect of power posing on psychomotor performance in healthy volunteers- a short term pilot study. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2019; 6(19), 1452-1456.

3. Dr Ankita Jire, Dr.Chindhalore Chaitali, Dr.Motghare Vijay, Dr.Dakhale Ganesh, Dr.Kalikar Mrunalini, Dr.Turankar Avinash, Dr.Sontakke Smita, Dr. Sonal Arsude. Acute effect of anti-anxiety drugs on psychomotor performance in healthy volunteers: a prospective, crossover study. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research, 2019;2(3): 374-383.

4. Manish Mahadeo Tiwari, Harshal N. Pise  Comparative study between serum and transcutaneous bilirubin measurements in new-borns. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2019 Mar;6(2):817-822

5. Dipti R. Sonawane, Jugalkishor B. Jaju, Ganesh R. Pawar, Punam A. Gosavi Evaluation of analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of Levocetirizine in albino rats.  Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2019 Aug;8(8):1805-1812

6. Ganesh Dakhle,  MrunaliniKalikar Akhil Giradkar, Vishakha Sinha. Perception of investigators about Institutional Ethics Committee of a Tertiary care teaching Hospital: A questionnaire based study. International Journal of Current. Advance Research vol. 9 issue 3 March 2020 p n 21639-42.

7. Mrunalini Kalikar, Ganesh Dakhle,  Mayur Shrirao. Effect of Educational Intervention on awareness of Pharmacovigilance among medical undergraduates in a Tertiary care teaching Hospital.Perspectives in Clinical Research : 2020: 11: 92-96.

8. Mrunalini Kalikar, Current Therapeutic drugs with potential for treatment of Covid 19. VJIM vol 29, issue 1, July 2020,

9. Chinmay Guralwar, Dr.Smita Sontakke, Dr.CharulataBawankule, Tanmay Bhanuse, Dr. V.M. Motghare, Dr.Mrunalini Kalikar. Comparative Study of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Patients of Chronic Kidney Disease: Predialysis VersusDialysis. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 65(1), November - December 2020; Article No. 20, Pages: 136-142 ISSN

10. Dhande L, Waghmare K, Badhoniya N, Turankar A, Shetty A. Elevated maternal blood lead level - A risk factor for low birth weight. An observational study. J Nepal Paediatr Soc. 2020;40(2):100-6.

11.   Turankar A V , Shetty A U , Pramoda N, Motghare V M , Urade C S , To assess the rationality of pharmacotherapy of patient in clinical situations and validation of questionnaire tool used in rational pharmacotherapy. Indian J Pharm Pharmacol 2020;7(4): 251-255

12. Kadam RL, Sontakke S D, Tiple P, Motghare VM, Bajait CS, Kalikar M V. Comparative evaluation of efficacy and tolerability of vilazodone, escitalopram, and amitriptyline in patients of major depressive disorder: A randomized, parallel, open-label clinical study. Indian J Pharmacol 2020;52:79-85.

13. Nikita S. Ingale, Vijay M. Motghare, Shubhangi J. Gawade, Smita D. Sontakke (corresponding author), Rucha V. Punse, Renuka L. Kadam. Experimental Evaluation of Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Beta-2 agonists: Salbutamol and Salmeterol. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res 2020; 63(2), Jul - Aug 2020: 44-49.

14. Nikhil Dhargawe, Sunil Mahakalkar, Bhagyashree Mohod, Jeffrey Pradeep Raj Evaluation of analgesic,anti-inflammatory and Antipyretic activity of Piperine: An experimental study. Pharmacognosy Research 2020;12:176-80.

15. Sunil Mahakalkar, Prashant Tiple, Bhagyashri Mohod, Nikhil Dhargave. Monitoring of adverse drug reactions in psychiatry outpatient department of a tertiary are hospital in Central India, IJBCP Vol 9,N05(2020)

 16. Dudhe B G, Chakravorty Ashish D, Mankar N N, Pise H N. Study of prescribing pattern of antimicrobial agents in medicine intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital. Asian J Pharm Clin Res,Vol 13, Issue 5, 2020, 136-140.

17. Chetna Shamkuwar, Nalinikumari, Sushant Meshram. Evaluation of prescribing pattern and survival of chronic kidney disease patients on haemodialysis: A perspective from superspeciality tertiary care teaching hospital of central India. Indian Journal of Applied Research. Volume : X, Issue : III, March – 2020

18.Chindhalore CA, Dakhale GN, Giradkar A B. Comparison of self-medication practices with analgesics among undergraduate medical and paramedical students of a tertiary care teaching institute in Central India – A questionnaire-based study. J Edu Health Promot 2020;9:309

19. Dr.Chindhalore Chaitali, Dr.Dakhale Ganesh, Dr.Motghare Vijay, Dr. Anshul Upadhyay. Study of Drug Utilization Pattern of Corticosteroids in Dermatology at Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital.International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research (IJMSCR), volume 3(1),January- February 2020. 129-134.    

20. Ganesh Dakhle, Ashish Gupta, Jayesh Mukhi, Mrunalini Kalikar. Comparison of Efficacy safety and cost effectiveness of Sertaconazole and luliconaxole cream in patients of Dermatophytosis: A prospective randomized, open label Study. Perspectives in Clinical Research : 20-21: 12 Pn 223-228.

21. Ganesh Dakhle,  Mrunalini Kalikar. Functioning of Ethics Committee during Covid 19 Pandemic: The Challenges. International journal of Medical Science and Current Research vol. 4 issue 3 May –June 20-21:

22. Ganesh Dakhle, Mrunalini Kalikar Akhil Giradkar, Evaluation of Functioning of Ethics committee of Tertiary care teaching Institute during Covid 19 Pandemic. International journal of Current advanced Research vol 10, issue 5 May 2021. Pn 24291 -94,

23. Kalikar MV, Dakhale GN, Sinha VV, Giradkar AB. Analysis of clinical trial agreement and insurance policy submitted to the ethics committee of a tertiary care teaching institute in central India. Perspect Clin Res March 2021.

24. Sontakke S, Takalikar V, Deshmukh J, Motghare VM, Kalikar M, Turankar A. Assessment of adherence to medication during chronic illnesses in pregnancy. Perspect Clin Res 2021;12:153-8.

25.Turankar AV, Bhusari S, Thakre M, et al. Correlation and interaction between emotional intelligence and temperament factors in medical resident doctors in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Central India - a cross sectional survey. J Evid Based Med Healthc 2021;8(04):230-235. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2021/44

26. Nikita S. Ingale, Vijay M. Motghare, Shubhangi J. Gawade, Smita D.Sontakke, Avinash V. Turankar. Drug Utilization Study and Adverse Drug Reactions Profile of Drugs in Patients of Ovarian Cancer in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 66(2), January – February 2021; Article No. 13, Pages: 74-79

27. S.J.Gawade, V.M. Motghare, N.S.Ingale, S.D.Sontakke (corresponding author). Evaluation of analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of Cetirizine and Levocetirizine: an experimental study. International journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2021;12(7): 3994-4000.

28. Manish Mahadeo Tiwari, Harshal N. Pise, Mahima Tiwari. Generalized anxiety disorder and factors affecting it during postnatal period: An observational study Asian journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research. Mar 2021-22;15(5): 90-93.

29. Mrunalini Kalikar Antibody cocktail Casirivimab and Imedevimab in Covid 19. VJIM vol 31, issue 1, July 2021,

30. Dakhale Ganesh, Kalikar MV, Giradkar AB, Sinha VV. Analysis of serious adverse events reports: Review by an Institutional Ethics Committee of a tertiary care teaching hospital, 12/07/2021. DOI: 10.4103/picr.PICR_293_20.

31. Priyanka Kataria, Aditya Kataria, Sanved Pawar, Vrinda Ranjith, Dr Mrunalini Kalikar: Self-Medication Practices Among Undergraduate Medical Students at Tertiary Health Care Institute in Nagpur District of Maharashtra – A Cross-sectional Study- International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review : Volume 05|Issue 06 (November-December)|2022 Page: 1030-1035.

