
The Department of General Medicine was started functioning in the year 1948.

Dr. J.N. Berry (1948 -1949) was the first professor and Head of Department of General Medicine. Subsequently, Dr H.L. Khosla (1949-1952), Dr J.N Berry (1952-62), Dr R.D Lele (1962-66), Dr B.J Subhedar (1966-69), Dr G.S Sainaini(1969-72), Dr B.S. Choubey (1972-1976), Dr R.B Bhagwath (1976-78), B.S Choubey (1978-78), Dr P.Y Deshmukh (1978-78), Dr B.S. Choubey (1978-83), Dr B.G. Waghmare (1983-85), Dr P.Y. Deshmukh (1985-89), Dr B.G. Waghmare (1989-1994), Dr R.G. Salkar (1994-95), Dr S.M. Fusey (1995-02), Dr R.G. Salkar (2002-04), Dr Mrs H.R. Salkar (2004-05), Dr M.M. (2005-06), Dr H.R. Salkar (12-2006 to 31-08-2008), Dr Y.V. Bansod (1-09-2008 to 7-07-2014), Dr. Vrinda S. Sahasrabhojaney (8-7-2014 - to 03-08-2017), Dr Y.V. Bansod  from 04-08-2017 till 31/08/2019, Dr R.V.Gosavi from 31/8/2019 to 30/09/2020,Dr. P.L Patil from 30/09/2020 till 8/2/2024.Dr Atul Rajkondawar from 8/2/2024 till date.

The current admission strength of M.D. General Medicine is 37 per year and the degree recognised by Medical Council of India in 1955.


Faculty Attendence


Annexure II  List of Publications  of Faculties Department of Medicine



Publications in 2012-2013

Sr no

Indexed journal


M.M.paithankaretal Second line ART in AIDS (NACO guidelines)VJIMvol 12;feb 2012p.56-59


M.M.paithankaretal Multiphasic acute dissiminatedencephalpmylitis case report VJIM vol 12;feb 2012;p.62-64


M.M.paithankaretal Recent advances in management of AF VJIMvol 12;feb 2012p.44-48


M.M.paithankar , P.wasniketal, Clinical profile of patients of Sickle cell disease on inc Therapy VJIMvol 13;feb 2012 p.10-14


DA Chand et al  – Dengue Fever ( Review Article) VJIM vol 13 March 2012


DA Chand et al  – IntraventricularNeurocysticercosis  ( Pictoreal CME) VJIM Vol 13 2012


P.wasnik et al Clinical profile of complicated Malaria  in tertiary referalcentre in central India JAPI Octo 2012


A. Deshpandeetal Study of QTc interval and Glasgow coma scale in patients of organo phosphorus compound poisioning  Indian jr of clinical Medicine 2012:3;p.25-31


A. Deshpandeetal A study of correlation of common carotid IMT with smoking status.VJIMvol 13 2012


T.Parateetal. Review article Dengue Fever VJIM vol 13,2012


T.Parateetal pictorial CME Intraventricularneurocycticercosis VJIM vol 13,2012


A.Aheretal  A case report Recurrent priapism in patient of Sickle cell disease JAPI Nov 2012


Study of serum Ferritin A novel risk factor inAcute MI M.P. Holay,S.D.Suryawanshi, A.Chudhary IHJ  April 2012


Interpretation of Lab tests in Sickle cell disease J.Tijare,M.P.Holay. S.Hingwe  VJIM Feb 2012 


Publications in  2013-2014

Sr No

Indexed journal


Acute kidney injury inSnake Bite-Indian Scenario Editorial VJIM Vol 14 Feb 2013


Middle East SyndromeCorona Virus (Mers-Cov) An Emerging Threat M,Vyawahare.M.P.HolayVJIM July 2013  vol 15 P21


Warfarin induced Coagulopathy in a patient of Protein S  deficiency M.P.Holay VJIM Feb 2013  vol 14 P 68


Oleander poisoning ArchanaDeshpandeetal  VJIM vol16 jan 2014


Clinical profile of acute kidney injury in patients of snake bite   Y .V. Bansod ,  S. Kharkar ,  A.S. SinghVJIM vol14 Feb2013


Study of attempted suicidal hanging and to identify the predictors of its outcome. DeeptiDeshmukhY.V.BansodArshishRaut  VJIM vol14 Feb2013


Impact of Renal Dysfunction on Outcome of Acute Myocardial Infarction  Ashutosh M Somalwar, Arvind S Singh VJIM vol14 Feb2013


