Department of Pediatric was established in year 1961 as an independent department. Department has 4 Pediatric Units, 3 general Pediatric Wards with total bed strength of 120 , 20 beded NICU and 10 beded PICU catering patients care services including intensive & sub-speciality services in central India as tertiary care referral hospital. Department is also running Postgraduate courses (M.D. Pediatrics & D.C.H.) with intake capacity of 11 P.G. Seats per year. Department is committed to provide quality education to the undergraduate & postgraduate students, implementation of various training programme, academic & research activities, CME and workshops. Department is also committed for implementation of National Health programme related child health care.
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Sr. No.
Name of Author
Title of Publication
Name of Journal
Volume/ Issue/Page No.
Dr C. M. Bokade
Professor & Head
“Roll of Vitamin-E in Rhematic Chorea “
In Indian Journal of Pediatrics
Vol.67, Number 8, August 2000
Original article-Acute febrile encephalopathy in children and predictors of mortality
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.
2014 Aug, Vol-8 (8): PC09-PC11
)Predictors of mortality in children due to severe and very severe pneumonia
Nigerian medical journal
Vol 56; issue4, july-august 2015, page 287.
Clinical image- Urogenital sinus and phallus and accessory phallic urethra presented as disorder of sex differentiation
Journal of neonatal surgery
Case report- Peters plus syndrome-like phenotype
Journal of clinical neonatology
Accessed from
On Monday , april 08/2015.
Clinical profile of Childhood Gullan -Barre Syndrome
International Journal of Pediatric Research
25th June 2016 vol 3 issue 6
Study of Hepatic Dysfunction in Dengue fever & It’s Predictor of Outcome
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research
PP 1360 Vil. 7 363 issue 9 sept. 2016
Seasonal Variation in childhood Gullan-Barre Syndrome in central India
Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care
9) Medication prescribing pattern in pediatric
diarrhea with focus on zinc supplements
2016 International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases
November 29, 2016, IP:
Dr. Saira Merchant
Neonatal Risk Factor for Seizures in Term Neonate : A Hospital Based Case Control Study –
International Journal of Gynecology, Obstretics and Neonatal Care,
2016, 3,21-25
To detect presence and severity of cardiac dysfunction in HIV infected children in central India
MedPulse-International Medical Journal.
May 2016,3(5);487-491
Perinatal Outcome in “high risk” and normal term pregnancies: A Hospital Based Case Control Study
International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology.
April 2016;18 (3) 400-404.
Clinical Manifestation and Predictors of Mortality in Severe Malaria in Children
Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAS)
Sch. J. App.Med. Sci,
2016;4 (6A):1931-1935
Education for Primary Pediatric Care
Indian J Pediatric
Clinical Profile of Childhood Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Annexure : 3
Sr. No. |
Name of Author |
Title of Publication |
Name of Journal |
Volume/ Issue/Page No. |
1 |
Dr. Dipty Jain Professor & Head |
”Neonatal screening and the clinical outcome in children with sickle cell disease in India”;. |
Plos One |
2016 Jan 19; 11(1)
”Influence of single nucleotide polymorphisms in BCL11A AND HBS1L-MYB gene on the hbf levels and clinical severityof sickle cell anaemia patients”;, |
Annals of Hematology |
Clinical Events in a large prospective cohort of children with sickle cell disease in Nagpur ,India : Evidence against milder clinical phenotype of SCD India, ; |
Pediatric Blood and Cancer PBC |
MAY 2016; 63(10) :1814-1821 |
“Sickle cell disease in central India: A potentially severe syndrome” |
Indian Journal of Pediatrics |
Jan 2016 : 1-6 |
“Red Cell Indices and Hemoglobin Profile of Newborn Babies with Both the Sickle Gne and Alpha Thalassaemia in Central India |
Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion
DOI10.1007/s/12288-018-0994-1 Year 2018 |
2. |
Dr. A. K. Niswade |
Pediatric Education and Research |
Year 2017 |
Pediatric Education and Research |
Year 2017 |
1. |
Dr. Saira Merchant Professor |
International Journal of Gynecology, Obstretics and Neonatal Care, |
2016, 3,21-25
MedPulse-International Medical Journal.
May 2016,3(5);487-491
International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology. |
April 2016;18 (3) 400-404.
Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAS) Sch. J. App.Med. Sci, |
2016;4 (6A):1931-1935
International Journal of Pediatric Research
June issue 6, 2016 Volume 3
2 |
Dr. Rajkumar Meshram Associate Professor |
International Journal of Recent Trends in Sciences and Technology. |
International Journal of Gynecology, Obstetric and Neonatal Care
Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences
MedPluse-International Medical Journal
2016;3(5):487-491 |
International Journal of Pediatric Research
2016;3(6):427-432doi:10.17511/ijpr.2016.10 |
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research. |
2016 ;2(5)
Journal of Forensic and legal medicine |
14 (2), 92-95 |
childhood Gullan-Barre Syndrome in central India |
Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care |
Americal Journal of Medical Case reports |
1 (7), 238-239 |
Medpluse International Medical Journal |
3(2), 203-204 |
International Journal or recent scientific research |
7 (4) 10348-10350 |
The Indian Practitioner |
Nigerian journal of cardiology |
Vol.15 Issuue 1 Jan-june 2018 pg no. 45-49 |
Journal Pediatric Dis Neonatal Care |
Vol. 1 Issue 202 year 2018 pg no. 5-14 |
Indian Journal of Child Health |
Vol. 5 (7), year 2018 pg no. 510-512 |
16) Myocardial ischemia in neonate with perinatal asphyxia: Electrocardiographic, Echocardigraphic and enzymatic correlation.
Indian journal of Child Health |
17)Bronchogenic Cyst a rare cause of respiratory distress in neonate: a case report. |
Indian Journal of Case Report. |
Indian Journal of Medical and Pediatric Oncology
2017 |
Journal of clinical neonatology |
2018;7(3):130 |
International Journal of contempory Pediatrics |
2018;5(4):1600-1605 |
International Journal of contempory Pediatrics |
2018;5(3):1142-1144 |
Journal of Clinical Diagnostic research |
2018;12(4): |
Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research |
2018;5(2):103-106 |
Indian journal of Child Health |
2017;4(4):635-636 |
International Journal of contempory Pediatrics |
2017;4(3):910-914 |
European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science |
2017;4(3):431-433 |
American Journal of Medical case report
2016;4(11):354-356 |
3 |
Dr. Sandeep Golhar Associate Professor |
International journal of recent trend in science and technology
Nov 2015 14 (1)110-114 |
Neonatal Age - A Case Report. |
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, |
2016 Volume (2), Issue (3); 22-24. |
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research |
2016 Vol 2 Issue 4 |
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, |
May 2016 Volume (2), Issue (4); 178-180. |
Indian J. Child Health |
Vol 5 issue 4 April 2018 |
International Journal of Research in Medicine. |
2016; 5(2); 6-11. |
International Journal of contempory pediatrics |
2018 nov. 5 (6) |
4 |
Dr. Ajay Kasumbiwal |
Pediatric Education and Research |
Jan 2014-Jan 2017 |
Pediatric Education and Research |
Year 2017 |
Pediatric Education and Research |
Year 2017 |
5 |
Dr. Urmila Chauhan Associate Professor |
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, |
Volume (2), Issue (4); 178-180. |
International Journal of Research in Medicine. |
2016; 5(2); 6-11. |
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, |
Volume (2), Issue (3); 22-24. |
Indian Journal of Pediatrics |
(November 2013) 80(11):972-973 |
Indian Journal of Pharmacology |. |
April 2013 | Vol 45 | Issue 2; 189-190 |
Indian Journal of Nephrology |
aneurysmal malformation in infancy |
The New Zealand Medical journal
Vol 116 No 1186 |
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research
Vol 2 Issue 4 |
International Journal of Scientific Research
Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2017
Control Programme
Indian Journal of Tuberculosis
Vol: 64 ( 2 0 17 ), 10 4 – 10 8 |
Indian J Child Health, |
Vol 5 : Issue , Apr 2018, Page 48-51 |
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research
PP 1360 Vol. 7 363 issue 9 sept. 2016 |
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research
March 2017 Vol (3), Issue (3)
Dr. Mohini Apte Assistant Professor |
cause of respiratory distress in neonate: a case report.