32. Pavan Kumar Reddy, Saiprasad Patil, Akash Khobragade, Akash Balki, Aneesh Raj,  Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar : Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of Favipiravir in adult Indian patients with mild- to- moderate Covid-19 in a real-World setting- International Journal of General Medicine : 2022:15 4551-4563.

33. Ganesh N. Dakhale, Mrunalini Kalikar, Rujuta Fuke, Anisha S. Parmarthi, Mrunalini K. Chokhandare : Comparative study of efficacy and safety of parenteral iron sucrose versus ferric carboxymaltose in treatment of postpartum iron deficiency anemia – International journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology :January 2022 Volume11 Issue 1.

34. Kalikar MV, Dakhale GN, Sinha VV, Giradkar AB. Analysis of clinical trial agreement and insurance policy submitted to the ethics committee of a tertiary care teaching institute in central India. Perspect Clin Res March 2021.

35. Dr. Smita Sontakke, Dr. Mitali Wagh, Dr. Nikita Ingale, Dr. Jayesh Mukhi, Dr. Vijay Motghare and Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar : evaluation of adherence to medication in patients of psoriasis: topical versus systemic therapy- european journal of pharmaceutical and medical research : Vol 8, Issue 6, 2021.

36. Dr. Anshul Upadhyay, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr.Prashant Tiple: Comparative assessment of safety & efficacy of Vortioxetine with escitalopram in patients with major depressive disorder : A Randomized, Comparative, parallel group open label study. International journal of Pharmacological Research 2022;12(3): E5726.

37. Dr. Bhagyashree Mohod, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr. Prashant Tiple, Dr. Nikhil Dhargave, and Dr. Anshul Upadhyay : Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy & safety of Lurasidone & Olanzapine in patients of Schzophrenia : A Randomized, parallel group clinical study International journal of Pharmacological Research 2022;12(5): E5727.

38. Reena Kaur Ruprai, Balbir Singh Ruprai, Mrunalini Kalikar, Mrunalini Chokhandre : Effectiveness of Breathing Exercises on oxygen saturation in Post COVID patients ; a prospective study: IJMSCRR, Volume 05, Issue 05 Sept– October 2022  Page no 447 – 454. 

39. Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr. Akhil Giradkar*, Dr. Anshul Upadhyay, Dr. Rahul Gholse, Dr. Vinod Khandait Relationship Between Day of Starting Steroid and Clinical Outcome in Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 79(2), March – April 2023; Article No. 31, Pages: 193-198

40. Dr. Girish Wankhede, Dr. Chetna Shamkuwar, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar. Treatment of Anti-hypertensive drugs in monotherapy or combination on longterm blood pressure : Metanalysis of randomised clinical trials. International journal of research analysis.Vol 12, issue (04), April 2023.

41. Dr. Rahulkumar K. Kodape, Dr. Mohini S. Mahatme, Dr. Sachin Hiware, Knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding informed consent among postgraduate and undergraduate medical students at a tertiary care teaching hospital in central India: International Journal of Medical Science and Advanced Clinical Research (IJMACR) Volume – 6, Issue – 3, May - 2023, Page No. : 225 – 232

42. Sonali B. Rode, Harsh V. Salankar, Nilesh T. Katole, Anuradha T. Deshkar, Amruta A. Dadmal, Shailesh V. Parate:  Critical Appraisal of Drug Promotional Literature in Accordance With WHO Guidelines. Cureus2022;14(8): e27644. DOI 10.7759/cureus.27644

43. Nilesh T. Katole, Jyoti S. Kale,Harsh V. Salankar : Evaluation of the Antinociceptive Action of Simvastatin in Mice; Cureus2022;14(7): e26910. DOI10.7759/cureus.26910

44. Jyoti S. Kale, Nilesh T. Katole, Sonali B. Rode and Shubhada A Gade: Effect on Reaction Time in Primary Hypothyroid Patients Before and After Thyroxin Treatment.; Cureus. 2022; 14(6): e26074. doi:10.7759/cureus.26074

45.Pramoda N, AV Turankar, Manish Thakre, Sudhir Mahajan, Aswita Shetty, Sanddep Sasi, Sunil Mahakalkar. Comparative assessment of effect on Psychomotor Performance Efficacy and Adherence of Levosulpiride and Olanzapine in patients with Schizophrenia: A parallel, open label, prospective observational study. Annals of Indian psychiatry.April -June 2023.

46.  Katole NT, Kale JS, Bankar N. Knowledge,Attitude and Practice Analysis of Antibiotics Use and Misuse in Tertiary Care Rural Hospital Patients. JPRI.2021;33(60B):2807-14.DOI:10.9734/JPRI/2021/v33i60B34945.

47. Sajjanar A B, Katole N T,Vagha S J (December 31, 2022) KIT (CD117) Positive Huge Primary Malignant Extra Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (EGISTs) Arising From Jejunal Mesentery: A Rare Case Report. Cureus 14(12): e33168. DOI 10.7759/cureus.33168

Faculty wise publication last five years:


Sr. No.

Faculty Name

Publication in Vancouver referencing style

Indexing system


Dr. Sunil M. Mahakalkar

1.  Pramoda N, AV Turankar, Manish Thakre, Sudhir Mahajan, Aswita Shetty, Sanddep Sasi, Sunil Mahakalkar. Comparative assessment of effect on Psychomotor Performance Efficacy and Adherence of Levosulpiride and Olanzapine in patients with Schizophrenia: A parallel, open label, prospective observational study. Annals of Indian psychiatry.April -June 2023.

2.  Dr. Girish Wankhede, Dr. Chetna Shamkuwar, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar. Treatment of Anti-hypertensive drugs in monotherapy or combination on longterm blood pressure : Metanalysis of randomised clinical trials. International journal of research analysis.Vol 12, issue (04), April 2023

3.  Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr. Akhil Giradkar*, Dr. Anshul Upadhyay, Dr. Rahul Gholse, Dr. Vinod Khandait Relationship Between Day of Starting Steroid and Clinical Outcome in Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 79(2), March – April 2023; Article No. 31, Pages: 193-198

4.  Dr. Bhagyashree Mohod, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr. Prashant Tiple, Dr. Nikhil Dhargave, and Dr. Anshul Upadhyay : Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy & safety of Lurasidone & Olanzapine in patients of Schzophrenia : A Randomized, parallel group clinical study International journal of Pharmacological Research 2022;12(5): E5727.

5.  Dr. Anshul Upadhyay, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr.Prashant Tiple: Comparative assessment of safety & efficacy of Vortioxetine with escitalopram in patients with major depressive disorder : A Randomized, Comparative, parallel group open label study. International journal of Pharmacological Research 2022;12(3): E5726.

6.  Sunil Mahakalkar, Prashant Tiple, Bhagyashri Mohod, Nikhil Dhargave. Monitoring of adverse drug reactions in psychiatry outpatient department of a tertiary are hospital in Central India, IJBCP Vol 9,N05(2020)

7.  Nikhil Dhargawe, Sunil Mahakalkar, Bhagyashree Mohod, Jeffrey Pradeep Raj Evaluation of analgesic, anti-inflammatory and Antipyretic activity of Piperine: An experimental study. Pharmacognosy Research 2020;12:176-80.



Dr. Avinash V. Turankar

1.  Pramoda N, AV Turankar, Manish Thakre, Sudhir Mahajan, Aswita Shetty, Sanddep Sasi, Sunil Mahakalkar. Comparative assessment of effect on Psychomotor Performance Efficacy and Adherence of Levosulpiride and Olanzapine in patients with Schizophrenia: A parallel, open label, prospective observational study. Annals of Indian psychiatry.April -June 2023.