Conned By Conn'sA.S.Deshpande, A.RautS.A.BiteyVjim Vol15 Feb2013


Publications in  2014-2015

Sr No

Indexed journal


Prevalence of Microalbuminuria and its correlation to target organ damage in patients with essential Hypertension. A.Aher, P. BholeVJIMvol17 july2014p.9-13


DrugupdateBelimumab in SLE S.KharkarVJIMvol17 july2014p.43-45


Drug update: SaroglitazarK.SomkuwarVJIMvol17 july2014  p.46-48


Subependymal Giant cell Astrocytoma in Tuberous Sclerosis pictorial CME M.VyawahareVJIMvol 17 july2014 p.49


Sturge Weber Syndrome Case Report.S.Kumbhalkar, A.aher.S.DhagdiVJIMvol17 july2014 p.68-70


Editorial Metabolicsyndrome& Intracranial atherosclerosis –AnewLink.Holay M P  VJIMvol18 jan2015p.3-5


A case of large Diapragmatic  Hernia Pictorial CME Somalwar A SomkuwarK,Durgham S VJIMvol18 jan2015 p.47


Ascites in CML –A rare Extra medullary manifestation Deshpande A., S.Bitey,Raut A. VJIMvol18 jan2015 p 64-66


Polyradiculopathy A rare Neurological Manifestation in SLE Chand D, Parate T, Vyavahare M VJIMvol18 jan2015 p.67-69


Scrub Typhus  presenting as MOF DeshpandeA,AherA,MahorkarA,Choudalwar P  VJIMvol18 jan2015 p.73-74


Carotid Doppler in Type 2 DM:D. Chand Sch.J.App.Med.Sci  2014;2(6B):2075-2077


Publications in 2015-2016

Sr No

Indexed journal


A study to evaluate resource draining “no shows”: D. Chand ,Indian journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics,Feb 2016 IP:


Polyradiculopathy: A rare Neurological Manifestation in SLE:D. Chand VJIM-vol 18 Jan 2015page67-70


Clinical profile and outcome of influenza (H1N1) patients admiited in Tertiary care teaching Hospital in Central India: D. Chand,P. Game,M. Kharade VJIM Vol 19;July 2015page 6-13


Influenza H1N1 Revisited EDITOREAL : D. Chand ;VJIM Vol 19; July 2015


Myocardial Performance Index(Tei Index):A simple tool to identify cardiac dysfunction in patients with diabetes mellitus: D. Chand; Indian  heart Journal Vol68-1, Feb 2016 page 83-87


TendinousXanthomaImages in Medicine M.P.Holay,KMSomkuwar,S.Durgam ,International Journal of research in Medical Sciences 2015 Feb;3(2):529-530


A case Report Primary CNS angitis MP Holay,PGame,Skharkar, P.Chaudalwar International Journal of research in Medical Sciences 2015July;3(7):1813-1816


A case Report Disproportionate rise in Serum CA125 in case of buddchiarisyn an unusual presentation,PGame,S, MP Holaykharkar,S,  International Journal of research in Medical Sciences 2015;3(8):2129-2131



Publications in 2016-2017

Sr No

Indexed journal


.Influenza revisited VJIM2016 editorial 2. Clinicalprofile&outcome of H1N1cases at tertiary care teaching hospital  Chand DVJIM 2016july


.Prevalence of Metabolic syn in AMI&its impact on HoaspitaloutcomeDeshpandeA. VJIM vol20 2016


.Hypomagnesemiain critically ill patient  Atkar C     VJIM(21)july2016


.Unusual intracardiacmassAher A. VJIM jan2016


 Scrub Typhus with MODFDeshpande A.  Aher A.VJIM Jan2016


.Unilateral vision loss insnakebite with ARFAdmane V.VJIM  Jan2016


Primary plasma cell leukemia Somalwar A. jan2017 VJIM


.study of plasma aldosterone inpts with Systemic Hypertension with metabolicsyn Chand D VJIMvol22 jan2017


Publications in  2017-2018


Clinical profiling of sickle cell disease patients with respect to pulmonary hypertension Rajesh V. Gosavi1 *, Shilpa Jain Int J Sci Rep. 2017 Sep;3(9): 2454-2156  


 Study of estimation of coronary artery calcium by multi-slice spiral CT scan in post myocardial infarction cases Rajesh V. Gosavi ,MilindVyawahare, ShrigopalMandhania.Int J Adv Med. 2017 Oct;4(5)2349-3933


Study of coronary artery calcium by multi-slice spiral CT as a tool for high risk cardiovascular screening Rajesh V. Gosavi , Madhuri P. Holey1, Umesh A. GiradkarInt J Res Med Sci. 2017 Sep;5(9): 2320-6071 |


Se B12 levels in type IIDiabetics on Metformin Therapy & its association with clinical Neuropathy.