Indian Journal of Case Report. |
Pediatric Education and Research |
Jan 2014-Jan 2017 |
Pediatric Education and Research |
Jan 2014-Jan 2017 |
7 |
Dr. Swapnil Bhongade Assistant Professor |
Medical Sciences |
Vol 5 issue 10 2016 |
Saudi J Kidney Disease & Transplantation |
2014 Vol. 25 issue 4 , 840-843 |
Dental Research Journal |
Vol 9 no.6 (2012) |
Indian journal of pharmacology |
Oct. 2013 vol 43 issue 5 605 |
Indian journal of critical care medicine |
Jan 2013 vol 17 issue 1 |
8 |
Dr. Abhishek Madhura Assistant Professor |
International Journal of Research in Medicine. |
2016; 5(2); 6-11. |
Nigerian medical journal |
Vol 56; issue4, july-august 2015, page 287. |
9 |
Dr. Vishal Gajimwar |
Nigerian journal of cardiology |
Vol.15 Issuue 1 Jan-june 2018 pg no. 45-49 |
Journal Pediatric Dis Neonatal Care |
Vol. 1 Issue 202 year 2018 pg no. 5-14 |
Indian Journal of Child Health |
Vol. 5 (7), year 2018 pg no. 510-512 |
International Journal of Pediatric Research
June issue 6, 2016 Volume 3
Dr. Rajkumar Meshram
Associate Professor
Perinatal outcome in ‘High risk’ and ‘Normal term’ pregnancies: A Hospital based case control study.
International Journal of Recent Trends in Sciences and Technology.
Neonatal Risk Factor for seizures in term neonate: A Hospital based case control study.
International Journal of Gynecology, Obstetric and Neonatal Care
Clinical Manifestation and Predictors of Mortality in severe Malaria in Children.
Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences
To detect presence and severity of cardiac dysfunction in HIV infected children in central India.
MedPluse-International Medical Journal
Clinical profile of childhood Guillain Barre Syndrome
International Journal of Pediatric Research
Maternal risk factor for neonatal seizures in term neonate. A Hospital based case control study.
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research.
2016 ;2(5)
A rare case of head injury associated with Albers Schonberg disease
Journal of Forensic and legal medicine
14 (2), 92-95
Seasonal Variation in
childhood Gullan-Barre Syndrome in central India
Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care
Vibrio Cholera Diarrohea in Neonate : A case report
Americal Journal of Medical Case reports
1 (7), 238-239
Nocardiosis presenting as gener lymphadenopathy in an immuno
Medpluse International Medical Journal
3(2), 203-204
Isolated Chorea a Rare Manifestation of Rhematic Fever
International Journal or recent scientific research
7 (4) 10348-10350
Precocious Puberty Associated
with an Adrenal Tumor: A Case Report
Th American Journal of
Medical Case Reports
62 (9) 2016, Vol. 4, No.
Gullian Barre syndrome in early infancy : A case report
International Journal of
clinical diagnostic &
2016, 4(6): IV
Clinical presentation of mucopolysaccharidosis type II
(Hunter Syndrome) : A Case Report
Scholars Journal of
Medical Case report
2016: 4(6): 394-397
Myocardial ischemia in neonate with perinatal
asphyxia:Electrocardiographic,Echocardigraphic and enzymatic correlation
Indian Journal of Child
Bronchogenic Cyst :A rare cause of respiratory distress in
Indian Journal Case
2017;3 (1):44-46
Rosai Dorfman Disease : A rare cause of generalized Lymphadenopathy
, Indian Practitioner
Dr. Sandeep Golhar
Associate Professor
Rare case of biventricular myxoma with right ventricular outflow obstruction in a neonate
International journal of recent trend in science and technology
Nov 2015 14 (1)110-114
Isolated Nonsyndromic Hemimegalencephaly Presenting at
Neonatal Age - A Case Report.
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research,
Volume (2), Issue (3); 22-24.
Infantile Hepatic Hemangioendothelioma –An Unusual Presentation
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research
Vol 2 Issue 4
Correlation between Iron Deficiency Anemia and Cognitive Achievement in School Children
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research,
Volume (2), Issue (4); 178-180.
Dr. Urmila Chauhan
Associate Professor
Correlation between Iron Deficiency Anemia and Cognitive Achievement in School Children
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research,
Volume (2), Issue (4); 178-180.
Effects of different parenting styles on adolescent adjustment
International Journal of Research in Medicine.
2016; 5(2); 6-11.
Study of hepatic Dysfunction in dengue fever and It’s
predictor of outcome
International Journal of
Recent Scientific Research
Vol. 7, Issue, 9,
Infantile Hepatic Hemangioendothelioma (IHHE) – An
Unusual Presentation
Annals of International
Medical and Dental
Research Vol (2), Issue (4)
Vol (2), Issue (4)
Isolated Nonsyndromic Hemimegalencephaly Presenting at Neonatal Age - A Case Report.