2.  Nikita S. Ingale, Vijay M. Motghare, Shubhangi J. Gawade, Smita D.Sontakke, Avinash V. Turankar. Drug Utilization Study and Adverse Drug Reactions Profile of Drugs in Patients of Ovarian Cancer in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 66(2), January – February 2021; Article No. 13, Pages: 74-79

3.  Turankar AV, Bhusari S, Thakre M, et al. Correlation and interaction between emotional intelligence and temperament factors in medical resident doctors in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Central India - a cross sectional survey. J Evid Based Med Healthc 2021;8(04):230-235. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2021/44

4.  Sontakke S, Takalikar V, Deshmukh J, Motghare VM, Kalikar M, Turankar A. Assessment of adherence to medication during chronic illnesses in pregnancy. Perspect Clin Res 2021;12:153-8.

5.  Turankar A V , Shetty A U , Pramoda N, Motghare V M , Urade C S , To assess the rationality of pharmacotherapy of patient in clinical situations and validation of questionnaire tool used in rational pharmacotherapy. Indian J Pharm Pharmacol 2020;7(4): 251-255

6.  Dhande L, Waghmare K, Badhoniya N, Turankar A, Shetty A. Elevated maternal blood lead level - A risk factor for low birth weight. An observational study. J Nepal Paediatr Soc. 2020;40(2):100-6.

7.  Suresh Pawar, A. V. Turankar, P. G. Tiple, V. M. Motghare, Manish Thakre, Ayudh Magdum, Chetan Urade, Ajita Khamkar, Mangesh Bankar. Evaluation and Comparison of the effect of Escitalopram, Amitriptyline and Mirtazapine on psychomotor performance and cognitive functions in patient of depression: Medplus- Research and Publication. Volume 9 Issue 3- March 2019, 1-6

8.  Dr Ankita Jire, Dr.Chindhalore Chaitali, Dr.Motghare Vijay, Dr.Dakhale Ganesh, Dr.Kalikar Mrunalini, Dr.Turankar Avinash, Dr.Sontakke Smita, Dr. Sonal Arsude. Acute effect of anti-anxiety drugs on psychomotor performance in healthy volunteers: a prospective, crossover study. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research, 2019;2(3): 374-383.

9.  Turankar AV, Thakre M, Ajmera Y, et al. Effect of power posing on psychomotor performance in healthy volunteers- a short term pilot study. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2019; 6(19), 1452-1456.

10.  Bajaj VA', Turankar AV", Thakre M', Tiple PG', V.M. Motghare :A comparative study of effect of sodium valproate & flunarizine on psychomotor performance in patients of common migraine: A randomized, parallel, open label, prospective observational study : Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, January March, 2019:6(1) pn 22-27.

11.  Turankar AV, Bargade M, Balpande S, et al. SWOT analysis: the possibility as a learning tool in medical education training (a knowledge, attitude and practice-based study in medical students). J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2018; 5(44), 3119-3123.

12.  Sunita Avinash Turankar, Avinash Vikram Turankar, Seema Vaidya . Effect of blood donation on lipid profile in healthy volunteers- a short-term pilot study. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci Vol. 7/ Issue 33/ Aug. 13, 2018

13.  M K Tambe,A V Turankar2, S Lingawar, N B Dhokane, N P Pophali, P M Kherde, Vinay Bajaj. Influence of digit ratio (2D:4D) on reaction time and athletic sprint  performance: A short term pilot study. MedPulse International Journal of Physiology. February 2018; 5(2): 17-21

14.  Smita Sontakke , Vijay Motghare, Ritu Budaniya, Kundan Niwangune , Avinash Turankar. .   Plasma olanzapine concentration: Relation with dose, adherence to medication, and clinical efficacy. Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, July-September, 2018;5(3):124-128.



Dr. Mrunalini V. Kalikar

1. Reena Kaur Ruprai, Balbir Singh Ruprai, Mrunalini Kalikar, Mrunalini Chokhandre : Effectiveness of Breathing Exercises on oxygen saturation in Post COVID patients ; a prospective study: IJMSCRR, Volume 05, Issue 05 Sept– October 2022  Page no 447 – 454. 

2. Dr. Smita Sontakke, Dr. Mitali Wagh, Dr. Nikita Ingale, Dr. Jayesh Mukhi, Dr. Vijay Motghare and Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar : evaluation of adherence to medication in patients of psoriasis: topical versus systemic therapy- european journal of pharmaceutical and medical research : Vol 8, Issue 6, 2021

3. Kalikar MV, Dakhale GN, Sinha VV, Giradkar AB. Analysis of clinical trial agreement and insurance policy submitted to the ethics committee of a tertiary care teaching institute in central India. Perspect Clin Res March 2021.

4. Ganesh N. Dakhale, Mrunalini Kalikar, Rujuta Fuke, Anisha S. Parmarthi, Mrunalini K. Chokhandare : Comparative study of efficacy and safety of parenteral iron sucrose versus ferric carboxymaltose in treatment of postpartum iron deficiency anemia – International journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology :January 2022 Volume11 Issue 1.

5. Pavan Kumar Reddy, Saiprasad Patil, Akash Khobragade, Akash Balki, Aneesh Raj,  Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar : Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of Favipiravir in adult Indian patients with mild- to- moderate Covid-19 in a real-World setting- International Journal of General Medicine : 2022:15 4551-4563.

6. Priyanka Kataria, Aditya Kataria, Sanved Pawar, Vrinda Ranjith, Dr Mrunalini Kalikar: Self-Medication Practices Among Undergraduate Medical Students at Tertiary Health Care Institute in Nagpur District of Maharashtra – A Cross-sectional Study- International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review : Volume 05|Issue 06 (November-December)|2022 Page: 1030-1035

7. Dakhale Ganesh, Kalikar MV, Giradkar AB, Sinha VV. Analysis of serious adverse events reports: Review by an Institutional Ethics Committee of a tertiary care teaching hospital, 12/07/2021. DOI: 10.4103/picr.PICR_293_20.

8. . Mrunalini Kalikar Antibody cocktail Casirivimab and Imedevimab in Covid 19. VJIM vol 31, issue 1, July 2021,

9.  Sontakke S, Takalikar V, Deshmukh J, Motghare VM, Kalikar M, Turankar A. Assessment of adherence to medication during chronic illnesses in pregnancy. Perspect Clin Res 2021;12:153-8.

10. Kalikar MV, Dakhale GN, Sinha VV, Giradkar AB. Analysis of clinical trial agreement and insurance policy submitted to the ethics committee of a tertiary care teaching institute in central India. Perspect Clin Res March 2021.

11. Ganesh Dakhle, Mrunalini Kalikar,  Akhil Giradkar, Evaluation of Functioning of Ethics committee of Tertiary care teaching Institute during Covid 19 Pandemic. International journal of Current advanced Research vol 10, issue 5 May 2021. Pn 24291 -94,

12. Ganesh Dakhle,  Mrunalini Kalikar. Functioning of Ethics Committee during Covid 19 Pandemic: The Challenges. International journal of Medical Science and Current Research vol. 4 issue 3 May –June 20-21:

13. Ganesh Dakhle, Ashish Gupta, Jayesh Mukhi, Mrunalini Kalikar. Comparison of Efficacy safety and cost effectiveness of Sertaconazole and luliconaxole cream in patients of Dermatophytosis: A prospective randomized, open label Study. Perspectives in Clinical Research : 20-21: 12 Pn 223-228.

14. Kadam RL, Sontakke S D, Tiple P, Motghare VM, Bajait CS, Kalikar M V. Comparative evaluation of efficacy and tolerability of vilazodone, escitalopram, and amitriptyline in patients of major depressive disorder: A randomized, parallel, open-label clinical study. Indian J Pharmacol 2020;52:79-85.