Holay MP, VyawahareMandShekar K International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research 2017; 8(08): 321-326.


Study of lipid profile in Iron deficiency anemia. A.Deshpande, A.Kapoor .VJIM vol25.july 2018 p.22-27


Study of GB disease in Sickle cell patients at tertiary care hospital .A.Dubey, C.Atkar .VJIM vol 25, july 2018;17-21



1.A study to evaluate resource draining “no shows”: D. Chand ,Indian journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics,Feb 2016 IP:

2.Myocardial Performance Index(Tei Index):A simple tool to identify cardiac dysfunction in patients with diabetes mellitus: D. Chand; Indian  heart Journal Vol68-1, Feb 2016 page 83-87

3. .Influenza revisited VJIM2016 editorial 2. Clinicalprofile&outcome of H1N1cases at tertiary care teaching hospital  Chand DVJIM 2016july

4. .Prevalence of Metabolic syn in AMI&its impact on HoaspitaloutcomeDeshpandeA. VJIM vol20 2016

5. .Hypomagnesemiain critically ill patient  Atkar C     VJIM(21)july2016

6. Scrub Typhus with MODF Deshpande A.  Aher A.VJIM Jan2016

7. study of plasma aldosterone inpts with Systemic Hypertension with metabolicsyn  Chand D VJIMvol22 jan2017

8.Se B12 levels in type II Diabetics on Metformin therapy & its association with clinical neuropathy.Holay MP .Vywahare M. Shekhar K / International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research 2017; 8(08): 321-326.

9.Predictors of outcome of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis at a tertiary care centre in Central India

M.P.Holay,   Panacea Journal of medical sciences Jan-April2018;8(1):3-9

10.Study of coronary artery calcium by multi-slice spiral CT as a tool for high risk cardiovascular screening  international jour of research in medical sciences Sept2017(5)9 :1-5 R V Gosavi, M P Holay

11.“ElectrocardiographicSignificance of Lead aVR In Acute Myocardial Infarction. Jr of medical sciences & clinical research (06) 2018 vol10  M P Holay M Vywahare


12.Mean Platelet volume as a predictor of outcome  in Acute Myocardial infarction. International Journalof Research in Medical Sciences2019 eb;7(2):388-393T.MadaviPragatiBhole,M P Holay

13.Correlation of serum Lactic dehydrogenase levels with clinical severity score of Sickle cellAnemia in Adults.  VJIM 2019 vol27 19-26 M P Holay Prasad Jadhav

14. Study of Electrocardiographic Changes in Acute StrokePravinShingade,  MilindVyawahare, SaurabhAmbatkat  JMSCR Vol05(12)page 31995-32001.December-2017

15. A study of human rabies in adults admitted atinfectious diseases Hospital of Tertiary CareCentre   PravinShingade, MilindVyawahare and MangeAbhaykumarInternational Journal of Biomedical Research 2017; 8(09): 524-529.

16. Clinical and etiological evaluation of secondary by computed tomography and electroencephalogram

ArchanaAher, Satish GoreInternational Journal Of Bioassaya.

17.  Prevalence of Microalbuminuria and its Correlation to Target Organ Damage in Patients with Essential Hypertension A.Aher, P.BholeVidarbha Journal of Internal Medicine Volume 17 July 2014.


18. Study of Central Nervous System TuberculosisArchanaAherJournal of The Associate of Physicians of Indian,Vol 66 ,January 20

19..Fetal Hemoglobin Levels in Patients with Sickle Cell Disorders and its Correlation with Disease Severity RashmiNagdeveIndian Journal Of Applied Research  Vol 5,Issue Jan2015,

20. The Study of Clinical and Laboratory Profile of febrile Thrombocytopenia in Yavatmal District of Maharashtra Journal .Evidence .rashmiNagdevwBased Medicine  .Hezlthc, Pissn -2349-2562

21. .Clinical Profile  and Risk Factors Associated with Acute Myocardial InfarctionInternational Rashmi nagdeve

 Journal of Biomedical & Advance Research (2019)

22. Impact  of Early Clinical Exposure in Undergraduates in Biochemistry Journal of Research in Medical Education &EthicsRashmiNagdeve