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research,
Volume (2), Issue (3); 22-24.
Febrile Myoclonus, A missed clinical Diagnosis
Indian Journal of Pediatrics
(November 2013) 80(11):972-973
Ofloxacin-induced hallucinations
Indian Journal of Pharmacology |.
April 2013 | Vol 45 | Issue 2; 189-190
Cortical blindness in a child with acute Glomerulonephritis
Indian Journal of Nephrology
Thalamic haemorrhage: a rare presentation of vein of Galen
aneurysmal malformation in
The New Zealand
Medical journal
Vol 116 No 1186
Dr. Mohini Apte
Assistant Professor
Colistin fir bad bugs
Pediatric Infectious Disease
Vol. 4, No. 4 pp,168-171 Dec. 2012
Bronchogenic Cyst :A rare cause of respiratory distress in
Indian Journal Case
2017;3 (1):44-46
Efficacy of Fixed Low Dose Hydroxyurea in Indian Children with Sickle Cell Anemia : A Single Centre Experience
Indian Pediatrics
Vol. 50, Oct. 15, 2013
Dr Aziz Farookh
Role of Prophylactic Vitamin K in Preventing Antibiotic Induced
Indian J Pediatr
(April 2015) 82(4):363–367
DOI 10.1007/s12098-014-1584-3
Clinico-bacteriological profile and antibiotic sensitivity pattern of neonatal septicaemia- a prospective observational study
Int J Cur Res Rev |
Vol 7 • Issue 5 • M arch 2015
A Study on Association Between Crp and Blood Culture in Neonatal Sepsis
Indian journal of applied research
Volume : 5 | Issue : 3 | March 2015 | ISSN - 2249-555X
Dr. Swapnil Bhongade
Assistant Professor
Prevalence of Gastro Oesophageal Reflex Disease (GERD) in Pediatric Asthma Patient
Medical Sciences
Vol 5 issue 10 2016
Caroli’s Syndrome with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
Saudi J Kidney Disease & Transplantation
2014 Vol. 25 issue 4 , 840-843
Perforation of the hard palate due to tuberculosis
Dental Research Journal
Vol 9 no.6 (2012)
Enalapril induced severe hyponatremia and altered sensorium in a child
Indian journal of pharmacology
Oct. 2013 vol 43 issue 5 605
Acute Glomerulonephritis
following Varicella infection
Indian journal of
2012 Jan;22(1):64.
doi: 10.4103/0971-
Precocious Puberty Associated with an Adrenal Tumor:
A Case Report
American Journal of
Medical Case Reports,
2016, Vol. 4, No.
11, 354-356
Seasonal Variation in Childhood
Guillain- Barre
Syndrome in Central India
Journal of Pediatrics and
Neonatal Care
2016, 5(6): 00201
8)Bronchogenic Cyst :A rare cause of
respiratory distress in
Indian Journal Case
2017;3 (1):44-46
9) Red man syndrome due to accidental
overdose of rifampicin
Indian journal of critical care medicine
Jan 2013 vol 17 issue 1
Dr. Abhishek Madhura
Assistant Professor
Effects of different parenting styles on adolescent adjustment
International Journal of Research in Medicine.
2016; 5(2); 6-11.
Predictors of mortality in children due to severe and very severe pneumonia
Nigerian medical journal
Vol 56; issue4, july-august 2015, page 287.
Government Medical College, Nagpur
Department of Pediatrics
Proposed Research in Department
2. A prospective, randomized, single blind, parallel, active controlled, multicentre,non-inferiority clinical study to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of Diphtheria, Titanus, Pertussis (Whole Cell) Hepatitis B (rDNA) and Haemophilus inflenza type b conjugate Vaccine (Adsorbed) of M/S Cadila Healthcare Limited compared to Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertusis (Whole Cell) Hepatitis B (rDNA) and Hamophilus influenza type b congugate vaccine (Adsorbed) of M/s Panacea Biotec Limited in healthy infants.
3. A phase 2 multicentre open lable study to asses appopriate dosing & to evaluate safely of crizanlizumab with or without hydroxurea/hydroxy carbamide in sequential, descending age groups of pediatric sickle cell disease patient with vaso-occlusive crisis.