15. Chinmay Guralwar, Dr. Smita Sontakke, Dr.CharulataBawankule, Tanmay Bhanuse, Dr. V.M. Motghare, Dr.Mrunalini Kalikar. Comparative Study of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Patients of Chronic Kidney Disease: Predialysis VersusDialysis. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 65(1), November - December 2020; Article No. 20, Pages: 136-142 ISSN

16. Mrunalini Kalikar, Current Therapeutic drugs with potential for treatment of Covid 19. VJIM vol 29, issue 1, July 2020,

17. Mrunalini Kalikar, Ganesh Dakhle,  Mayur Shrirao. Effect of Educational Intervention on awareness of Pharmacovigilance among medical undergraduates in a Tertiary care teaching Hospital.Perspectives in Clinical Research : 2020: 11: 92-96.

18. Ganesh Dakhle,  MrunaliniKalikar,  Akhil Giradkar, Vishakha Sinha. Perception of investigators about Institutional Ethics Committee of a Tertiary care teaching Hospital: A questionnaire based study. International Journal of Current. Advance Research vol. 9 issue 3 March 2020 p n 21639-42.

19. Dr Ankita Jire, Dr.Chindhalore Chaitali, Dr.Motghare Vijay, Dr.Dakhale Ganesh, Dr.Kalikar Mrunalini, Dr.Turankar Avinash, Dr.Sontakke Smita, Dr. Sonal Arsude. Acute effect of anti-anxiety drugs on psychomotor performance in healthy volunteers: a prospective, crossover study. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research, 2019;2(3): 374-383.



Dr. Chetna A. Shamkuwar

1. Dr. Girish Wankhede, Dr. Chetna Shamkuwar, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar. Treatment of Anti-hypertensive drugs in monotherapy or combination on longterm blood pressure : Metanalysis of randomised clinical trials. International journal of research analysis.Vol 12, issue (04), April 2023

2. Chetna Shamkuwar, Nalini kumari, Sushant Meshram. Evaluation of prescribing pattern and survival of chronic kidney disease patients on haemodialysis: A perspective from superspeciality tertiary care teaching hospital of central India. Indian Journal of Applied Research. Volume : X, Issue : III, March – 2020



Dr. Mohini S. Mahatme

1. Dr. Rahulkumar K. Kodape, Dr. Mohini S. Mahatme, Dr. Sachin Hiware, Knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding informed consent among postgraduate and undergraduate medical students at a tertiary care teaching hospital in central India: International Journal of Medical Science and Advanced Clinical Research (IJMACR) Volume – 6, Issue – 3, May - 2023, Page No. : 225 – 232



Dr. Harshal N. Pise

1. Manish Mahadeo Tiwari, Harshal N. Pise, Mahima Tiwari. Generalized anxiety disorder and factors affecting it during postnatal period: An observational study Asian journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research. Mar 2021-22;15(5): 90-93.

2. Dudhe B G, Chakravorty Ashish D, Mankar N N, Pise H N. Study of prescribing pattern of antimicrobial agents in medicine intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital. Asian J Pharm Clin Res,Vol 13, Issue 5, 2020, 136-140.

3. Manish Mahadeo Tiwari, Harshal N. Pise  Comparative study between serum and transcutaneous bilirubin measurements in new-borns. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2019 Mar;6(2):817-822



Dr. Punam A. Gosavi

1. Dipti R. Sonawane, Jugalkishor B. Jaju, Ganesh R. Pawar, Punam A. Gosavi Evaluation of analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of Levocetirizine in albino rats.  Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2019 Aug;8(8):1805-1812



Dr. Nishikant N. Mankar

Dudhe B G, Chakravorty Ashish D, Mankar N N, Pise H N. Study of prescribing pattern of antimicrobial agents in medicine intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital. Asian J Pharm Clin Res,Vol 13, Issue 5, 2020, 136-140.



Dr. Bhushan G. Dudhe

Dudhe B G, Chakravorty Ashish D, Mankar N N, Pise H N. Study of prescribing pattern of antimicrobial agents in medicine intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital. Asian J Pharm Clin Res,Vol 13, Issue 5, 2020, 136-140.



Dr. Ulhas M. Ghotkar




Dr. Nilesh Katole

1. Sajjanar A B, Katole N T,Vagha S J (December 31, 2022) KIT (CD117) Positive Huge Primary Malignant Extra Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (EGISTs) Arising From Jejunal Mesentery: A Rare Case Report. Cureus 14(12): e33168. DOI 10.7759/cureus.33168

2. Katole NT, Kale JS, Bankar N. Knowledge,Attitude and Practice Analysis of Antibiotics Use and Misuse in Tertiary Care Rural Hospital Patients. JPRI.2021;33(60B):2807-14.DOI:10.9734/JPRI/2021/v33i60B34945

3. Jyoti S. Kale, Nilesh T. Katole, Sonali B. Rode and Shubhada A Gade: Effect on Reaction Time in Primary Hypothyroid Patients Before and After Thyroxin Treatment.; Cureus. 2022; 14(6): e26074. doi:10.7759/cureus.26074

4. Nilesh T. Katole, Jyoti S. Kale,Harsh V. Salankar : Evaluation of the Antinociceptive Action of Simvastatin in Mice; Cureus2022;14(7): e26910. DOI10.7759/cureus.26910

5. Sonali B. Rode, Harsh V. Salankar, Nilesh T. Katole, Anuradha T. Deshkar, Amruta A. Dadmal, Shailesh V. Parate:  Critical Appraisal of Drug Promotional Literature in Accordance With WHO Guidelines. Cureus2022;14(8): e27644. DOI 10.7759/cureus.27644



Department of Pharmacology, Publications Last Five Years (2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024)

1. Bajaj VA', Turankar AV", Thakre M', Tiple PG', V.M. Motghare :A comparative study of effect of sodium valproate & flunarizine on psychomotor performance in patients of common migraine: A randomized, parallel, open label, prospective observational study : Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, January March, 2019:6(1) pn 22-27.

2. Turankar AV, Thakre M, Ajmera Y, et al. Effect of power posing on psychomotor performance in healthy volunteers- a short term pilot study. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2019; 6(19), 1452-1456.

3. Dr Ankita Jire, Dr.Chindhalore Chaitali, Dr.Motghare Vijay, Dr.Dakhale Ganesh, Dr.Kalikar Mrunalini, Dr.Turankar Avinash, Dr.Sontakke Smita, Dr. Sonal Arsude. Acute effect of anti-anxiety drugs on psychomotor performance in healthy volunteers: a prospective, crossover study. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research, 2019;2(3): 374-383.

4. Manish Mahadeo Tiwari, Harshal N. Pise  Comparative study between serum and transcutaneous bilirubin measurements in new-borns. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2019 Mar;6(2):817-822

5. Dipti R. Sonawane, Jugalkishor B. Jaju, Ganesh R. Pawar, Punam A. Gosavi Evaluation of analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of Levocetirizine in albino rats.  Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2019 Aug;8(8):1805-1812

6. Suresh Pawar, A. V. Turankar, P. G. Tiple, V. M. Motghare, Manish Thakre, Ayudh Magdum, Chetan Urade, Ajita Khamkar, Mangesh Bankar. Evaluation and Comparison of the effect of Escitalopram, Amitriptyline and Mirtazapine on psychomotor performance and cognitive functions in patient of depression: Medplus- Research and Publication. Volume 9 Issue 3- March 2019, 1-6

7. Ganesh Dakhle,  MrunaliniKalikar Akhil Giradkar, Vishakha Sinha. Perception of investigators about Institutional Ethics Committee of a Tertiary care teaching Hospital: A questionnaire based study. International Journal of Current. Advance Research vol. 9 issue 3 March 2020 p n 21639-42.

8. Mrunalini Kalikar, Ganesh Dakhle,  Mayur Shrirao. Effect of Educational Intervention on awareness of Pharmacovigilance among medical undergraduates in a Tertiary care teaching Hospital.Perspectives in Clinical Research : 2020: 11: 92-96.