23. Serum B12 Levels in Type II Diabetics on Metformin Therapy and its association with Clinical

NeuropathyHolay MP, Vyawahare M* and Shekar K International Journal of Biomedical and Advance 


24. Study of estimation of coronary artery calcium by multi-slice spiral CT scan in post myocardial infarction casesRajesh V. Gosavi, MilindVyawahare, ShrigopalMandhaniaInternational Journal of Advances in MedicineGosavi RV et al. Int J Adv Med. 2017 Oct;4(5):xxx-xxx

25. Correlation of platelet indices with severity and clinical outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke                                              MilindVyawahare  and OmprakashDhongeyawahare and Dhonge / International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research 2018; 9(10): 338-344.

26. Clinical and laboratory profile of urinary tract infection in diabetic patientsMilindVyawahare and GunwantJadhalMilindVyawahare and GunwantJadhal / International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research 2019; 10(9): e5279

27. .Clinical profile of dengue fever in central India Prashant L Patil International Medical Journal

28. Immunoochromatographic test versus microscopy in diagnosis of severe P.falciparun malaria International

Medical Journal January 2017

29. Dyslipidemia in HIV positive patients on first line antiretroviral therapy Patil P LInternational Medical Journal January 2017

30. .Seropositivity  and Probable routes of transmission of Hepatitis B and  hepatitis C virus infection in cases on maintenance haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis   P L PatilVidarbha Journal International Medicine

31. of Adverse effect of Drugs Due to Antiretroviral Therapy in Patients of Hivibfection P L PatilIJSR-International  Journal  of Scientific Research

32. Clinical profiling of sickle cell disease patients with respectto pulmonaryhypertensionGosavi RV et al. Int J Sci Rep. 2017 Sep;3(9):2454-2164

33. .Study of coronary artery calcium by multi-slice spiral CT as a tool for high risk cardiovascular screening

Gosavi RV et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2017 Sep;5(9)

34. Study of estimation of coronary artery calcium by multi-slice spiral CT scan in post myocardial infarction Gosavi RV et al. Int J Adv Med. 2017 Oct;4(5):xxx-xxx





























Sr No Dr Name Trial name
1 Dr Rajkondawar 

VP-C21-006: “A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial investigating the safety and efficacy of C21 in hospitalised subjects with COVID-19 infection not requiring mechanical ventilation."VP-C-21-006

EC approval date: 23 July 2020
SIV Date : 29 July 2020
Site closure date :         28 Dec 2020

2 Dr Pragati Bhole "A multicentric,randomized,double blind,parallel group,comparative,phase III clinical study to evaluate the efficacy,safety and tolerability of Azelnidipine tablets 16 mg versus Amlodepine  tablets 10 mg in subjects with essential hypertension "
Ethics Committee approval:12/12/2018
Site initiation:24/12/2018
Site closure:11/7/2019
3 Dr Archana Aher

"Randomized double blind, Placebo-controlled study to assess the effects of  bempedoic acid (ETC 1002) on the occurance of major cardiovascular events in patients with or at High risk for cardiovascular disease who are statin intolerance"

EC approval date -29 Aug 2018
Date of start study 11 sep 2018
Site closeure date : 2022

4 Dr Dipti Chand

1)NN 9536-4373"Effect and safety of semaglutide 2.4 mg once -wekly in subjects with overweight and obesity "


EC approval date 3 July 2018


Closure date 2 Feb 2021


2) 214094 A randomized,double blind,placebo controlled,study evaluating the efficacy and safety of otilimab IV in patients with sever pulmonary COVID 19 related disease 


EC approval date:12 aug 2020

Study status:ongoing


3)WHO -Solidarity Trial

Ec approval date 1June 2020

Site close out pending

Site initiate date 15/june/2020

SIV date date - 2/June/2020


4)Torrent Pharmaceuticals 

A phase III study to evaluate the safety and pharmacokinetics of methylcobalamin nasal spray, 500 g(Torrent Pharmaceuticals) with NasoB12,500 g (Troikka Pharmaceuticals)

Start date:11/11/2020




Awards & Achievements

  • Department of General Medicine has organised CME on Diabetes along with MERCK Company as per directives of DMER Mumbai in February 2015 and 29th June 2016.
  • Recognized DNB exam centre.
  • Award at API Jaipur and Chenni, AMS award, AMWI award won by Dr. Mrs. M.P. Holay

Exams & Results

Other notices/ Announcements


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