4. A randomised double-blind, parallel-group, multicenter, phase III study to evaluate the effect of ticagrelor versus placebo in reducing the number of vaso-occlusive crisis (VOCs) in pediatric patients with sickle cell disease (SCD)
5.A phase 2, Multicenter, Open-Label Study to Assess appropriate Dosing and to Evaluate Safety of Crizanlizumab, with or without Hydroxyurea/Hydroxycarbamide, in Sequential, Descending Age Groups of Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease patients with Vaso-Occlusive Crisis.
Department of Pediatrics
List of Academic Activities Jan- 2016 to Dec. 2016
Sr. No. |
Date |
Topic (Seminar/Workshop/CME Conducted ) |
Teachers Name
1 |
8/02/2016 |
Preterm Infant Feeding – Seminar |
Dr. Sandip Golhar
2 |
22/03/2016 |
World Tuberculosis day - CME |
Dr. C. M. Bokade Dr. U. Chauhan Dr. Faruk Aziz |
3 |
26/07/2016 |
ORS Day & ORS Week – Seminar |
Dr. C. M. Bokade Dr. Mohini Apte Dr. V. Gajimwar |
4 |
03/08/2016 |
Research Committee - Seminar |
Dr. Abhishek Madhura |
5 |
06/08/2016 |
Breast Feeding Week – Workshop |
Dr. Urmila Chauhan |
6 |
06/08/2016 |
Breast Feeding Week – Quiz |
Dr. Mohini Apte Dr. Swapnil Bhongade |
7 |
08/08/2016 |
29th UG IAP Pediatric Quiz College Round |
Dr. Urmila Chaihan Dr. Swapnil Bhongade |
8 |
08/09/2016 |
29th UG IAP & PG IAP Pediatric Quiz Divisional Round |
Dr. Mohini Apte
9 |
14/09/2016 |
Roll of Nutrition in digestive comfort in infancy |
Dr. C. M. Bokade |
10 |
26/09/2016 |
NICU & Pediatric Care – CME |
Dr. U. Chauhan Dr. M. Apte |
11 |
13/10/2016 |
CME on Genetic –Speaker Dr. Subha Phadke |
Dr. C. M. Bokade Dr. R. Meshram |
12 |
17/10/2016 |
World Pediatric Trauma Day |
Dr. C. M. Bokade Dr. M. Apte |
13 |
15/10/2016 |
Simulation based Workshop on Pediatric Trauma |
Dr. U. Chauhan Dr. Faruk Aziz |
14 |
07/11/2016 |
Dr. Mark Rodger (USA) Professor John Hopkins’s University -Seminar |
Dr. C. M. Bokade Dr. Swapnil Bhondade |
15 |
29/11/2016 |
CME on Pediatric T.B. Project |
Dr. C. M. Bokade Dr. V. Gajimwar |
16 |
16/12/2016 |
Catherin Currow Vise President COMHAD – Seminar Opportunity & Fellowship Courses in Pediatric in Australia
Dr. C. M. Bokade Dr. A. Kasumbiwal |
Year 2017
1. CNE for Nurses on Biomedical Waste Management
Year 2018
1.Genetics Workshop
2. Biomedical Waste Management Workshop
3. Hospital Quality Control Management
Department of Pediatrics
Workshop/CME/Guest Lecture 2018-2019
Sr. No. |
Date |
Time |
Workshop/CME/Guest Lecture |
Topic |
Guest |
1 |
24/01/2018 |
2-3 pm |
Guest Lecture |
Lactation Matters-when, why and how |
Dr. Taru Jindal , Associate Director, Reproductive and child health and NGO |
2 |
23/08/2018 |
3-4 pm |
Guest Lecture |
Patient Teaching & Communication |
Dr. Sharad Jetley
3 |
6/10/2019 & 7/10/2019 |
8-5 pm |
IAP-ALS Workshop |
Advance Life Support |
Dr. Deepali Jambhale Dr. Anand Agrawal Dr. Manish Jain Dr. Meenakshi Girish Dr. Archana Patel Dr. Girish Subhramanayan Dr. Milind Kamble |
4 |
01/12/2018 |
1-2 pm |
Guest Lecture |
Counseling Method for initiation of milk flow at Birth and preventition and treatment of and treatment of Lactation Failure Antioxidant for HIE and Birth Asphyxia |
Dr. Jayendra Gohil |
5 |
31/01/2019 |
2-4 pm |
Childhood Asthma
Approach to UTI Medical and Surgical Perspective
An approach to infantile cholectasis
Physician and Prespective Surgeons |
Dr. Raghunandan Kasetty USA
Dr. Geeta Das USA Dr. Lawrence Cisek USA
Dr. Stephen Rohader Germany Dr. Ashwin Pimpalwar USA
Dr. Yogesh Waikar, Nagpur |