9. Mrunalini Kalikar, Current Therapeutic drugs with potential for treatment of Covid 19. VJIM vol 29, issue 1, July 2020,

10. Chinmay Guralwar, Dr.Smita Sontakke, Dr.CharulataBawankule, Tanmay Bhanuse, Dr. V.M. Motghare, Dr.Mrunalini Kalikar. Comparative Study of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Patients of Chronic Kidney Disease: Predialysis VersusDialysis. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 65(1), November - December 2020; Article No. 20, Pages: 136-142 ISSN

11. Dhande L, Waghmare K, Badhoniya N, Turankar A, Shetty A. Elevated maternal blood lead level - A risk factor for low birth weight. An observational study. J Nepal Paediatr Soc. 2020;40(2):100-6.

12.   Turankar A V , Shetty A U , Pramoda N, Motghare V M , Urade C S , To assess the rationality of pharmacotherapy of patient in clinical situations and validation of questionnaire tool used in rational pharmacotherapy. Indian J Pharm Pharmacol 2020;7(4): 251-255

13. Kadam RL, Sontakke S D, Tiple P, Motghare VM, Bajait CS, Kalikar M V. Comparative evaluation of efficacy and tolerability of vilazodone, escitalopram, and amitriptyline in patients of major depressive disorder: A randomized, parallel, open-label clinical study. Indian J Pharmacol 2020;52:79-85.

14. Nikhil Dhargawe, Sunil Mahakalkar, Bhagyashree Mohod, Jeffrey Pradeep Raj Evaluation of analgesic,anti-inflammatory and Antipyretic activity of Piperine: An experimental study. Pharmacognosy Research 2020;12:176-80.

15. Sunil Mahakalkar, Prashant Tiple, Bhagyashri Mohod, Nikhil Dhargave. Monitoring of adverse drug reactions in psychiatry outpatient department of a tertiary are hospital in Central India, IJBCP Vol 9,N05(2020)

 16. Dudhe B G, Chakravorty Ashish D, Mankar N N, Pise H N. Study of prescribing pattern of antimicrobial agents in medicine intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital. Asian J Pharm Clin Res,Vol 13, Issue 5, 2020, 136-140.

17. Chetna Shamkuwar, Nalinikumari, Sushant Meshram. Evaluation of prescribing pattern and survival of chronic kidney disease patients on haemodialysis: A perspective from superspeciality tertiary care teaching hospital of central India. Indian Journal of Applied Research. Volume : X, Issue : III, March – 2020

18. Ganesh Dakhle, Ashish Gupta, Jayesh Mukhi, Mrunalini Kalikar. Comparison of Efficacy safety and cost effectiveness of Sertaconazole and luliconaxole cream in patients of Dermatophytosis: A prospective randomized, open label Study. Perspectives in Clinical Research : 20-21: 12 Pn 223-228.

19. Ganesh Dakhle,  Mrunalini Kalikar. Functioning of Ethics Committee during Covid 19 Pandemic: The Challenges. International journal of Medical Science and Current Research vol. 4 issue 3 May –June 20-21:

20. Ganesh Dakhle, Mrunalini Kalikar Akhil Giradkar, Evaluation of Functioning of Ethics committee of Tertiary care teaching Institute during Covid 19 Pandemic. International journal of Current advanced Research vol 10, issue 5 May 2021. Pn 24291 -94,

21. Kalikar MV, Dakhale GN, Sinha VV, Giradkar AB. Analysis of clinical trial agreement and insurance policy submitted to the ethics committee of a tertiary care teaching institute in central India. Perspect Clin Res March 2021.

22Sontakke S, Takalikar V, Deshmukh J, Motghare VM, Kalikar M, Turankar A. Assessment of adherence to medication during chronic illnesses in pregnancy. Perspect Clin Res 2021;12:153-8.

23.Turankar AV, Bhusari S, Thakre M, et al. Correlation and interaction between emotional intelligence and temperament factors in medical resident doctors in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Central India - a cross sectional survey. J Evid Based Med Healthc 2021;8(04):230-235. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2021/44

24. Nikita S. Ingale, Vijay M. Motghare, Shubhangi J. Gawade, Smita D.Sontakke, Avinash V. Turankar. Drug Utilization Study and Adverse Drug Reactions Profile of Drugs in Patients of Ovarian Cancer in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 66(2), January – February 2021; Article No. 13, Pages: 74-79

25. Kalikar MV, Dakhale GN, Sinha VV, Giradkar AB. Analysis of clinical trial agreement and insurance policy submitted to the ethics committee of a tertiary care teaching institute in central India. Perspect Clin Res March 2021.

26. Dr. Smita Sontakke, Dr. Mitali Wagh, Dr. Nikita Ingale, Dr. Jayesh Mukhi, Dr. Vijay Motghare and Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar : evaluation of adherence to medication in patients of psoriasis: topical versus systemic therapy- european journal of pharmaceutical and medical research : Vol 8, Issue 6, 2021.

27. Manish Mahadeo Tiwari, Harshal N. Pise, Mahima Tiwari. Generalized anxiety disorder and factors affecting it during postnatal period: An observational study Asian journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research. Mar 2021-22;15(5): 90-93.

28. Mrunalini Kalikar Antibody cocktail Casirivimab and Imedevimab in Covid 19. VJIM vol 31, issue 1, July 2021,

29. Dakhale Ganesh, Kalikar MV, Giradkar AB, Sinha VV. Analysis of serious adverse events reports: Review by an Institutional Ethics Committee of a tertiary care teaching hospital, 12/07/2021. DOI: 10.4103/picr.PICR_293_20.

30. Priyanka Kataria, Aditya Kataria, Sanved Pawar, Vrinda Ranjith, Dr Mrunalini Kalikar: Self-Medication Practices Among Undergraduate Medical Students at Tertiary Health Care Institute in Nagpur District of Maharashtra – A Cross-sectional Study- International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review : Volume 05|Issue 06 (November-December)|2022 Page: 1030-1035.

31. Pavan Kumar Reddy, Saiprasad Patil, Akash Khobragade, Akash Balki, Aneesh Raj,  Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar : Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of Favipiravir in adult Indian patients with mild- to- moderate Covid-19 in a real-World setting- International Journal of General Medicine : 2022:15 4551-4563.

32. Ganesh N. Dakhale, Mrunalini Kalikar, Rujuta Fuke, Anisha S. Parmarthi, Mrunalini K. Chokhandare : Comparative study of efficacy and safety of parenteral iron sucrose versus ferric carboxymaltose in treatment of postpartum iron deficiency anemia – International journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology :January 2022 Volume11 Issue 1.

33. Dr. Anshul Upadhyay, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr.Prashant Tiple: Comparative assessment of safety & efficacy of Vortioxetine with escitalopram in patients with major depressive disorder : A Randomized, Comparative, parallel group open label study. International journal of Pharmacological Research 2022;12(3): E5726.

34. Dr. Bhagyashree Mohod, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr. Prashant Tiple, Dr. Nikhil Dhargave, and Dr. Anshul Upadhyay : Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy & safety of Lurasidone & Olanzapine in patients of Schzophrenia : A Randomized, parallel group clinical study International journal of Pharmacological Research 2022;12(5): E5727.

35. Reena Kaur Ruprai, Balbir Singh Ruprai, Mrunalini Kalikar, Mrunalini Chokhandre : Effectiveness of Breathing Exercises on oxygen saturation in Post COVID patients ; a prospective study: IJMSCRR, Volume 05, Issue 05 Sept– October 2022  Page no 447 – 454. 

36. Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar, Dr. Akhil Giradkar*, Dr. Anshul Upadhyay, Dr. Rahul Gholse, Dr. Vinod Khandait Relationship Between Day of Starting Steroid and Clinical Outcome in Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 79(2), March – April 2023; Article No. 31, Pages: 193-198

37. Dr. Girish Wankhede, Dr. Chetna Shamkuwar, Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar. Treatment of Anti-hypertensive drugs in monotherapy or combination on longterm blood pressure : Metanalysis of randomised clinical trials. International journal of research analysis.Vol 12, issue (04), April 2023.

38. Dr. Rahulkumar K. Kodape, Dr. Mohini S. Mahatme, Dr. Sachin Hiware, Knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding informed consent among postgraduate and undergraduate medical students at a tertiary care teaching hospital in central India: International Journal of Medical Science and Advanced Clinical Research (IJMACR) Volume – 6, Issue – 3, May - 2023, Page No. : 225 – 232

39. Sonali B. Rode, Harsh V. Salankar, Nilesh T. Katole, Anuradha T. Deshkar, Amruta A. Dadmal, Shailesh V. Parate:  Critical Appraisal of Drug Promotional Literature in Accordance With WHO Guidelines. Cureus2022;14(8): e27644. DOI 10.7759/cureus.27644

40. Nilesh T. Katole, Jyoti S. Kale,Harsh V. Salankar : Evaluation of the Antinociceptive Action of Simvastatin in Mice; Cureus2022;14(7): e26910. DOI10.7759/cureus.26910

41. Jyoti S. Kale, Nilesh T. Katole, Sonali B. Rode and Shubhada A Gade: Effect on Reaction Time in Primary Hypothyroid Patients Before and After Thyroxin Treatment.; Cureus. 2022; 14(6): e26


Ongoing Research Projects in the Department of Pharmacology

1) Dr. UMESH RATHOD , Guide: Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar

Comparison of Efficacy & Safety of Cariprazine and Olanzapine in Patients of Schizophrenia: A Randomized , open label , parallel group , prospective study

2) Dr. LAXMIKANT PHUTANE, Guide: Dr. Avinash Turankar

Study of efficacy of oral terbinafine (pulse therapy) in combination with topical amorolfine versus oral itraconazole (pulse therapy) in combination with topical amorolfine for the treatment of  onychomycosis : A randomized , open label, parallel group study

3) Dr. SUCHI BANSOD, Guide: Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar

Comparative evaluation of efficacy and tolerability of desloratadine and bilastine in patients of chronic spontaneous urticaria: a prospective, observational study.

4) Dr.DIVYA RAJ, Guide: Dr. Harshal Pise

Study of drug utilisation pattern of antimicrobial and it's ADR in PICU of a tertiary care teaching hospital -an observational,cross sectional study

5) Dr. SNEHA PAWAR, Guide: Dr. Punam Gosavi

A Comparative Study of Efficacy and Tolerability of Cetirizine and Bilastine in Patients of Allergic Rhinitis:An Open Label, Randomised, Parallel Group Study

6) Dr. NIKHIL KAMDI, Guide: Dr. Bhushan Dudhe

Evaluation of Suspected Adverse Drug Reaction Profile at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Central India:  An Observational, Cross-sectional Study

7) Dr Shivaji Dhande , Guide: Dr Sunil Mahakalkar

Thesis Title: Comparative study of efficacy and safety of topical ozenoxacin 1% versus topical fusidic acid 2% in cases of superficial skin infections: A prospective,randomized, parallel-group, open label study

8) Dr. Aishwarya Sharma, Guide : Dr. Avinash Turankar

Thesis Title : Comparative evaluation of efficacy and safety of Methotrexate and Apremilast combination therapy with Methotrexate monotherapy in patients with plaque psoriasis: A randomized, parallel, open-label clinical study.

9) Dr Pradipta Dutta, Name Of Guide: Dr Mrunalini Kalikar

Thesis Title: Comparative study of efficacy and safety of topical therapy of 0.05% Tazarotene gel and 0.005% Calcipotriol ointment in patients of Nail Psoriasis - Prospective, Open-Label, Randomized Study in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Central India

10) Dr Nikhil Mujbaile, Guide: Dr Chetna Shamkuwar

Thesis Title: Comparative effect of Isoflurane and Sevoflurane on Recovery profile and Hemodynamics in patients undergoing Neurosurgery : A Prospective, Parallel group, Observational study

11) Dr Harpreet Kaur Chawla, Guide: Dr Nishikant Mankar

Thesis title: Study of adverse drug reactions due to anti-tuberculosis drugs in multi drug resistant tuberculosis patients at a tertiary care teaching hospital : A prospective, observational study

12) Dr. Kritika Milind Dongre, Guide: Dr Ulhas Ghotkar

Thesis Title : Assessment of Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions among OPD and IPD Patients attending Dermatology Department at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital - an observational, cross-sectional study

13) Name: Dr. Ravi Gaikwad. Guide name: Dr. Avinash V. Turankar

Title: Comparative Study of Escitalopram and Venlafaxine for Evaluating Efficacy, Safety, and Quality of life in Adults with Major Depressive Disorder: A Parallel, Prospective, Observational, Open-Label study.

14) Name- Dr. Purvastha Dhargawe. Guide name- Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar

Title- Comparative study of efficacy, safety, and adherence of topical minocycline gel 4% and topical gel adapalene 1%- benzoyl peroxide 2.5% combination therapy in case of mild to moderate facial acne vulgaris patients: A prospective, randomised, open label and parallel study.

15) Name- Dr. Sairam Vasanthakumari Nagarajan. Guide Name- Dr. Punam A. Gosavi Title- A Comparative study of Efficacy and Tolerability of Fexofenadine and Bilastine in patients of Allergic Rhinitis: An Open Label, Randomized, Parallel Group Study.           

16) Name- Dr. Supriya Devidas Khade. Guide Name- Dr.Mohini Mahatme                 Title- A Comparative study of Efficacy and Tolerability of FDC of montelukast Fexofenadine and FDC of montelukast Bilastine in patients of Allergic Rhinitis: An Open Label, Randomized, Parallel Group Study.

17) Name- Dr. Sivasakthi C. Guide name- Dr. Avinash V. Turankar Title- Comparative assessment of esciralopram, venlafaxine and fluoxetine on psychomotor performance in patients with major depressive disorder: A parallel, open label, prospective observational study.

18) Name - Dr Vikram bobade .Guide name - Dr Mohini Mahatme

Title - comparison of efficacy and safety of cefodoxime and amoxicillin - clavulanate in treatment of acute ot it is media,prospective randomised open label parallel group study

19) Name: Dr.Kamarapu Sravan. Guide Name :Dr.Chetna A Shankuwar

Title-Comparative study on Efficacy and Safety of Duloxetine and Gabapentin in patients with Diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A Randomised, open label, parallel group, prospective study.

20) Title: Comparative assessment of fuoxetine and venlafaxine for evaluating efficacy, safety and quality of life in patients with major depressive disorder: A parallel, open label, prospective, observational study. Name: Dr. Deepjyoti Chetia. Guide Name: Dr. Avinash V. Turankar

21) Name : Dr. Ankush bhad. Guide Name: Dr. Sunil Mahakalkar

Title - Identification and Assessment of Adverse drug reaction among patients attending psychiatry department at Tertiary care teaching hospital of central India: An observational, Cross sectional study.

22) Name- Dr. Naresh Budhe . Guide Name- Dr. Harshal Pise

Title- Study of medical adherence and potential drug-drug interaction in geriatric patients attending outpatient department of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Maharashtra: A cross - sectional, observational study.

23) Name: Dr.Pravin Madavi. Guide Name: Dr.Bhushan Dudhe

Title: Evaluation of suspected Adverse Drug Reactions Profile at Department of Radiation Therapy and Oncology of Teartialy Care Teaching Hospital in Central India : An Observation and Cross sectional study.

24) Name: Dr.Shubham S.Nimbhorkar. Guide Name: Dr.Mrunalini kalikar

Title:comparative study of efficacy and tolerability of topical therapy with 0.25% Amorolfine cream versus 1% Luliconazole cream in patients of Tinea corporis: a randomised,parallel group, open-label study.

25) Name: Dr. Saksham Gulati. Guide Name: Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar

Title: Comparative study of efficacy and tolerability of topical therapy with 2% Naftifine cream versus 1% Luliconazole cream in patients of Tinea corporis: A randomised, parallel group, open-label study.