6 |
20/07/2019 |
1-2 pm |
Guest Lecture |
Developmental supportive care for preterm neonate by
Digital (DSC) |
Dr. Swapnil Bhisikar
Dr. Hemant Nandgaonkar |
7 |
22/06/2019 |
8-5 pm |
NRP Workshop |
Neonatal Resuscitation |
Dr. Meenakshi Girish Dr. Akash Bang Dr. Manish Jain Dr. Shripad Jahagirdar Dr. Jayant Upadhyaye Dr. Pritesh Khatwar Dr. Sandeep Golhar Dr. Chetan Shende |
8 |
27/07/2019 & 28/07/2019 |
8-5 pm |
IAP-ALS Workshop |
Advance Life Support |
Dr. Jayahshree M. Dr. Meenakshi Girish Dr. Archana Patel Dr. Girish Subhramanayan Dr. Milind Kamble Dr. Akash Bang |
Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Nagpur
'kkldh; oS|dh; egkfo|ky; o jQX.kky;] ukxiwj
Department of Pediatrics
Date: - 13/07/2017
All Residence are instructed to complete the case paper (Bed Ticket ) and prepare to make them ready for submission to MR office timely – within 72 hours of the case paper of death patients and within 7 days of the discharge patients.
They are also instructed that they should not take the case paper (Bed Ticket) of the patients outside from the ward the and take care of it should not be misplace and properly handed over to ward sister and Incharge sister to submit to MR office timely.
Professor & Head
Department of Pediatrics,
Govt. Medical College & Hospital,
Copy to :
1) All Unit Head
2) All Residents
Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Nagpur
'kkldh; oS|dh; egkfo|ky; o jQX.kky;] ukxiwj
Department of Pediatrics
Date: - 30/12/2017
Term ending Practical Evaluation Examination for Exam going Postgraduate Residents (JR 3 and JR 2) will be held on 01/01/2018 at
10:30 A. M. in Ward No. 3.
Professor & Head
Department of Pediatrics
Govt. Medical College & Hospital
Copy to : 1) Notice Board of Pediatric Department
2) All Unit Incharge
Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Nagpur
'kkldh; oS|dh; egkfo|ky; o jQX.kky;] ukxiwj
Department of Pediatrics
Date : 20/07/2018
6th Term Theory Examination 2015 ABCD Batch in Pediatrics will be held on 23/07/2018 in PSM Lecture Hall & PSM Exam Hall at time 2.00 to 4.30 p. m.
Dr. Swapnali Bansode, - PSM Lecture Hall & Dr. Akhilesh Dandale, - PSM Exam Hall will conduct this exam.
8th Term Theory Examination 2014 ABCD Batch in Pediatrics will be held on 27/07/2018 in PSM Lecture Hall & PSM Exam Hall at time 2.00 to 4.30 p. m.
Dr. Abhishek Madhura, - PSM Lecture Hall & Dr. Kanchan Sakharkar
- PSM Exam Hall will conduct this exam.
Professor & Head
Department of Pediatrics,
Govt. Medical College & Hospital,
Copy To:
Dr. Swapnali Bansode
Dr. Akhilesh Dandale
Dr. Abhishek Madhura
Dr. Kanchan Sakharkar
Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Nagpur
'kkldh; oS|dh; egkfo|ky; o jQX.kky;] ukxiwj
Department of Pediatrics
Date: - 28/06/2018
MUHS Practical Examination of Third M.B.B.S. Part II is scheduled as follows :-
Practical Exam |
Date |
Day |
Venue |
Third M.B.B.S Part II |
30/06/2018 |
Saturday |
Ward No. 5 |
Dr. Kanchan Sakharkar Dr. Umesh Biyani -SR Residents of Unit I
All Students are instructed to report the Exam venue at 8:30 A.M. Sharp on respective dates.
Professor & Head
Department of Pediatrics
Govt. Medical College & Hospital
Copy to : 1) Notice Board of Department
2) I/c Sister Ward No. 5
3) Dr.Kanchan Sakharkar, Assistant Professor
4) Dr. Umesh Biyani, Senior Resident
5) Sanitary Supervisor, GMCH, Nagpur for providing Extra Sweeper
& Attendant on Saturday
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