26) Name : Dr. Ashwini Fulkar . Guide Name: Dr. Chetna shamkuwar

Title : Comparative efficacy and safety of topical 5% tranexamic acid cream versus 2% kojic acid cream in patients of Melasma : A Randomised, open label , parallel group study

27) Name: Dr. Divya Dhaked. Guide Name: Dr. Nishikant Mankar

Title:Evaluation of drug utilization of antimicrobial agents in  medicine in-patient department of tertiary care  hospital: an observational, cross-sectional study

28) Name: Dr. Ritu Ruchi Kekrketta. Guide Name: Dr. Chetna Shamkuwar

Title: Comparative efficacy and safety of topical eye drops Travoprost 0.004 % versus Timolol 0.5 % in patients with primary open angle glaucom in a tertiary care teaching hospital: An open label , parallel group study

Completed Research Projects: (YEAR 2022-2023)


Drug utilization study in COVID:a retrospective observational study

2) Dr.RAHUL Gholse

Comparative study of the efficacy and safety of topical antifungal agents clotrimazole, luliconazole, sertaconazole in the treatment of tinea corporis / cruris: a randomized, comparative, parallel group, open-label study.


Comparative assessment of psychomotor performance between venlafaxine and nortriptyline in patients of tension type headache


Evaluation of efficacy of fluoxetine in preventing relapse in moderate and severe alcohol use disorder: a prospective, observational study.


Evaluation of efficacy and safety of Amlodipine plus  Atenolol  versus Amlodipine plus Enalapril in patients of Essential Hypertension in tertiary care centre in central India : A prospective, comparative, observational study.

6) Dr. Amruta Giri

A retrospective Drug utilisation study of antidepressants in psychiatry OPD of tertiary care teaching institute.

Ongoing research other than thesis

1. Dr. Sravan kamarappu, Dr. Ravi Gaikwad , Dr. Aswini Fulkar; Guide- Dr. Avinash V. Turankar 

    Title- Study of prescription pattern of antidiabetic drugs in patient with type 2 diabetes  mellitus in a teritary care teaching hospital of central india: An observational,   

    cross-sectional study.

 2. Dr Sairam V. N.; Guide- Dr. Punam Gosavi

     Title- Knowledge, attitude & practice about Ecopharmacology among healthcare professionals in a tertiary care teaching hospital

 3. Dr Saksham Gulati; Guide- Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar

     Title- "Comparative Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Study on Pharmacovigilance between Nursing Professionals and Certificate Course in Modern Pharmacology

     Practitioners in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital"

 4. Dr Supriya Khade; Guide- Dr. Mohini Mahatme

     Title - "Comparison of knowledge ,Attitude and Practice of self medication with antibiotics among first year & third year medical students: A Questionnaire based 

      study "

5. Dr. Purvastha Dhargave; Guide- Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar

    Title - "Comparison of knowledge ,Attitude and Practice on " Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)"  among Medical Undergraduate and Postgraduate Male Students in a

    tertiary care teaching centre"

6. Dr.Sivasakthi, Dr. Naresh Budhe, Dr. Divya Dhaked;   Guide- Dr. Avinash Turankar



 7. Dr.Siva Sakthi , Dr. Kritika Dongre; Guide- Dr. Avinash Turankar

     Title: Identification of factors driving decision making in prescribing empirical antibiotics -An observational, cross-sectional pilot study.



Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC), Department of Pharmacology, Government Medical College (GMC), Nagpur successfully organized training workshops on ‘Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Schedule Y Update’ on 24th July 2018 and 28th July 2018. These were 13th and 14th workshops in tandem. Approximately 50 participants were present in each workshop. The essence of the workshops were the interactive sessions.

The participants were enlightened on various topics like Responsibilities of Investigator, Sponsor and Monitor, Principles of ICH-GCP and Indian GCP, Ethical issues in biomedical research, Role of Ethics Committee members in protocol review, Serious Adverse Events & Compensation, Indian regulatory guidelines and update on Schedule Y. Dr. V. M. Motghare, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, Dr. G. N. Dakhale, Professor and Member Secretary of IEC, GMC, Nagpur, Dr. A. V. Turankar, Associate Professor and Dr. M. V. Kalikar, Associate Professor were available as the faculty. Dr. A. K. Niswade, Dean GMC Nagpur, was present as the chief guest for the valedictory function on 24th July 2018, who shared his experience and thoughts about the workshop and clinical research.


‘Pharmaconclave’: A Four day national training workshop on ‘Recent Trends in Pharmacology’ held. Department of Pharmacology, Government Medical College (GMC), Nagpur organized a four day national training workshop ‘Pharmaconclave’ on ‘Recent Trends in Pharmacology’ at Department of Pharmacology, GMC, Nagpur. Forty three participants, including senior faculty and post graduate students in pharmacology from Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and from all over Maharashtra attended the workshop. Dr. V. M. Motghare (Professor and Head, Department of
Pharmacology), Dr. G. N. Dakhale (Professor and Member Secretary, Institutional Ethics Committee, Department of Pharmacology, GMC,
Nagpur), Dr. Shilpa Kaore (Prof. & Head, RIIMS, Raipur), Dr. S. P. Dhaneria (DM, Prof. & Head, AIIMS, Raipur), Dr. Shilpa Deshpande (PhD, Asso. Prof, Chaturvedi College of Pharmacy, Nagpur), Dr. Nitin Gaikwad (Professor, AIIMS Raipur), Dr. A. V. Turankar (Associate Professor), Dr. M. V. Kalikar (Associate Professor), Dr. Smita Sontakke (Associate Professor), Dr. Sachin Hiware (Associate Professor, Pharmacology, IGMC, Nagpur ), were available as the faculty. Some faculty from the pharmaceutical industry, namely Dr. Dhanraj Ethiraj (Head PV, Biocon, Bengaluru), Dr. Sanjay Mandhane (Head, Animal studies, Sunpharma, Vadodara), Dr. Atul Raut (MD, PhD [USA], Associate VP, Sunpharma, Mumbai), Dr Vino Gyanchandani (Country Head, Clinical operations, GDD Experts, Nagpur) also delivered lectures on various topics.
                    The participants were enlightened on various topics like Animal research & Ethics, Alternative to animal experiments, Phases of
clinical trials, Overview of Good Clinical Practice, Ethical issues in Biomedical research, Role of EC members in protocol review, SAE and compensation guidelines in clinical trial, Protocol Designing, Literature Search, Scientific writing, Referencing, Biostatistics, Use of MS Excel in Statistics, Ethics in Scientific Publications, Clinical Pharmacology practicals in human volunteers, Clinical Pharmacokinetic exercises, Preclinical studies and regulatory requirements, Biologicals & Biosimilars, Pharmacovigilance in clinical research and Schedule Y and updated regulatory guidelines. A panel discussion on ‘Career opportunities in Pharmacology -Industry versus Academics’ was also held, which was very useful for postgraduate students as per career perspective. The workshop comprised of group activities which made the event even more interesting and productive.

Conference / Workshop / CME Activities organized in (Year 2022-2023) :


Conference/Workshop/ CME Activities


MMC Credits points

Local/State/National/International level

Organizing Departments


Workshop on  Good  Clinical Practice and Recent Regulatory Updates





Workshop on Good Clinical Practice and Recent Regulatory Updates

2 -3/ 07/2022




Workshop on Fundamentals of publications (Online)

17/08/ 2022




Workshop on Basic Biostatistics in Medical Research

24/08/ 2022




CME on National Pharmacovigilance Programme : An Update & Orientation





Workshop on  Good  Clinical Practice and Recent Regulatory Updates (Online)





Workshop on Good clinical practice and recent regulatory updates





Awareness Program : International Clinical Trial Day & Clinical Research




Date: 20/12/2023

Workshop & Conferences conducted in Department of Pharmacology, GMC, Nagpur (Year-2023)


Name of CME/Workshop/Conference



Workshop on Good Clinical Practice and Recent Regulatory Updates for faculty and clinicians & researchers



Awareness programme on clinical trial day and clinical research for faculty and clinicians & researchers



CME on National Pharmacovigilance Programme : An Update & Orientation (For Modern Pharmacology Students)



CME on National Pharmacovigilance Programme : Awareness & sensitization programmes regarding ADRs & filling ADR forms. (For Nursing  Students)



CME on ADR Reporting & Monitoring



Boosting Awareness among public about ADR reporting in Out Patient Department (Poster Presentation)



Workshop on Basic Biostatistics in Medical Research for faculty & PG students


Workshop & Conferences conducted in Department of Pharmacology, GMC, Nagpur (Year-2024)

Workshop on Good Clinical Practice & Recent Regulatory Updates conducted on

1. 12th march 24 & 13th march 24
2. 9th july 24 &10th july 24

3. 4th sept. 24

Awards & Achievements

Awards & Achievements 2013 – 2016

  • There are total 68 research publications in various national and International indexed journals from department in last 3 years.
  • In last 3 years, 5 workshops on ‘GCP & ethics in biomedical research ‘had been conducted by Institutional Ethics Committee, Dept of Pharmacology.
  • Department had conducted two workshop on ‘Basic Biostatistics in medical research’ in last 3 years.
  • Department had completed two projects sponsored by ICMR entitled ‘ Effect of power posing on basic cardiovascular parameters in healthy volunteers: a short term pilot study’ which was presented at MEDICON 2016 10th International undergraduate medical student research conference of informer hosted by Era’s Lucknow medical college and hospital Lucknow on 15th july 2016 under the guidance of Dr A V Turankar and ‘Medication prescribing pattern in paediatric diarrhoea with focus on zinc supplements’ under the guidance of Dr Sontakke.
  • Department has established Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) unit with establishment of LCMS/MS instrument.

Achievements in 2018


Department of Pharmacology, GMC, Nagpur, had organized the regional level pharmacology quiz, PHARMAQUEST 2018, on 04-09-2018. GMC, Nagpur emerged as the winner, whereas GMC Gondia were the runner-up. Dr. V. M. Motghare, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology was the Organizing Chairman and Dr. G.N. Dakhale, Professor, Department of Pharmacology was the Organizing Secretary for the quiz. Five medical colleges from Vidarbha region participated in the quiz. Dr. D. Gosavi and Dr. S. Mahakalkar were available as the judges for the contest. Dr. A. V. Turankar and Dr. Chaitali Chindhalore acted as quiz masters. Dr. A. Niswade, Dean, GMC, Nagpur, was present as the chief guest and handed over the trophies to the winner and runner up team. This quiz was the result of endless efforts of Dr. Paranjape, Dr. Balani, Dr. Sontakke, Dr. Kalikar, Dr. Chakravorty and other faculty. Postgraduate students and the nonteaching staff of Department of Pharmacology, GMC, Nagpur played a vital role in the success of this quiz.


Achievements in 2021

Dr. Mrunalini V. Kalikar, Associate professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, Govt. Medical College, Nagpur has recieved " Hall of FAME award " in Annual conference of Indian Society of Clinical Research on 4-5 th March 2021.

Achievements in 2023

Dr. Mrunalini V. Kalikar, Associate professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, Govt. Medical College, Nagpur has recieved " Hall of FAME award  for contribution to ethics council by  Annual conference of Indian Society of Clinical Research for the year 22-23..

Achievement in 2024.
1. Oral Paper Presentation- Dr. Saksham Gulati (JR-1) - Guide: Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar
Title: "Impact of Educational Intervention on Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice regarding Pharmacovigilance: A Comparative Study of Homeopathic and Nursing Students in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital" 
Received Third position; Category: Observational Studies

 2. ICMR Thesis Financial Support of MD/MS/DM/MCh/I)NB/DNB/MDS thesis 2024 under HRD Scheme of Department of Health Research during the financial year 2024-25-reg. Total Grant of ?1,00,000/-.
Thesis Title: "Comparative study of efficacy and tolerability of topical therapy with 2% naftifine  cream versus 1% luliconazole cream in patients of tinea corporis: A randomized, parallel group, open-label study" -
Dr. Saksham Gulati (JR-1) - Guide: Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar

3. Dr. Kritika Milind Dongre
 Poster Presentation
Title: "Identification of factors driving decision making in prescribing empirical antibiotics - An observational, cross-sectional pilot study," 
Received Second position; Category: Observational Studies


Achievements in 2025

1. Dr. Mrunalini V. Kalikar, Associate professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, Govt. Medical College, Nagpur has recieved " Hall of FAME award  for contribution to ethics council by  Annual conference of Indian Society of Clinical Research for the year 23-24.

2. Dr. Avinash V. Turankar, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, Govt. Medical College, Nagpur has won the 'Best Poster Award' for the educational research protocol titled "Utilizing SWOC Analysis as a thinking tool for enhancing understanding of Pharmacology in 2nd year MBBS students as part preparation for the NExt Examination" as a part of 15th NMC advance course in Medical Education (ACME) (2024 B Batch) Organized by NMC Nodal Centre for National Faculty Development, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha.  

3. Dr. Rahul Gholse, Assistant Professor has received " Dr. M.B.Gharpure Gold Medal"  for standing  first in M.D. Pharmacology by MUHS, Nashik on 24th Feb 2025.

Exams & Results

The department has instituted innovation in teaching like introduction of computer added teaching methods, p drug concept and case based discussion etc. along with age old experimental pharmacology. Various research activities are also going on in the department.

Other notices/ Announcements

The department has instituted innovation in teaching like introduction of computer added teaching methods, p drug concept and case based discussion etc. along with age old experimental pharmacology. Various research activities are also going on in the department.


The Department of Pharmacology, GMC Nagpur has been recognized as an Regional adverse drug reaction (ADR) monitoring centre in March- 2013 under Indian pharmacopoeia commission (IPC), National Coordination Centre (NCC) - Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI), Ghaziabad Under this Programme, all suspected ADRs (Known & Unknown) are to be reported to the national centre. The National Co-ordinating centre, Pharmacovigilance Programme of India has appointed Mr. Piyush Nama as a Pharmacovigilance Associate for Adverse drug reaction Monitoring, on an average this centre routinely reports 40 to 50 ADR per month.

Name of Responsible Person:

 1) Coordinator – Dr. Avinash Turankar,  Professor Dept. of Pharmacology.

2) Deputy Coordinator – Dr. Mrunalini Kalikar, Associate Professor Dept. of Pharmacology.

3) Pharmacovigilance Associate – Mr. Piyush Nama, Dept. of Pharmacology, Mobile No.  9993768283, 8329652980, Email id-                                                                                                  

ADR reporting form:

Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) & patients are encouraged to report adverse events due to Pharmaceutical Product (if any) by using this form. The ADR reporting forms are available for drugs, vaccines and medical devices. Medicine side effect reporting forms for patients are available in Hindi & Marathi.

A) Pharmacovigilance Committee: Constitution, Date- 22/10/2024


Name of Member


Position in Pharmacovigilance



Dr. Avinash Turankar

Professor & HOD Pharmacology

Member Secretary & Co - ordinator


Dr. M. V. Kalikar


Associate Professor, pharmacology

Member & Deputy Co- ordinator


Dr. Jayesh Mukhi

Professor & HOD, Dermatology



Dr. Bhupesh Tirpude

Associate Professor, Surgery



Dr. Archna Aher

Associate Professor, Medicine


6 Dr. Sushant Meshram Professor and Head of Respiratory Medicine Member


Dr. Moushmi Parpillaware Tadas                   

Associate Professor, OBGY & Gynaecology 



Dr. Punam Gosavi

Associate Professor, Pharmacology


9 Dr. Ashish Lothe Professor and Head of Paediatrics Member
10 Dr. Vijay Mahobiya Associate Professor, Radiotherapy Member


Mr. Piyush Nama                   

Pharmacovigilance Associate, PvPI, Pharmacology



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